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CUHK launches four new Bachelor of Science programmes
In an era of rapid technological change, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is committed to equipping students with interdisciplinary skills to meet the challenges of the future, and prepare them to become global leaders. In the 2022-23 academic year, CUHK will launch four new Bachelor of Science programmes including three interdisciplinary programmes jointly offered by different Faculties and one undergraduate programme offered by the Faculty of Science. They are:
1. BSc in Learning Design and Technology (JS4386)
New technology is revolutionising education, and it is urgent to cultivate the next generation of experts to have both education and scientific knowledge. They should be able to possess in-depth theoretical and practical perspectives of learning design and demonstrate state-of-the-art technological knowledge and skills to shape the future of education. The CUHK Faculties of Education, Engineering, and Science will jointly offer a new integrated programme – the Bachelor of Science in Learning Design and Technology (LDTE). Graduates will have multi-disciplinary knowledge in education, technology, and science, able to work across both education and STEM-related industries such as educational product development, technology-supported learning environment design, and educational data analysis. Additionally, graduates who want to pursue a teaching career can continue their study in the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) programme to obtain a technology and/or science-related teaching qualification.
2. BSc in Computational Data Science (JS4416)
In today’s information age, the demand for data analysts in both local and global employment markets is growing daily. To meet this rapid pace of change, the CUHK Department of Computer Science and Engineering and the Department of Statistics have jointly developed a Bachelor of Science degree in Computational Data Science (CDAS) to provide students with the in-depth academic training in big data processing, high-performance parallel and distributed computing, data-driven statistical procedures, methodologies and theories, computational statistics, machine learning and data mining. The programme provides four specialisations so that students can apply the core knowledge of computational data science to different science, engineering, and medicine disciplines: (a) Computational Data Science, (b) Computational Physics, (c) Computational Medicine, and (d) Computational Social Science. Thus, students will be able to develop cutting-edge massive data analytics and management solutions that are of practical interest to academics, industry, and society.
3. BSc in Earth and Environmental Sciences (JS4648)
Global climate change, environmental pollution, natural hazards, biodiversity loss, and the current energy and food crisis are major global challenges. The new Bachelor of Science degree in Earth and Environmental Sciences (EESC) is a new comprehensive programme that integrates earth system science and environmental science. It will equip students with the latest knowledge and technical skills for observing, understanding, analysing, and modelling the systems and processes that drive natural and anthropogenic global environmental changes.
4. BSc in Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare Management (JS4725)
A recent sample survey showed that nearly 20% of Hong Kong-based companies founded during the past eight years came from the biotechnology and health sectors, with 60% of the entrepreneurs are aged under 40. In response to the positioning and needs of Hong Kong’s emerging international I&T hub, CUHK’s Faculties of Science, Medicine, and Business School have joined forces to design a brand new cross-disciplinary Bachelor of Science degree in Biotechnology, Entrepreneurship and Healthcare Management (BEHM) for outstanding students who aspire to capture new opportunities in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond. Students will specialise in the fields of biotechnology innovation, business analysis or healthcare management. Students who complete this programme will become future leaders with innovative and entrepreneurship mindsets, and will acquire the ability to connect science and technology to real-world goods or services, and advance the healthcare systems in Hong Kong, nationally and globally.

(From left) Professor TAI Pui Kuen Amos, Earth System Science, Faculty of Science, Professor LEE Shing Yip Joe, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Professor KWAN Kin Ming, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Science, Professor LEE Tan, Associate Dean (Education), Faculty of Engineering, Professor Raymond SUM, Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies), Faculty of Education, Professor Thomas CHIU, LDTE Programme Co-ordinator, CUHK.

(From left) Dr LAU Sin Nga Ann, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. AU YEUNG Chau Kin Anson, Department of Finance, Faculty of Business Administration, Professor CHAN Ho Yin Edwin, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Professor LAM Hon Ming, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Science, Professor WONG Lai Yi Eliza, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Faculty of Medicine, Professor WONG Man Hon, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, and Professor CHAN Kin Wai, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Science, CUHK.