Newsletter No. 407

6 No. 407, 19.11.2012 入學資訊日六萬人參加 Orientation Day Attracts 60,000 Visitors 中大在10月27日舉行本科入學資訊 日,吸引近六萬人參加,包括中學 生、家長和教師。大學舉辦多場講座 及諮詢會,介紹入學資料。沈祖堯校 長在講座中談及大學教育旨在培育 學生四方面的才能—靈活運用資 訊、獨立思考及創新思維、跨學科全 方位視野,以及面對逆境的能力。 八所學院分別安排了豐富活動以介 紹其學系及課程,包括資料展覽、開 放實驗室及有關設施,以及各類示範 活動。此外,九所書院也開放宿舍及 學生設施,或舉行講座、設立展覽攤 位等,向來賓介紹書院特色。 於本學年啟用的康本國際學術園、伍何曼原樓及綜合教學大樓亦開放予公眾參觀,其設計及設施獲不少學生和家長盛 讚。 On 27 October, the University held its Orientation Day for Undergraduate Admissions, which attracted nearly 60,000 visitors, many of them secondary school teachers, students and their parents, to our campus. There were admission talks and Q&A sessions to familiarize visitors with the University’s admission requirements. Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor of CUHK, shared with participants university’s commitment to developing independent and innovative thinking, interdisciplinary perspective, and students’ ability to make effective use of information, and their resilience in the face of adversity. Exhibitions, demonstrations, visits to laboratories and other facilities were organized by the eight Faculties. The nine Colleges of the University hosted open houses, information sessions and set up booths to give visitors a better understanding of the characteristics of CUHK Colleges. The newly opened teaching facilities on campus, including the Yasumoto International Academic Park, Wu Ho Man Yuen Building and the Integrated Teaching Building, were highly commended as ideal learning venues by many students and parents on the open day. 藥劑學院二十周年院慶晚宴暨白袍慶典 School of Pharmacy 20th Anniversary Dinner cum White Coat Ceremony 藥劑學院二十周年院慶晚宴暨白袍慶典於11月3日舉行,主禮嘉賓包括署理中大校長鄭振耀教授( 前排中 )、署理醫學 院院長鍾國衡教授( 前排左七 )和藥劑學院院長李漢良教授( 前排左九 )。晚宴及典禮有超過三百五十人參加,包括教 職員、校友、藥劑界別及藥廠代表,以及藥劑學院學生及研究生。 The School of Pharmacy 20th Anniversary Dinner cum White Coat Ceremony was held on 3 November. Officiating at the ceremony were Prof. Jack C.Y. Cheng ( centre, front row ), Acting Vice-Chancellor of CUHK; Prof. Tony K.H. Chung ( 7th left, front row ), acting dean, Faculty of Medicine; and Prof. Vincent H.L. Lee ( 9th left, front row ), director, School of Pharmacy. The events attracted over 350 participants, including academic staff, alumni, members of the pharmacy and pharmaceutical communities, as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of the school. 林鄭月娥談改變與創新 Carrie Lam on Change and Innovation 政務司司長林鄭月娥女士於11月2日在逸夫書院聚會向 一千四百名學生發表演講,題目為「領導—改變與創 新」。是次講座為逸夫書院的通識教育,旨在擴闊學生的 學術視野及促進學系師生交流。 The Honourable Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Chief Secretary for Administration of the HKSAR, shared her views on ‘Leadership—Change and Innovation’ with some 1,400 students at an assembly of Shaw College on 2 November. The lecture is part of the general education programme of Shaw College, which aims to enrich and broaden students’ exposure as well as to encourage intellectual interaction between students and teachers across all academic disciplines. 人道周紀念聯合國國際減災日 Humanitarian Week Supports Disaster Reduction 來自六個學系超過四十名義工參加CCOUC人道周 Over 40 volunteers from six disciplines join CCOUC humanitarian week 為響應一年一度聯合國國際減災日,CCOUC災害與人 道救援所與賽馬會公共衞生及基層醫療學院兩個學生組 織合作,以災害及人道危機為主題,於10月8日至12日舉 辦人道周,吸引八百人參加。活動包括專題圖片展覽、研 討會、電影欣賞晚會及與非政府組織的跨學科對話等, 以提高師生對人道危機的意識,並鼓勵身體力行,積極 參與及支持人道行動。 The Collaborating Centre for Oxford University and CUHK for Disaster and Medical Humanitarian Response (CCOUC) joined hands with two student societies from the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, to commemorate United Nations International Day for Disaster Reduction. Under the theme ‘Humanitarian Week: Disaster and Humanitarianism’, a series of activities, including photo exhibitions, seminars, a movie night, and a multidisciplinary dialogue between various NGO representatives were organized on campus from 8 to 12 October. Over 800 participants joined the events. The week-long activities aimed to raise awareness among staff and students and encourage them to participate in humanitarian actions.