

23 May 2022 CUHK wins unprecedented top prize at the 17th “Challenge Cup” National College Students’ Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Contest 18 May 2022 CUHK demonstrates the potential for multi-gas detection in just a split second using dual-comb photothermal spectroscopy 18 May 2022 CUHK excels in the Top Universities and Scientists Rankings by 17 May 2022 CUHK Engineering develops new redox flow batteries for extreme cold weather 16 May 2022 Study by CUHK medical students identifies STK3 kinase as a driver in gastric cancer 16 May 2022 HKUMed-CU Medicine joint study shows that vaccinated individuals develop more robust and broadly reactive antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 variants than the unvaccinated after an Omicron infection 26 Apr 2022 Judge a book by its cover! CUHK Press secures global recognition for two consecutive years 11 Apr 2022 CUHK researchers discover distinct gut microbial signatures for prediction, diagnosis and treatment of long COVID 30 Mar 2022 International study led by CU Medicine highlights significant global incidence of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes among adults much higher than previously believed 28 Mar 2022 CUHK innovations excel at the International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva 2022 28 Mar 2022 CUHK Medicine study shows a higher prevalence of dry eye disease among post-COVID-19 patients 14 Mar 2022 CUHK performs the first hybrid operating room robotic-assisted bronchoscopy procedure outside the US 2 Mar 2022 CUHK Professor Raymond Tong the only scholar from Hong Kong elected to the Class of 2022 of AIMBE College of Fellows 2 Mar 2022 A joint HKU-CUHK study finds that smoking increases the risk of COVID-19 22 Feb 2022 Pingtan Book House: A rural children’s library that references the Dong minority’s heritage 21 Feb 2022 111 CUHK students awarded Link University Scholarship 2021/22 19 Feb 2022 CUHK Department of Social Work and SAHK release research findings of family-centered intervention for Chinese families of adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder 18 Feb 2022 CUHK-HKU collaborative research finds a new inflammatory activation pathway in blood vessels after SARS-CoV-2 infection 26 Jan 2022 CU Medicine study shows distinct gut microbial profile associated with long COVID 20 Jan 2022 Multiple outstanding CUHK research projects receive RGC funding