

21 Jul 2022 CUHK in the world top 50 in ShanghaiRanking’s 2022 Global Ranking in nine academic subjects 18 Jul 2022 CUHK robotics team claims victory at the Robocon Hong Kong Contest for the second year in a row 18 Jul 2022 Eight CUHK Students Awarded the Innovation and Technology Scholarship 14 Jul 2022 CUHK develops a real-time bioinformatics platform to predict COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against SARS-CoV-2 variants with 95% accuracy 13 Jul 2022 CUHK devises small-scale “origami” soft robots with integrated multifunctional modules 25 Jun 2022 Three CUHK members awarded the 2022 Joseph Needham Merit Scholarship in support of their overseas postgraduate studies 23 Jun 2022 Genetic identification to preserve local heirloom rice varieties and facilitate their reintroduction in Hong Kong 19 Jun 2022 CUHK Professor Mei-Po Kwan awarded the James R. Anderson Medal of Honor in Applied Geography 17 Jun 2022 CUHK finds that a booster vaccine dose is effective in retriggering antibodies in breast milk that protect babies 16 Jun 2022 CUHK unveils the evolutionary history of medically important mites, laying the genomics groundwork for diagnosis of and intervention in mite allergy 9 Jun 2022 CUHK ranks 38th in 2023 QS World University Rankings
Its best result in over a decade
9 Jun 2022 Professor Jun YU receives China’s most prestigious honour in the field of engineering science and technology 9 Jun 2022 CUHK leads Hong Kong physicists to contribute to the Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment producing the most precise neutrino measurement ever 8 Jun 2022 CUHK palaeontologist first to reveal a dinosaur belly button using laser imaging 2 Jun 2022 CUHK finds the largest rise in incidence of Hodgkin lymphoma in Asia
Rising trend of male incidence means Hong Kong tops the world
31 May 2022 CUHK applies cutting-edge laser imaging for the first time to reveal the hidden history of artifacts 30 May 2022 CUHK builds a genome bank of myriapods offering clues to the divergent behaviours of centipedes and millipedes 29 May 2022 CUHK AI technology navigates microrobot swarm in complex environments inside human body 26 May 2022 Event Horizon Telescope reveals the first image of the black hole at the Milky Way’s heart
CUHK the only institution in Hong Kong involved in the collaboration
25 May 2022 CUHK physics student receives the Joseph Needham PhD Fellowship to pursue a doctoral degree at Cambridge