Honours & Awards

External Honours and Awards received by our Faculty Members
Year Faculty Member Honours & Awards 榮銜與獎項
2022 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 was elected as Member-at-Large of the Division of Adult Development and Aging of American Psychological Association  
2021 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授  received the Research Excellent Award issued by the Food and Health Bureau of the Hong Kong Government for the project entitled "Mobile self-compassionate programme for the promotion of public mental health: Randomised controlled trial"  
2021 Prof. Catherine McBride performed outstandingly in the recently announced funding results of the Research Grants Council (RGC). The project titled “Multimodal Approaches to Testing and Prediction in Early Academic Achievement: Chinese, English, and Mathematics” and coordinated by Professor McBride received almost $33 million in funding in RGC Theme-based Research Scheme 2021/22 (Eleventh Round). Professor McBride also received funding from the 2021/22 Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) for her project titled "Optimizing Predictions of Dyslexia Cross-Culturally: Chinese and English Compared".  
2021 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has extended the Jockey Club TourHeart Project for 3 more years from Jan 4, 2021 to Jan 3, 2024 to provide mental health support to working adults in Hong Kong. The extension will be named Jockey Club TourHeart Plus.  
2020 Prof. Chi-yue Chiu,
Prof. Helene H. L. Fung,
Prof. Liqiang Huang
Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak,
Prof. Catherine A. McBride,
Prof. Annett Schirmer
world’s top 2% scientists by Stanford University  
2020 Prof. Fanny M. Cheung 張妙清教授 Denmark-Gunvald Award for Feminist Research and Service (https://icpweb.org/awards/denmark-gunvald-award/)  
2020 Prof. Agnes S. Y. Chan 陳端燕教授 got a donation from the Lee Hysan Foundation (“LHF”) to support her project on “School-based Intervention for ASD/ADHD/Dyslexia students via Brain Training based on neuroscience approach”
2019 Prof. Annett Schirmer obtained a grant from the Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme (HSSPFS) 2019/20, in sponsorship of the project “A new gating theory on the convergence of “discriminative” and “affective” touch”.
2018 Prof. Patrick W. L. Leung 梁永亮教授 appointed as Honorary Professor in the Centre for Genomic Sciences, The University of Hong Kong, from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2020
2018 Prof. Fanny M. Cheung 張妙清教授 elected a fellow of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP)
2018 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 Fellowship from the 2018-19 United Board Fellows Program
2017 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 conferred fellow status in the APA American Psychological Association effective January 2018
2017 Prof. Liqiang Huang 王力強教授 Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship 2017/18
2017 Prof. Catherine A. McBride EURIAS Senior Fellowshp at the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) for the academic year 2017/18
2017 Prof. Fanny M. Cheung 張妙清教授 the book that Professor Cheung co-edited,the ITC International Handbook of Testing & Assessment, received the Ursula Gielen Global Psychology Book Award from Division 52 of the American Psychological Association
2017 Prof. Suzanne H.W. So 蘇可蔚教授 2017 UGC Teaching Award (Early Career Category) 二○一七年教資會傑出教學獎
2017 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 the 《JESSICA Most Successful Women》 2017
2017 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 elevated to the Fellow status in the Society for Community Research and Action, which is Division 27 of the American Psychological Association
2016 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 The Gerontologist with the Reviewer with Most Reviews Award
2016 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 The APA Division 52 Henry David International Mentoring Award
2016 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 elected to be a fellow of Division 52 (international psychology) of the American Psychological Association
2016 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 elected to the position of Behavioral and Social Science Member-At-Large of the Gerontological Society of America. Prof. Fung is the first non-American being elected to this position
2016 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung and Prof. Darius K. S. Chan The article "Managing conflict at work: comparison between younger and older managerial employees" by Dr. Dannii Yeung (our former Ph.D. student), Prof. Helene H. L. Fung and Prof. Darius K. S. Chan published in International Journal of Conflict Management has won Emerald 2016 Literati Award with the title of Highly Commended Paper.  
Internal Honours and Awards received by our Faculty Members
Year Faculty Member   Honours & Awards 榮銜與獎項
2022 Prof. Helene H. L. Fung 馮海嵐教授 Advancment to Professor on Pay Band A3  
2022 Prof. Catherine A. McBride   Emeritus Professor effective from August 1, 2022  
2021 Prof. Suzanne H. W. So 蘇可蔚教授 Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2021
2021 Prof. Fiona Y. Y. Ho 何欣儀教授 the “Public Mental Health Laboratory Team” leaded by Prof. Fiona Ho received the Positive Workplace Service Awards (2021) - Team Award  
2021 Prof. Annett Schirmer Research Excellence Award 2021-21  
2021 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Social Science  
2021 Prof. Fiona Y. Y. Ho 何欣儀教授 Assistant Dean (Student Affairs) of the Faculty of Social Science from 1 August 2021 - 31 July 2023  
2020 Prof. Catherine A. McBride   Choh-Ming Li Professor of Psychology effective from August 1, 2020  
2020 Prof. Fanny M. Cheung 張妙清教授 Emeritus Professor effective from August 1,2020  
2019 Prof. Catherine A. McBride   Faculty of Social Science Research Mentorship Award 2019  
2019 Prof. Patrick W. L. Leung 梁永亮教授 Emeritus Professor effective from August 1,2020  
2018 Prof. Chiu Chui-de 邱垂德教授 Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award 2018
2016 Prof. Suzanne H. W. So 蘇可蔚教授 Young Researcher Award
2016 Prof. Suzanne H. W. So 蘇可蔚教授 Faculty of Social Science Exemplary Teaching Award
2016 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授 Faculty of Social Science Research Mentorship Award
2015-16 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授  Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Social Science
2015-16 Prof. Winnie W. S. Mak 麥穎思教授  Research Excellence Award  
External Honours and Awards received by our Graduates and Students
Year Student         
Programme Honours & Awards 榮銜與獎項
2021 WONG Lok Yee Natalie 黃樂怡 Ph.D. student awardee of the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) 2021/22 研資局博士後獎學金計劃 2021/22
2021 ZHU Chen Grace   Ph.D. graduate Early Career Award from the Schizophrenia International Research Society (SIRS)  
2020 MA Yuet Kwan Gloria 馬悅君 Ph.D. graduate awardee of the RGC Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme (PDFS) 2020/21 研資局博士後獎學金計劃 2020/21
2020 WONG Lok Yee Natalie 黃樂怡 Ph.D. student selected for the Ernst Mach Grant - Eurasia-Pacific Uninet (EPU)  
2020 JIANG Wen and LEE Tsz Lok   Ph.D. students received the 2020-2021 HKPFS Award  
2019 TAM Joyce 譚文欣 M.Phil. student selected to participate in the Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) Summer Program organized by the University of California, Los Angeles during July-September 2019  
2017 CHOW Hon Nip Hanniel 周漢聶 B.S.Sc. student HSBC Overseas Scholarship
2017 WANG Fang 王芳 Ph.D. student Exchange Grant by the Sino Suisse Science and Technology Cooperation for a research stay at the lab of Prof. Silvia Brem, Dept. of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University of Zurich.
2017 CHAN Chun Ho Randolph 陳俊豪 Ph.D. student The 2017 Dr. Richard A. Rodriguez Division 44 Student Travel Award of the Division 44 Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues Committee on Racial and Ethnic Diversity.
2017 CHAN Chun Ho Randolph 陳俊豪 Ph.D. student
selected as one of the attendees for the Summer Institute in Social and Personality Psychology (SISPP) hosted by the University of Southern California and received full scholarship for it by the National Science Foundation and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology Graduate Student Training Endowment
2016 YANG Xue 楊雪 Ph.D. student The APA Division 52 Student International Research Award
2016 CHAN Chun Ho Randolph 陳俊豪 Ph.D. student
selected as one of the Emerging Scholars for the International Congress of Psychology Emerging Scholars' Program
Internal Honours and Awards received by our Graduates and Students
Year Student Programme Honours & Awards 榮銜與獎項
2021-22 Dr. Lok Yee Natalie Wong 黃樂怡 Ph.D. in Psychology Department Thesis Award 2021  
2020-21 Dr. Li Leigh Chu 朱立 Ph.D. in Psychology Department Thesis Award 2020  
2019-20 Xiujie Amy YANG 楊秀傑 Ph.D. in Psychology Department Thesis Award 2019  
2019-20 Xuezhen XIAO 肖雪珍 Ph.D. in Psychology CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2019  
2019-20 Chiu Ming Amanda LI 李昭明 Ph.D. in Psychology 2020 Outstanding Students Award  
2019-20 Merrisa LIN   B.S.Sc. in Psychology Leung Kwok Memorial Scholarship 梁覺紀念獎學金
2018-19 Katrina May Valino DULAY   Ph.D. in Psychology CUHK Young Scholars Thesis Award 2018  
2018-19 Joyce TAM 譚文欣 M.Phil. in Psychology Sponsorship of Airfare for University of California, Los Angeles , Cross-disciplinary Scholars in Science and Technology (CSST) Summer Program 2019  
2017-18 CHOW Chung Yan 周頌恩 B.S.Sc. in Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Arts 傑出學生獎 - 藝術
2017-18 MAZZA Nidhal   B.S.Sc. in Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Social Service (for the CUHK Community) 傑出學生獎 - 社會服務(中大社群)
2017-18 YUEN Sin Yan 袁倩恩 B.S.Sc. in Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Social Service (for the CUHK Community) 傑出學生獎 - 社會服務(中大社群)
2017-18 KWAN Ka Leong 關家亮 B.S.Sc. in Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Special Achievement 傑出學生獎 - 特別表現
2017-18 MOHSENI Fateme   M.Phil. in Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Social Service (for the CUHK Community) 傑出學生獎 - 社會服務(中大社群)
2017-18 CHENG Camille Lily Mei 鄭莉梅 M.Phil. in  IO Psychology 2018 Outstanding Students Award - Sports 傑出學生獎 - 體育
2017-18 KWOK Tsz Kiu B.S.Sc. in Psychology Talent Development Scholarship 2017-18 in Music and Performing Arts
2017-18 KWAN Ka Leong B.S.Sc. in Psychology Talent Development Scholarship 2017-18 in Sports and Games
2017-18 LAU Lut Yin Luke B.S.Sc. in Psychology Talent Development Scholarship 2017-18 in Sports and Games
2017-18 TSANG Ling Yi 曾令宜 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Leung Lai Siu Chun Memorial Scholarship 梁黎少珍紀念獎學金
2016-17 TSANG Ling Yi 曾令宜 B.S.Sc. in Psychology General Education Best Essay Award (In Dialogue with Nature) 2016-17 - Bronze Award 優秀論文獎 (與自然對話) 2016-17 - 銅獎
2016-17 LEE Siu Kin 利兆健 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Leung Lai Siu Chun Memorial Scholarship 梁黎少珍紀念獎學金
2015-16 CHUNG Yuet Yee 鍾悅怡 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Leung Lai Siu Chun Memorial Scholarship 梁黎少珍紀念獎學金
2015-16 YU Chun Leung 余俊良 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Reaching Out Award for the participation of the 31st International Congress of Psychology in Japan in July 2016
2015-16 CHU Man Him 朱憫謙 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Reaching Out Award for the participation of the 31st International Congress of Psychology in Japan in July 2016
2015-16 HO Hiu Hei Holly 何曉曦 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Reaching Out Award for the participation of the 31st International Congress of Psychology in Japan in July 2016
2015-16 HO Yuen Wan 何婉雲 Ph.D. in Psychology Reaching Out Award for the participation of the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) Workshop in the USA in January 2015
2015-16 LO Hei Wai Harriet 盧希蕙 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Talent Development Scholarship in Music & Performing Arts
2015-16 PANG Tsz Ho 彭梓灝 B.S.Sc. in Psychology Talent Development Scholarship in Music & Performing Arts  
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