Interest Groups and Other Associations Chung Chi College

These include the Photography Society, the Drama Club, the Rotaract Club, the Martial Art Society, the Debating Team, the Air Cadet Corps, Band Society, the Choir and Philharmonic Orchestra, etc. Apart from the above interest groups, there are a number of other associations that cater for the various needs of Chung Chi students. These include the Christian Student Fellowship, Uni-Y (CCC), Chung Chi Mainland Student Association, etc. They offer a number of activities for their members and those who are interested. All students are welcome to join any of these groups. The Dean of Students’ Office actively assists the groups to organize and implement different programmes. Students who are interested in establishing a new body are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students’ Office and the Student Union in preparation for their formal registration.



  • Chung Chi Debating Team demonstrating a debate match in Friday Assembly.

  • Group photo of Chung Chi Band Society

  • College Head meeting interest groups of Chung Chi  in a tea gathering.

  • Located on the first floor of Chung Chi Tang, the Societies Room is now open for use for all registered Chung Chi interest groups.