Scholarships, Awards and Financial-Aid Committee Chung Chi College

The Committee (1) formulates policies and rules on the granting of scholarship, awards and prizes to students; (2) processes nominations/applications for scholarships, awards and prizes and make recommendations to the Assembly of Fellows in accordance with established policies and rules; and (3) liaises with the University committees concerned.


Enquiries: 3943 9891


Professor HO Chi Ming
Vice-Chairperson & Acting Chairperson 2022/23
Professor HO Ho Pui Aaron
Ms. LAM Yui Hei Venus
Professor CHAN Ho Yin Edwin (Dean of Students or representative)
Dr. CHEUNG Mei Chun Jane (College Secretary or representative)
Dr. CHAN Kai Young
Professor CHAN Lai Wan
Professor CHEUNG Wai Man
Mr. HA Lin Tat Sunny
Professor LAU Chun Yu Wilson
Professor LEE Yiu Bun Jack
Ms. LEUNG Kit Chi Ella
Professor Michael LOWER
Professor NG Hoi Yee Iris
Professor SHAW Pang Chui
Professor WONG Lai Ngok Jocelyn
Dr. YAN Wai Hin