College Lake Chung Chi College

Lake Ad Excellentiam (Weiyuan Lake), formerly called the Lily Pond, is the most famous landmark of Chung Chi College. Weiyuan, literally meaning "not round", not only describes the irregular shape of the lake, but is a witty footnote to Chung Chi College's motto, "In Pursuit of Excellence".

A major renovation was executed in the mid-1990s, with two bridges newly built across the Lake. The Crooked Bridge on the east and the Arched Bridge on the west signify the ups and downs and twists and turns in life respectively. However, one is always able to cross the bridge, and arrive at the other side.

Philosophy Path, the trail hugging the shoreline of the Lake, leads one to contemplate on life as philosophers do. You may find on the slope close-by a topiary work of the College’s Motto, "In Pursuit of Excellence 止於至善".



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