香港中文大學康本國際學術園五號演講廳 (YIA LT5, 2/F)
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Zoom 網上直播
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Saints and Sages: Mediating Christian and Chinese Concepts of Human Excellence in the Late Ming Dynasty
Zoom 網上直播
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Zoom 網上直播
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Congratulations to Prof Wu Kaming on obtaining the Environment and Conservation Fund 2022/23
Congratulations to Prof Naomi Elaine Thurston on receiving RGC Early Career Award 2022/23
CUHK OAL eNewsletter - 'GlobaLinks' 第52期 (2022年6月) - 訪問彭麗君教授
Congratulations to Prof Elmo Gonzaga and Dr Li Tiecheng on obtaining Direct Grant (Second Round, 2021-22)
Congratulations to Dr Chow Wai Yin on obtaining the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund 2021/22
Congratulations to Profs Alex Ip and Naomi Thurston on obtaining Direct Grant (First Round, 2021-22)
Congratulations to Prof Christina Wong on receiving RGC Early Career Award 2021/22
CUHK OAL eNewsletter - 'GlobaLinks' 第52期 (2022年6月) - 訪問彭麗君教授
The Guardian (2021年10月30日) - 訪問胡嘉明教授
明報 (2021年9月19日) - 訪問林國偉博士
The New York Times (2021年3月18日) - 訪問譚佳教授
Hong Kong Tatler (2020年6月16日) - 訪問譚佳教授
Lynk News & Insights (2020年6月9日) - 訪問鍾珮琦教授
The Guardian (2020年1月28日) - 訪問胡嘉明教授
《中大通訊》第551期(2020年1月) - 訪問白德培教授
Congratulations to Dr Benny Lim and Prof Oscar Ho on their edited volume publication – Empower Arts, Animate Communities
Congratulations to Prof Lim Song Hwee on his forthcoming publications《膠卷同志:當代中華電影中之男同性戀再現》and Taiwan Cinema as Soft Power: Authorship, Transnationality, Historiography
Congratulations to Prof James Frankel on his new publication Islam in China
Congratulations to Prof Lai Chi Tim on his new publication Companion to the Essentials of the Daoist Canon《道藏輯要•提要》
Prof Lai Pan Chiu has published a new book《宗教都是殊途同歸?宗教研究與漢語神學的視角》(Divergent Religious Paths to Convergent End? Perspectives of Religious Studies and Sino-Christian Theology)
Prof John Lai has published a new book《清初耶穌會士白晉《易經》殘稿選注》(An Annotated Anthology of the Yijing Commentaries by the Early Qing Jesuit Joachim Bouvet)
Prof Pang Laikwan has published a new book The Appearing Demos: Hong Kong During and After the Umbrella Movement
Congratulations to Prof John Lai on his new publication Literary Representations of Christianity in Late Qing and Republican China
M.Phil.-Ph.D. in Cultural Studies - 2021 Intake Admission Information Session
M.Phil.-Ph.D. in Religious Studies - 2021 Intake Information Session
Congratulations to Prof Wu Kaming on obtaining the Environment and Conservation Fund 2022/23
Congratulations to Prof Naomi Elaine Thurston on receiving RGC Early Career Award 2022/23
Congratulations to Prof Elmo Gonzaga and Dr Li Tiecheng on obtaining Direct Grant (Second Round, 2021-22)
Congratulations to Dr Chow Wai Yin on obtaining the Knowledge Transfer Project Fund 2021/22
Congratulations to Profs Alex Ip and Naomi Thurston on obtaining Direct Grant (First Round, 2021-22)
Congratulations to Prof Christina Wong on receiving RGC Early Career Award 2021/22
Congratulations to Prof Colten Yam on obtaining the Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant for 2019-22 triennium
Congratulations to Prof Tan Jia on obtaining the Funding Scheme for Virtual Teaching and Learning