

  • Sammuel-Wu_160x160_acf_cropped

    My year at UCL has thus far been the most memorable milestone in my life. Attending lectures given by renowned linguists such as Professor Ad Neeleman, I have learnt so much about languages and language acquisition. Interacting with my students and also classmates from diverse cultures raised my intercultural awareness, and opened my eyes to different education systems and ongoing global educational trends. All these have better equipped me to be an all-round English teacher in the future.

    Sammuel Wu (Admitted in 2012; Exchanged to the University College London in 2015-16)
  • Ivy-Chan_160x160_acf_cropped

    Apart from the diverse courses offered, I also value very much the support from the ELED community along the way. I can still recall how the reflective posts and constructive comments on the online Teaching Portfolio from classmates and mentors walked me through the teacher practicum.

    Ivy Chan (Graduated in 2012)
  • May-Khoo_160x160_acf_cropped

    The transferable skills attained have allowed me to get myself involved with work beyond the classroom setting. From project management to academic guidance and counselling on higher education, the skillset gained from my training is as expandable as it is pragmatic in positions I have held at different schools, and at multilateral and non-profit organizations.

    May Khoo (Graduated in 2012)
  • Agnes-Lee_160x160_acf_cropped

    Along the journey, I was invigorated by the bonhomous locals, genuine cross-cultural friendships, and exceptional academia, which enabled me to return home with heightened multi-cultural sensitivity, increased gratitude to my surroundings, and a renewed self-identity. Even now, I still regard the decision to go for a one-year exchange in Canada as one of my best life choices.

    Agnes Lee (Graduated in 2016; Exchanged to the University of British Columbia in 2013-14)
  • Latia-Wan_160x160_acf_cropped

    The ELED programme has provided me with both local and non-local teaching opportunities, allowing me to flexibly apply pedagogies learnt in lessons to different contexts, catering students with various needs. Guidance and support is also given by teachers, mentors, and peers throughout the study years.

    Latia Wan (Graduated in 2016)
  • Suki-Wong_160x160_acf_cropped

    The two teaching practices to primary and secondary schools are the steppingstones that have equipped me with experience to work with a diverse group of students, boosted my confidence in teaching and shaped my teaching philosophy.

    Suki Wong (Graduated in 2016)