Prof. Scott AUBREY

Assistant Professor

Scott received his Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Auckland. Since 2019, he has been serving as the Deputy Programme Coordinator of the Bachelor of Arts (English Studies) and Bachelor of Education (English Language Education) Double Degree Programme. At CUHK, he has taught or is currently teaching courses in Language Assessment and Evaluation, Spoken and Written Discourse for English Language Teaching, Special Topics in English Language Teaching (Second Language Pragmatics), Studying Second Language Learners and Classrooms, and English Language Teaching Project Report.
Research Areas
Scott’s main research areas include second language motivation, learner engagement, and task-based language teaching. He is particularly interested in the intersection of learner psychology and instructed second language acquisition, with much of his research involving attempts to capture how learners feel, think, and behave during second language task performances. Scott’s publications have appeared in such journals as TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, Modern Language Journal, and RELC Journal. For an up-to-date research profile, see Google Scholar:
Selected Publications
  1. Lambert, C., Aubrey, S., & Bui, G. (Eds.). (2023). The Role of the Learner in Task-Based Language Teaching: Theory and Research (1st ed.). Routledge.
  2. Aubrey, S. (2022). Dynamic engagement in second language computer-mediated collaborative writing tasks. Does communication mode matter? Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 12(1), 59-86.
  3. Aubrey, S., & Philpott, A. (2022). Use of the L1 and L2 in strategic planning and rehearsal for task performances in an online classroom. Language Teaching Research. Advance online publication.
  4. Aubrey, S., Lambert, C., & Leeming, P. (2022). The impact of first as opposed to second language pre-task planning on the content of problem-solving task performance. Language Teaching Research, 26(5), 867–892.
  5. Aubrey, S. (2022). Enhancing long-term learner engagement through project-based learning. ELT Journal, 76(4), 441–451.
  6. Aubrey, S., King, J., & Almukhaild, H. (2022). Language learner engagement during speaking tasks: A longitudinal study. RELC Journal, 53(3), 519–533.
  7. Aubrey, S., (2022). The relationship between anxiety, enjoyment, and breakdown fluency during second language speaking tasks: An idiodynamic investigation. Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
  8. Aubrey, S., & Tsang, A. (2022). Capitalizing on international students to promote cross-cultural learning in an English language education program. Journal of Education for Teaching. Advance online publication.
  9. Aubrey, S. (2022). Intercultural interaction and English language learning in EFL contexts. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching.
  10. Leeming, P., Aubrey, S., & Lambert, C. (2022). Collaborative pre-task planning processes and second-language task performance. RELC Journal, 53(3), 534–550.
  11. Aubrey, S., & Shintani, N. (2021). L2 Writing and Language Learning in Electronic Environments. In R. M. Manchón & C. Polio (Eds.), Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Writing (pp. 282-296). Routledge.
  12. Aubrey, S., & Philpott, A. (2021). Inter-cultural and Intra-cultural Contact and the L2 Motivational Self System: An EFL Classroom Intervention Study. RELC Journal, 52(3), 440-457.
  13. Lambert, C., Aubrey, S., & Leeming, P. (2021). Task preparation and second language speech production. TESOL Quarterly, 55(2), 331-365.
  14. Chun, L. T., & Aubrey, S. (2021). Using a Modified Dictogloss to Improve English as a Second Language Learners’ use of Genre-appropriate Conventions and Style. RELC Journal. Advance online publication.
  15. Toyoda, J., Yashima, T., & Aubrey, S. (2021). Enhancing situational willingness to communicate in novice EFL learners through task-based language learning. JALT Journal, 43(2), 185-214.
  16. Chan, P. H., & Aubrey, S. (2021). Strengthening Teacher–Student Rapport Through the Practice of Guided Dialogue Journaling. RELC Journal. Advance online publication.
  17. Aubrey, S. (2020). The role of task-based interaction in perceived language learning in a Japanese EFL classroom. In C. Lambert & R. Oliver (Eds.), Using Tasks in Second Language Teaching (pp. 282-306). Multilingual Matters
  18. King, J., Yashima, T., Humphries, S. Aubrey, S., & Ikeda, M. (2020). Silence and anxiety in the English-medium classroom of Japanese universities: A longitudinal intervention study. In J. King & S. Harumi (Eds.), East Asian Perspectives on Silence in English Language Education (pp. 60-79). Multilingual Matters.
  19. Nakata, T., Tamura, Y., & Aubrey, S. (2020). Examining the validity of the LexTALE test for Japanese college students. The Journal of AsiaTEFL, 17(2), 335-348.
  20. Aubrey, S. (2018). The impact of intra-cultural and inter-cultural task repetition on interaction. In M. Bygate, Language Learning through Task Repetition (pp. 117-142). John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  21. Aubrey, S. (2017). Measuring flow in the EFL classroom: learners’ perceptions of inter- and intra-cultural task-based interactions. TESOL Quarterly, 51(3), 661–692.
  22. Aubrey, S. (2017). Inter-cultural contact and flow in a task-based Japanese EFL classroom. Language Teaching Research, 21(6), 717–734.
  23. Shintani, N., & Aubrey, S. (2016). The Effectiveness of Synchronous and Asynchronous Written Corrective Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy in a Computer-mediated Environment. Modern Language Journal, 100(1), 296–319.
  24. Shintani, N., Aubrey, S., & Donnellan, M. (2016). The effects of pre-task and post-task metalinguistic explanations on accuracy in L2 writing. TESOL Quarterly, 50(4), 945–955.