Prof. Ronnel B. KING
PhD (HKU)Associate Professor, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Prof. Ronnel B. KING
Associate ProfessorHTB Rm. 411
3943 6959
Professor Ronnel B. KING is an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is interested in understanding the factors that underpin motivation, socio-emotional learning, and well-being in K-12 and higher education settings. He is also keen on leveraging positive psychology/education interventions to enhance these optimal states.He has published more than 150 journal articles on these core topics which have appeared in the top-ranked journals in educational psychology including the Journal of Educational Psychology, Educational Psychology Review, Educational Psychologist, Contemporary Educational Psychology, Journal of School Psychology, and British Journal of Educational Psychology among others.
He obtained his Ph.D. from The University of Hong Kong. His research has been funded by external bodies such as UNICEF, General Research Fund (GRF), Public Policy Research (PPR) Grant, Quality Education Fund (QEF), Teaching Development and Language Enhancement Grant (TDLEG), United Board, and Singapore’s Ministry of Education among others.
- Top 1% highly cited author according to Clarivate Analytics (
- Among the top 2% most highly cited education researcher in the world both in terms of lifetime citations and recent-year citations (Ionnadis, 2022) (
- Among the most prolific educational psychology researcher in the world and #1 most productive early career researcher in Asia (Fong et al., 2022) (
- Michael Harris Bond Award for Early Career Contributions to Social Psychology
- Association for Psychological Science Rising Star Award
- Global SELF Highly-Commended Dissertation Award
- International Test Commission Young Scholar Award
Research Areas
My research focuses on understanding the factors that underpin motivation, well-being, and socio-emotional learning in K-12 and higher education contexts. I also hope to enhance these optimal psychological states through leveraging on positive psychology/education interventions.Key Research Questions:
The core questions that drive my research include:- What motivates students to learn and achieve?
- What factors drive students’ and teachers’ well-being?
- What factors enable or inhibit students’ socio-emotional learning?
- What positive psychology/education interventions can be designed to enhance motivation, well-being, and socio-emotional skills?
- Motivation
- Well-being
- Socio-Emotional Learning
- Positive Psychology/Education
Selected Publications
For the full list of publications, please refer to Google Scholar: Articles
Note: ^Denotes PhD students/research support staff under my supervision; * denotes corresponding authorshipJournal Publications
- King, R. B., Chiu, M. M., & Du, H. (2022). Greater inequality, lower school belonging: Multi-level and cross-temporal analyses of 65 countries across 10 years. Journal of Educational Psychology, 114, 1101-1120.
- ^Wang, F., King, R. B.*, & Leung, S. O. (2022). Why do East Asian students do so well in mathematics? A machine learning study. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
- Xie, M., Luo, Y., & King, R. B. (2022). Social motivation and deep approaches to learning: A nationwide study among Chinese college students. Higher Education.
- ^Wang, F., King, R. B.*, & Leung, S. O. (2022). Beating the odds: Identifying the top predictors of resilience among Hong Kong students. Child Indicators Research.
- ^Haw, J., & King, R. B. (2022). Need-supportive teaching is associated with reading achievement via intrinsic motivation across eight cultures. Learning and Individual Differences, 97, 102161.
- ^Li, J., King, R. B., & Wang, C. (2022). Profiles of motivation and engagement in foreign language learning: Associations with emotional factors, academic achievement, and demographic factors. System, 108, 102820.
- Huang, B., Jong, M. S.-Y., King, R. B., Chai, C.-S., & Jiang, M.Y.C. (2022). Promoting secondary students’ twenty-first century skills and STEM career interests through a crossover program of STEM and community service education. Frontiers in Psychology.
- ^Li, J., King, R. B., & Wang, C. (2022). Adaptation and validation of the vocabulary learning motivation questionnaire for Chinese learners: A construct validation approach. System.
- Ganotice, F. A. Chan, S. S., Chow, A. Y. M...King, R. B....Tipoe, G. L. (2022), What factors facilitate interprofessional collaboration outcomes in interprofessional education? A multi-level perspective. Nurse Education Today.
- Guo, J., King, R. B., Ding, Q., & Fan, M. (2022). Measuring and promoting self-regulation for equity and quality of online learning: New evidence from a multi-institutional survey during Covid-19. Education Sciences, 12, 465.
- ^Cai, Y., *King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2022). The concurrent trajectories of utility value, metacognitive strategy use, and achievement. Journal of Experimental Education.
- Mendoza, N., Yan, Z., & King, R. B. (2022). Domain-specific motivation and self-assessment practice as mechanisms linking perceived need-supportive teaching to student achievement. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
- Xie, Q., Zhang, L. F., & King, R. B. (accepted). Why do students change their learning approaches? A mixed-methods study. Educational Psychology.
- Du, H., & King, R. B. (2022). The psychology of economic inequality and social class. Asian Journal of Social Psychology.
- King, R. B., & ^Frondozo, C. E. (2022). Variety is the spice of life: How emotional diversity is associated with better student engagement and achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 19-36. Published Online First 7 July 2021.
- Yeung, S. S., King, R. B., Nalipay, J. M. N., & Cai, Y. (2022). Exploring the interplay between socioeconomic status and reading achievement: An expectancy-value perspective. British Journal of Educational Psychology.
- Chen, L., Li, T., King, R. B., Du, H., Wu, K., & Chi, P. (2022). Gender inequality lowers educational aspiration for adolescent boys and girls: A multi-level and longitudinal study in China. Sex Roles.
- Xie, Q., King, R. B., & Cai, Y. (2022). Emotional contagion: A cross-cultural exploration of how teachers’ enjoyment facilitates achievement via students’ enjoyment. Current Psychology.
- Du, H., Gotz, F. M., King, R. B., & Rentfrow, P. J. (2022). The psychological imprint of inequality: Economic inequality shapes achievement and power values in human life. Journal of Personality. Published Online First 22 July 2022
- King, R. B., Wang, H., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Prosocial motivation leads to better learning when mastery motivation is high: The synergistic effects of prosocial and mastery goals. Current Psychology. Accepted Online First 21 Sept 2021.
- Wang, H., Hall, N. C., & King, R. B. (2021). A longitudinal investigation of teachers’ emotional labor, well-being, and perceived student engagement. Educational Psychology. Accepted Online First 28 Sept 2021.
- King, R. B., ^Cai, Y., & Du, H. (2021). Societal-level utility value strengthens the relationship between student-level utility value and achievement: A person-culture fit perspective. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 91, 328-346.
- King, R. B., & Trinidad, J. E. (2021). Growth mindset predicts achievement only among rich students: Examining the interplay between mindset and socioeconomic status. Social Psychology of Education, 24, 635-652.
- King, R. B., & ^Mendoza, N. B. (2021). The social contagion of social goals and its influence on engagement in school. Learning and Individual Differences, 88, 102004.
- King, R. B. (2021). Socio-cultural and ecological perspectives on achievement motivation. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Published Online First 21 Oct 2021. [Article for was part of the Michael Bond Award for Early Career Contributions to Social Psychology conferred by the Asian Association for Social Psychology.]
- King, R. B., Hui, W., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Prosocial motivation leads to better learning when mastery motivation is high: The synergistic effects of prosocial and mastery goals. Current Psychology. Published Online First 6 Oct 2021.
- ^Haw, J.Y., King, R. B., Trinidad, J.E.R. (2021). Need supportive teaching is associated with greater reading achievement: What the Philippines can learn from PISA 2018. International Journal of Educational Research, 110, 101864.
- ^Wang, Yi., *King, R. B., ^Wang, F., & Leung, S. O. (2021). Need-supportive teaching is positively associated with students’ well-being: A cross-cultural study. Learning and Individual Differences, 92, 102051.
- ^Nalipay, J., King, R. B., Mordeno, I. G., & Wang, H. (accepted). Are good teachers born or made? Teachers who hold a growth mindset about their teaching ability have better well-being. Educational Psychology.
- ^Nalipay, J., *King, R. B., ^Haw, J., Mordeno, I., & dela Rosa, E. (2021). Teachers who believe that emotions are changeable are more positive and engaged: The role of emotion mindset among in- and preservice teachers. Learning and Individual Differences, 92, 102050.
- Trinidad, J. E., & King, R. B. (accepted). Ability grouping predicts inequality, not achievement gains in Philippine schools: Findings from PISA 2018. Educational Research for Policy and Practice.
- ^Nalipay, J., King, R. B., Yeung, S. S. S., Capio, C., Garabiles, M., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (accepted). Migrant domestic workers’ character strengths and the role of work-related factors: A strengths-based approach. International Journal of Psychology.
- Yan, Z., King, R. B., & ^Haw, J. (accepted). Formative assessment, growth mindset, and achievement: Examining their relations in the East and the West. Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy, and Practice.
- Lee, D. & King, R. B. (2021). Childhood home language effects on teacher risk-taking and student-centered professional practice in bilingual Chinese context. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Published Online First 21 August 2021
- Wang, H., King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Conflicting or compatible? Evaluating teachers’ self-transcendence versus self-enhancement values from a multilevel perspective. Current Psychology. Published Online First 8 July 2021
- Wang, H., King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2021). Ability grouping and student performance: A longitudinal investigation of teacher support as a mediator and moderator. Research Papers in Education. Published Online First 29 July 2021.
- Zhao, S., Chen, L., King, R. B., Nie, Y., Du, H., & Chi, P. (2021). When adolescents believe that SES can be changed, they achieve more: The role of growth mindset of SES. Personality and Individual Differences, 183, 111104.
- ^Nalipay, J. M. J., *King, R. B., Mordeno, I., Chai, C. S., & Jong, M. (in press). Teachers with a growth mindset are motivated and engaged: The relationships among mindsets motivation, and engagement in teaching. Social Psychology of Education.
- ^Zhoc, K. C. H., King, R. B., Chung, T. S. H., Chen, J., & Yang, M. (in press). Emotional intelligence promotes optimal learning, engagement, and achievement: A mixed-methods study. Current Psychology.
- Du, H., & King, R. B. (2021). What predicts perceived economic inequality? The roles of actual inequality, system justification, and fairness considerations. British Journal of Social Psychology. Published Online First 31 May 2021
- Xu, M., Cunha-Harvey, A. R., King, R. B., de Koning, B., Paas, F., Baars, M., Zhang, J., & de Groot, R. (2021). A cross-cultural investigation on perseverance, self-regulated learning, motivation, and achievement. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. Published Online First 17 May 2021
- Du H., Liang, L., Chi, P. & King, R. B. (2021). Chinese perceive upward social mobility: How future mobility is influenced but not limited by past mobility. International Journal of Psychology. Published Online First 10 May 2021
- Bernardo, A. B. I., ^Cai, Y., & King, R. B. (2021). Society-level social axiom moderates the association between growth mindset and achievement across cultures. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Published Online First 12 February 2021.
- Du, H., Zhou, N., Cao, H., Zhang, J., Chen, A., & King, R. B. (2021). Economic inequality is associated with lower internet use: A nationally representative study. Social Indicators Research, 155, 789-803.
- Chai, C. S., Lin, P. Y., King, R. B., & Jong, M. (2021). Intrinsic motivation and sophisticated epistemic beliefs are promising pathways to science achievement: Evidence from selected high-achieving regions in the East and the West. Frontiers in Psychology. Published Online First 19 February 2021.
- ^Nalipay, J. M. J., ^Cai, Y., & King, R. B. (2021). The social contagion of utility value: How parents’ beliefs about the usefulness of science predict their children’s motivation and achievement. School Psychology International, 42, 221-237.
- Korpeshoek, H., King, R. B., D. M. McInerney, Nasser, R., Ganotice, F. A., & Watkins, D. A. (2021). Gender and cultural differences in school motivation. Research Papers in Education, 36, 27-51.
- ^Frondozo, C.E., King, R. B., ^Nalipay, M.J.N., & Mordeno, I. (2020). Mindsets matter for teachers, too: Growth mindset about teaching ability predicts teachers’ enjoyment and engagement. Current Psychology. Published Online First 20 August 2020.
- ^Mendoza, N., & King, R. B.* (2021). The social contagion of work avoidance goals in school and its influence on student (dis)engagement. European Journal of Psychology of Education. Published Online First 6 January 2021.
- ^Mendoza, N., & King, R. B. (2020). The social contagion of student engagement in school. School Psychology International, 41, 454-474.
- Dong, A., Jong, M., & King, R. B. (2020). How does prior knowledge influence learning engagement? The mediating roles of cognitive load and help-seeking. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 591203.
- Du. H., Yang, J., King, R. B., Chi, P., & Yang, L. (2020). Covid-19 increases online searches for emotional and health-related terms. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-being, 12, 1039-1053.
- Du, H., Chen, A., Chi, P., & King, R. B. (2020). Income inequality reduces civic honesty. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 12, 537-543.
- King, R. B., & ^Mendoza, N. (2020). Achievement goal contagion: Mastery and performance goals spread among classmates. Social Psychology of Education, 23, 795-814.
- King, R. B., ^Pitliya, J., & Datu, J.A.D. (2020) Psychological capital drives engagement via positive emotions in both work and school contexts. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 23, 457-468.
- King, R. B., & Caleon, I. S. (2021). School psychological capital is associated with optimal academic and well-being outcomes. Child Indicators Research, 14, 341-367.
- Caleon, I. S., & King, R. B. (2020). Examining the phenomenon of resilience in schools: Development, validation, and application of the School Resilience Scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 37, 52-64.
- ^Nalipay, J., Cai, Y., & King, R. B. (2020). Why do girls do better than boys at reading? How parental emotional contagion explains gender differences in reading. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 310-319.
- ^Nalipay, J., King, R. B., & Cai, Y. (2020). Autonomy is equally important across East and West: Testing the cross-cultural universality of self-determination theory. Journal of Adolescence, 78, 67-72.
- King, R. B. (2020). Mindsets are contagious: The social contagion of implicit theories of intelligence among classmates. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 90, 349-363.
- ^Zhoc, K.C.H., King, R. B., Chung, T.S.H., & Chen, J.J., & Yang. M. (2020). The importance of emotional intelligence in the first year: Examining the differences for students with high and low EI on their engagement and learning outcomes. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 35, 839-863.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2019). Family-support goals drive engagement and achievement in a collectivist context: Integrating etic and emic approaches in goal research. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58, 338-353.
- King, R. B., & Chen, J. J. (2019). Emotions in education: Asian insights on the role of emotions in learning and teaching. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 28, 279-281.
- King, R. B., Yeung, S. S. S., & Cai, Y. (2019). Personal investment theory: A multi-faceted framework to understand second and foreign language motivation. System, 86, 102123.
- Du, H., King, R. B., & Chi, P. (2019). Income inequality is detrimental to long-term well-being: A large-scale longitudinal investigation in China. Social Science and Medicine, 232, 120-128.
- Du. H., Chi, P., & King, R. B. (2019). Economic inequality is associated with long-term harm on adolescent well-being in China. Child Development, 90, 1016-1026.
- Du, H., Chen, A., Chi, P., & King, R. B. (2019). Person-culture fit boosts national pride: A cross-cultural study among 78 countries. Journal of Research in Personality, 81, 108-117.
- Chi, P., Du, H., King, R. B., Zhou, N., Cai, H., & Lin, X. (2019). Well-being contagion in the family. Transmission of happiness and distress between parents and children. Child Indicators Research, 12, 2189-2202.
- ^Cai, Y., King, R. B., Law, W., & McInerney, D. M. (2019). Which comes first? Modeling the relationships among future goals, metacognitive strategies and achievement using multi-level cross-lagged SEM. Learning and Individual Differences, 74, 101750.
- ^Zhoc, K., King, R. B., Law, W., & McInerney, D. M. (2019). Intrinsic and extrinsic future goals: Their differential effects on students’ self-control and distal learning outcomes. School Psychology International, 56, 1596-1613.
- ^Zhoc, K. C. H., Webster, B. J., King, R. B., Li, J. C. H., & Chung, T. S. H. (2019). Higher Education Student Engagement Scale (HESES): Development and psychometric evidence. Research in Higher Education, 60, 219-244.
- King, R. B., & Dela Rosa, E. (2019). Are your emotions under your control or not? Implicit theories of emotion predict well-being via cognitive reappraisal. Personality and Individual Differences, 138, 177-182.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & ^Jain, R. (2018). Envisioning a culturally imaginative educational psychology. Educational Psychology Review, 30, 1031-1065.
- King, R. B., & Datu, J. A. D. (2018). Grateful students are motivated, engaged, and successful: Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental evidence. Journal of School Psychology, 70, 105-122.
- King, R. B. (2018). Materialism is detrimental to academic engagement: Evidence from self-report surveys and linguistic analysis. Current Psychology, 39, 1397-1404.
- Datu, J. A. D., & King, R. B. (2018). Subjective well-being is reciprocally associated with academic engagement: A two-wave longitudinal study. Journal of School Psychology, 69, 100-110.
- ^Zhoc, K., Chung, T.S.H., & King, R. B. (2018). Emotional intelligence and self-directed learning: Examining their relation and contribution to better student learning outcomes in higher education. British Educational Research Journal, 44, 982-1004.
- Datu, J. A. D., King, R. B., & ^Valdez, J. P. M. (2018). Psychological capital bolsters motivation, engagement, and achievement: Cross-sectional and longitudinal studies. Journal of Positive Psychology, 13, 260-270.
- Wang, J., King, R. B., & Rao, N. (2018). The role of social-academic goals in Chinese students’ self-regulated learning. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 34, 579-600.
- Datu, J. A. D., Bernardo, A. B. I., & King, R. B. (2018). Positive psychology research in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 51, 21-32.
- Datu, J. A. D., King, R. B., ^Valdez, J. P. M., & Eala, M. S. (2019). Grit is associated with higher meaning in life and lower depression among Filipino high school students. Youth & Society, 51, 865-876.
- Chan, T. W., Looi, C. K., Chen, W., Wong, L.H., Chang, B., Liao, C. C. Y., Cheng, H., Chen, Z. H.,, Liu, C.C., Kong, S.C., Jeong, H., Mason, J., So, H. J., Murthy, S., Yu, F.-Y., Wong, S. L., King, R. B., Gu, X., Wang, M., Wu, L., Huang, R., Lam, R., & Ogata, H. (2018). Interest-driven creator theory: Towards a theory of learning design for Asia in the 21st century. Journal of Computers in Education, 5, 435-461.
- King, R. B., & Datu, J. A. D. (2017). Happy classes make happy students: Classmates’ well-being predicts individual student well-being. Journal of School Psychology, 65, 116-128.
- Datu, J. A. D., ^Valdez, J. P. M., & King, R. B. (2018). Exploring the association between peace of mind and academic engagement: Cross-sectional and cross lagged panel studies in the Philippine context. Journal of Happiness Studies, 19, 1903-1916.
- Caleon, I. S. C., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.-L., Low, M., Tan, C. S., & Liem, G. A. D. (2017). Nurturing grateful and connected twenty-first century learners: Development and evaluation of a socially-oriented gratitude intervention. Asia-Pacific Journal of Education, 37, 567-581.
- Du, H. & King, R. B., & Chi, P. (2017). Self-esteem and subjective well-being revisited: The roles of personal, relational, and collective self-esteem. PLOS One, 12(8), e0183958.
- King, R. B., & Datu, J. A. D. (2017). Materialism does not pay: Materialistic students have lower motivation, engagement, and achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 49, 289-301.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Nasser, R. (2017). Different goals for different folks: A cross-cultural study of achievement goals across nine cultures. Social Psychology of Education, 20, 619-642.
- King, R. B. (2017). A fixed mindset leads to negative affect: The relations between implicit theories of intelligence and subjective well-being. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, 225, 137-145.
- King, R. B. (2017). Social goals and well-being. Journal of Experimental Education, 85, 107-125.
- Datu, J. A. D., King, R. B., & ^Valdez, J. P. M. (2017). The academic rewards of socially-oriented happiness: Interdependent happiness promotes academic engagement. Journal of School Psychology, 61, 19-31.
- King, R. B. (2016). Gender differences in motivation, engagement, and achievement are related to students’ perceptions of peer—but not of parent or teacher—attitudes toward school. Learning and Individual Differences, 52, 60-71.
- Caleon, I. S., Wui, M. G. L., Chiam, C. L., King, R. B., Tan, J. P.-L., & Tan, C. S. (2016). Shifting achievement trajectories: Personal strengths and perceived teacher support as predictors of Singapore students’ academic risk status. Educational Psychology, 37, 983-1000.
- Datu, J. A. D., King, R. B., & ^Valdez, J. P. M. (2016). The benefits of socially-oriented happiness: Validation of the Interdependent Happiness Scale in the Philippines. Child Indicators Research, 9, 631-649.
- Ganotice, F. A., Datu, J. A. D., & King, R. B. (2016). Which emotional profiles exhibit the best learning outcomes? A person centered analysis of students’ academic emotions. School Psychology International, 37, 498-518.
- Wong, L.-H., King, R. B., Chai, C.-S., & Liu, M. (2016). Seamlessly learning Chinese: Contextual meaning making and vocabulary growth in a seamless Chinese as a second language learning environment. Instructional Science, 44, 399-422.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Do goals lead to outcomes or can it be the other way around?: Causal ordering of mastery goals, meta-cognitive strategies, and achievement. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 165-350.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2016). Culturalizing motivation research in educational psychology. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 86, 1-7.
- King, R. B. (2016). Does your approach to time matter for your learning? Educational Psychology, 36, 1264-1284.
- Du, H., King, R. B., & Chu, S.K.W. (2016). Hope, social support, and depression among Hong Kong youth: Personal and relational self-esteem as mediators. Psychology, Health, & Medicine, 21, 926-931.
- Datu, J. A. D., & King, R. B. (2016). Prioritizing positivity optimizes positive emotions and life satisfaction: A three-wave longitudinal study. Personality and Individual Differences, 96, 111-114.
- King, R. B., Caleon, I. S., Tan, J. P.-L., & Ye, S. (2016). Positive education in Asia. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25, 361-365.
- King, R. B. (2016). Is a performance-avoidance achievement goal always maladaptive? Not necessarily for collectivists. Personality and Individual Differences, 99, 190-195.
- Datu, J. A. D., ^Valdez, J. P. M., & King, R. B. (2016). Perseverance counts but consistency does not! Validating the Short Grit Scale in a collectivist setting. Current Psychology, 35, 121-130.
- Chai, C.S., Wong, L.H., & King, R. B. (2016). Surveying and modeling students’ motivation and learning strategies for mobile-assisted seamless Chinese language learning. Educational Technology & Society, 19, 170-180.
- Yeung, S.S.S., Ng, M. L., & King, R. B. (2016). English vocabulary instruction through storybook reading for Chinese EFL kindergarteners: Comparing rich, embedded, and incidental approaches. Asian EFL.
- Yeung, S. S. Z., & King, R. B. (2016). Home literacy environment and English language and literacy skills among Chinese young children who learn English as a second language. Reading Psychology, 37, 92-120.
- Wong, L.-H., Chai, C.-S, Po, A.-G., & King, R. B. (2015). Enculturating seamless learning through artifact creation and social interaction process. Interactive Learning Environments, 23, 130-15.
- McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F. A., King, R. B., Marsh, H. W., & Morin, A. (2015). Exploring commitment and turnover intentions among Hong Kong teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 52, 11-23.
- King, R. B. (2015). Examining the dimensional structure and nomological network of achievement goals in the Philippines. Journal of Adolescence, 44, 214-218.
- King, R. B., & Ganotice, F. A. (2015). Does family obligation matter for your motivation, engagement, and well-being? It depends on your self-construal. Personality and Individual Differences, 86, 243-248.
- King, R. B. (2015). Sense of relatedness boosts engagement, achievement, and well-being: A latent growth model study. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 42, 26-38.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F. A., & Villarosa, J. (2015): Positive affect catalyzes engagement: Cross-sectional, longitudinal, and experimental evidence. Learning and Individual Differences, 39, 64-72.
- Caleon, I. S., Wui, G, Tan, J. P.-L., Tan, C. S., & King, R. B. (2015). Cross-cultural validation of the Academic Motivation Scale: A Singapore investigation. Child Indicators Research, 8, 925-942
- Wong, L.H., Chai, C., Zhang, X., & King, R. B. (2015). Employing the TPACK framework for researcher-teacher co-design of a mobile-assisted seamless language learning environment. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 8, 31-42.
- King, R. B., & Gaerlan, M. J. (2015). The role of time perspectives in the use of volitional strategies. Psychological Studies, 60, 1-6.
- McInerney, D. M., Ganotice, F. A., King, R. B., Morin, A., & Marsh, H. W. (2015). Teacher’s commitment and psychological well-being: Implications of self-beliefs for teaching in Hong Kong. Educational Psychology, 35, 926-945.
- Bernardo, A. B. I., Ganotice, F. A., & King, R. B. (2015). Motivation gap and achievement gap between public and private high schools in the Philippines. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 24, 657-667.
- King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., & Watkins, D. A. (2014). A cross-cultural analysis of achievement and social goals among Chinese and Filipino students. Social Psychology of Education, 17, 439-445.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). Culture’s consequences on student motivation: Capturing universality and variability through personal investment theory. Educational Psychologist, 49, 175-198.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D.M. (2014). Mapping changes in students’ English and math self-concepts: A latent growth model study. Educational Psychology, 34, 581-597.
- King, R. B., & Areepattamannil, S. (2014). What students feel in school influences the strategies they use for learning: Academic emotions and cognitive/meta-cognitive strategies. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 8, 18-27.
- King, R. B. (2014). The dark cycle of work avoidance goals and disengagement: A cross-lagged analysis. Psychological Studies, 59, 268-277.
- Ganotice, F. A., King, R. B., & Gaerlan, M. J. (2014). Validation of the Motivational Regulation Scale in the Philippines. The International Journal of Educational and Psychological Assessment, 16, 71-81.
- King, R. B., & Gaerlan, M. J. (2014). How you perceive time matters for how you feel in school: Investigating the link between time perspectives and academic emotions. Current Psychology, 33, 282-300.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D. M. (2014). The work avoidance goal construct: Examining its structure, antecedents, and consequences. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 39, 42-58.
- [Top 10 most highly-cited paper in Contemporary Educational Psychology in 2016 published under the 2014-2015 Impact Factor window]
- King, R. B., & Gaerlan, M. J. (2014). High self-control predicts more positive emotions, better engagement, and higher achievement in school. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 29, 81-100.
- King, R. B., & Ganotice, F. A. (2014). What’s happening to our boys: A personal investment analysis of gender differences in student motivation. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23, 151-157.
- Ganotice, F. A., & King, R. B. (2014). Social influences on students’ academic engagement and achievement. Psychological Studies, 59, 30-35.
- Ganotice, F. A., & King, R. B. (2014). Blessed are those who wait: Validating the Filipino version of the Academic Delay of Gratification (ADOGS) Scale. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23, 19-27.
- Ali, J., McInerney, D. M., Craven, R., Yeung, A., & King, R. B. (2014). Socially-oriented motivational goals and academic achievement: Similarities between native and Anglo Americans. Journal of Educational Research, 107, 123-137.
- King, R. B., & Ganotice, F. A. (2014). The social underpinnings of motivation and achievement: Investigating the role of parents, teachers, and peers on academic outcomes. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 23, 745-756.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. A. (2013). Examining the role of social goals in school: A study in two collectivist cultures. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 28, 1505-1523.
- King, R. B., & Ganotice, F.A. (2013). Student motivation as hierarchical and multidimensional: Cross-cultural validation of personal investment theory in the Philippines. Universitas Psychologica, 12, 685-698.
- King, R. B., & Gaerlan, M.J. (2013). To study or not to study?: Investigating the link between time perspectives and motivational interference. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 7, 63-72.
- King, R. B., & Watkins, D.A. (2013). Validating the Chinese version of the Inventory of School Motivation (ISM). International Journal of Testing, 13, 175-192.
- Ganotice, F.A., Bernardo, A.B.I., & King, R. B.* (2013). Adapting the Facilitating Conditions Questionnaire (FCQ) for bilingual Filipino adolescents: Validating the English and Filipino versions. Child Indicators Research, 6, 237-256.
- Du, H., & King, R. B. (2013). Placing hope in self and others: Exploring the relationships among self-construals, hope, and adjustment. Personality and Individual Differences, 54, 332-337.
- Xie, C.X.Z., Gao, X.P., & King, R. B. (2013). Thinking styles in implicit learning and explicit learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 23, 267-271.
- King, R. B. (2012). How you think about your intelligence influences how adjusted you are: Implicit theories and adjustment outcomes. Personality and Individual Differences, 53, 705-709.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D.M., & Watkins, D.A. (2012). How you think about your intelligence determines how you feel in school: The role of theories of intelligence on academic emotions. Learning and Individual Differences, 22, 814-819.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D.M., & Watkins, D.A. (2012). Competitiveness is not that bad…at least in the East: Testing the hierarchical model of achievement motivation in the Asian setting. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 36, 446-457.
- King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., & McInerney, D. M. (2012). Cross-cultural validation of the Sense of Self (SoS) Scale in Chinese and Filipino settings. Child Indicators Research, 5, 719-734.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D. M., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). Studying for the sake of others: The role of social goals on academic engagement. Educational Psychology, 32, 749-776.
- Ganotice, F. A., Bernardo, A. B. I., King, R. B.* (2012). Testing the factorial invariance of the English and Filipino version of the Inventory of School Motivation with bilingual students in the Philippines. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30, 298-303.
- Du, H., King, R. B., & Chi, P. (2012). The development and validation of the Relational Self-esteem Scale. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 53, 258-264.
- King, R. B., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). Cross-cultural validation of the five-factor structure of social goals. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 30, 181-193.
- King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). Cross-cultural validity of the Inventory of School Motivation (ISM) in Chinese and Filipino samples. Child Indicators Research, 5, 135-153.
- King, R. B., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). “Socializing” achievement goal theory: The case for social goals. Psychological Studies, 57, 112-116.
- Chu, S. K. W., Woo, M., King, R. B., Choi, S., et al. (2012). Examining the application of Web 2.0 in medical-related organizations. Health Information and Libraries Journal, 29, 47-60.
- King, R. B., Ganotice, F. A., & Watkins, D. A. (2012). Validation of the Chinese version of the Sense of Self (SOS) Scale. Asia Pacific Education Review, 13, 323-331.
- King, R. B., & Watkins, D. A. (2011). The reliability and validity of the Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies Survey (GOALS-S): A Filipino investigation. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher, 20, 579-594.
- King, R. B. (2010). What do students feel in school and how do we measure them?: Examining the psychometric properties of the S-AEQ-F. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 43, 161-176.
- King, R. B., McInerney, D.M., & Watkins, D.A. (2010). Can social goals enrich our understanding of students’ motivational goals? Journal of Psychology in Chinese Societies, 10, 1-16.
Guest Edited Journal Special Issues
- Du, H., & King, R. B. (2022). The psychology of economic inequality and social class. Asian Journal of Social Psychology. Volume 25, Issue 1.
- King, R. B., & Chen, J. J. (2019). Emotions in education: Asian perspectives. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher. Volume 28, Issue 4.
- Datu, J. A. D., Bernardo, A. B. I., & King, R. B. (2018). Positive psychology in the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Psychology. Volume 51, Issue 1.
- King, R. B., & McInerney, D.M. (2016) Does culture really matter for student motivation? British Journal of Educational Psychology. Volume 86, Issue 1.
- King, R. B., Caleon, I. S., Tan, J. P.-L., & Ye, Y.-S. (2016). Positive education in Asia. The Asia Pacific Education Researcher. Volume 25, Issue 3.
Edited Books
- Chen, J. J., & King, R. B. (Eds.) (2021). Emotions in learning, teaching, and leadership: Asian perspectives. Singapore: Routledge.
- King, R. B., & Bernardo, A. B. I. (Eds.) (2016). The psychology of Asian learners: A festschrift in honor of David Watkins. Singapore: Springer.