主页 > 学院概况 > 使命及愿景
愿景 (只有英文版)
The Faculty of Education of CUHK is recognized internationally as a leading centre for education research and teacher preparation. Through training in cutting-edge theories, effective practice, and technology-infused innovative pedagogies, our vision is to nurture prospective educators and education leaders with local, regional, and global perspectives, and to empower them to transform education to meet future challenges in a rapidly changing society.
使命 (只有英文版)
- To empower learners to be responsible and ethical agents of change in education with high levels of professionalism and multicultural competencies
- To innovate with the support of evidence-based research and the development of new tools, resources, pedagogies, and bestpractice guidelines
- To transform education through promoting continuous life-long learning and enhancing the capacities of schools, organizations and communities to meet current and future challenges in the field of education