Co-Organizers: Hong Kong Association For Mathematics Education and Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences, City University of Hong Kong
Date: 12 February 2022
Format: Zoom
Sharing I
Speakers: Prof. Law Huk Yuen, Alvin Chan (Y5 BMED student) and Ho Cheuk Hin Tom (Y5 BMED student)
Sharing topic: Yes, We Can Math! Developing Secondary Students’ Mathematical Literacy Through Action Research: Two Case Stories
Sharing II
Speakers: Prof. Ng Oi Lam, Dr. Liang Biyao, Tsoi Chun Kit Don (BMED graduate), Alvin Chan (Y5 BMED student), Ho Cheuk Hin Tom (Y5 BMED student) , Law Hin Cheung Marco (Y5 BMED student) and Liu Ka Ying Angel (BMED3021 student, 2020-21)
Sharing topic: Integration of Programming, Problem Solving and Recreational Mathematics for a Computationally Enhanced Mathematics Education