今天為 2016-17 年度下學期的開課日。CUSIS網上改選期如下,有意修改選修科目的同學請於指定時間登入CUSIS系統辦理改選科目手續。
日期: | 2017年1月14日(星期六) |
時間: | 下午3時至5時 |
講題: | 香港殖民時期作為社會控制工具的華人廟宇條例(1928) |
講者: | 馬木池博士 |
日期: | 2017年1月21日(星期六) |
時間: | 下午3時至5時 |
講題: | 東華醫院的創辦人及其與殖民地政府的關係 |
講者: | 丁新豹教授 香港中文大學歷史系客席教授 |
講座以粵語主講。不設留座,先到先得,滿座即止。如有查詢,請致電3943 7198。
The period between the mid-nineteenth century and the onset of World War Two bore witness to major economic, political, environmental, and cultural developments in Southeast (SE) Asia. Broadly referred to the region’s modernisation phase much of this evolution was fuelled not just by colonialism or revolution but by the region’s shifting relationship with nations in the Americas, principally the United States (US). Notably, much of this advancement transpired within urban locales: towns and cities bore witness to many changes in their built form, and to how life was being lived within them.
This conference accordingly invites papers that engage with the theme of SE Asian-US connectivity between the mid-1800s and 1941. What, how, and why these developments came about within urban places are to be discussed in the context of the event. Particularly welcome are contributions that investigate the effect of American culture, economics, and politics upon Southeast Asian’s ‘progress’. Contributions that explore American Exceptionalism and imperialism, American civilisation and changing mores and customs in SE Asia, transportation, city designing, governance, industry, plus social and religious issues as well as the Asian grasp of modernity itself are encouraged. Papers with a cross-disciplinary and comparative approach are also welcome.
敬請於2017年1月27日前,電郵不逾250字之提要、論文題目、姓名、職稱、工作單位及聯絡資料擲至秘書處聯絡人 Ian MORLEY 教授,電郵 ianmorley@arts.cuhk.edu.hk。
各老師及同學如欲投稿,請將中英文稿件以電子郵件方式傳至 fionachan@arts.cuhk.edu.hk 。