香港中文大學 歴史系 歴史系

文學士 (香港中文大學);碩士 (香港大學);博士 (牛津大學)

(852) 3943 7123

我的研究領域包括香港史、帝國晚期與近現代中國史,以及亞洲海洋史,尤其感興趣的課題有邊疆 (frontiers) 和邊境地界 (borderlands) 、帝國與殖民主義、種族與族群,以及海外華人。我正在完成第一本學術專著,旨在以「邊疆」和「邊境地界」作為理論框架去重新演譯1839至1842年鴉片戰爭的本質以至其在清代邊疆史、大英帝國與殖民史,以及亞洲海洋史的意義。我正在進行的研究計劃有二:其一為十九世紀英殖香港塑造沿岸地區和人民的過程,其二為二十世紀中國對於蛋/蜑作為沿岸地區的「族」、「種族」、「民族」等的政治與文化建構。我未來的研究方向包括鴉片戰爭時期的江南地區以及加拿大草原地區的華人。

  • 香港史
  • 帝國晚期與近現代中國史
  • 亞洲海洋史
  • 邊疆 (frontiers) 與邊境地界 (borderlands)
  • 帝國與殖民主義
  • 種族與族群
  • 海外華人


  • “The Opium War and China’s Littoral Borderlands” (in preparation)



  • Canadian Journal of History 54.3 (2019), Transnational Chinese Passages and the Global Making of Frontiers and Borderlands.
  • From a British to a Chinese Colony? Hong Kong before and after the 1997 Handover. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2018.



  • “Accommodating Foreigners in a Littoral Borderland: The Lower Pearl River Delta during the Opium War.” Modern China 48.1 (2022): 197-228.
  • “The Making of a Littoral Minzu: The Dan in Late Qing–Republican Intellectual Writings” (accepted by the International Journal of Asian Studies)
  • “Straddling the Handover: Colonialism and Decolonization in British and PRC Hong Kong.” In From a British to a Chinese Colony? Hong Kong before and after the 1997 Handover, 1-49. Berkeley: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2018.
  • “Heritage in Translation: ‘A Dagur Story’ as Historical Fiction and Sample Text for Learning Manchu—Part Two 翻譯中的遺產: 作為歷史小說與滿文學習範例的 ‘達斡爾故事,’ (下).” Saksaha: A Journal of Manchu Studies 14 (2016-2017): 45-56. (Coauthored with Monica Kin-ian Chang and Eugene Shun-yung Tam)
  • “Occupied Space, Occupied Time: Food Hawking and the Central Market in Hong Kong’s Victoria City during the Opium War.” Frontiers of History in China 11.3 (2016): 400-430. (Converted from the paper that won the Gastronomy Program Prize of the Food and the City Conference at Boston University in February 24-25, 2012)
  • “Monopoly, Transaction and Extortion: Public Market Franchise and Colonial Relations in British Hong Kong, 1844-58.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch 52 (2012): 139-187.



  •  “Guest Editor’s Note.” Canadian Journal of History 54.3 (2019), Transnational Chinese Passages and the Global Making of Frontiers and Borderlands: 277-285.
  • Review of Unruly People: Crime, Communities, and State in Late Imperial South China by Robert J. Antony. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society Hong Kong Branch 57 (2017): 254-257.