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LIN Lap Ming

Senior Lecturer

(852) 3943 4072


Room 221, 2/F, Science Centre North Block


  • PhD, Washington University in St. Louis, 2004
  • MPhil, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999
  • BSc, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997

Current Position:

  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Postdoctoral Experience:

  • 2007, Department of Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • 2004-2006, Laboratoire de l'Univers et de ses Theories, Observatoire de Paris-Meudon

Research Interest:

  • Relativistic astrophysics
  • Gravitational-wave sources
  • Numerical relativity

Recent Publications:

  • Y.-T. Tang and L.-M. Lin, "Neutron star oscillations in pseudo-Newtonian gravity", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 510, 3629 (2021)
  • C.-H. Yeung, L.-M. Lin, N. Andersson, and G. Comer, The I-Love-Q relations for superfluid neutron stars, Universe 7, 111 (2021)
  • S. Zha, E. P. O’Connor, M.-C. Chu, L.-M. Lin, and S. M. Couch, "Gravitational-wave signatures of a first-order quantum chromodynamics phase transition in core-collapse supernovae", Physical Review Letters 125, 051102 (2020)

Selected Publications:

  • S.-S. Luk and L.-M. Lin, "Universal relations for innermost stable circular orbits around rapidly rotating neutron stars", The Astrophysical Journal, 861, 141 (2018)
  • S. Y. Lau, P. T. Leung, and L.-M. Lin, "Tidal deformations of compact stars with crystalline quark matter", Physical Review D (Rapid Communications) 95, 101302 (2017)
  • T. K. Chan, Y.-H. Sham, P. T. Leung, and L.-M. Lin, "Multipolar universal relations between f-mode frequency and tidal deformability of compact stars", Physical Review D, 90, 124023 (2014)
  • L.-M. Lin, "Torsional oscillations of crystalline color-superconducting hybrid stars: Possible sources for Advanced LIGO?", Physical Review D 88, 124002 (2013)
  • K.-W. Lo and L.-M. Lin, "The spin parameter of uniformly rotating compact stars", Astrophysical Journal 728, 12 (2011)
  • S.-C. Leung, M.-C. Chu, and L.-M. Lin, "Dark-matter admixed neutron stars", Physical Review D 84, 107301 (2011)
  • L.-M. Lin, N. Andersson and G.L. Comer, "Oscillations of general relativistic multifluid/multilayer compact stars", Physical Review D 78, 083008 (2008)
  • L.-M. Lin, "Constraining crystalline color superconducting quark matter with gravitational-wave data", Physical Review D 76 (Rapid Communications), 081502(R) (2007)
  • L.-M. Lin and J. Novak, "A new spectral apparent horizon finder for 3D numerical relativity", Classical and Quantum Gravity 24, 2665 (2007)
  • L.-M. Lin and J. Novak, "Rotating star initial data for a constrained scheme in numerical relativity", Classical and Quantum Gravity 23, 4545 (2006)
  • L.-M. Lin and W.-M. Suen, "Nonlinear r-modes in neutron stars: A hydrodynamical limitation on r-mode amplitudes", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 370, 1295 (2006)
  • L.-M. Lin, K.S. Cheng, M.-C. Chu, and W.-M. Suen, "Gravitational waves from phase-transition induced collapse of neutron stars", Astrophysical Journal 639, 382 (2006)
  • P. Gressman, L.-M. Lin (Corresponding author), W.-M. Suen, N. Stergioulas, and J. L. Friedman, "Nonlinear r-modes in neutron stars: Instability of an unstable mode", Physical Review D 66 (Rapid Communications), 041303(R) (2002)