2010-2011 [Download]
- Lo, CF, "Stochastic Nonlinear Gompertz Model of Tumour Growth", World Congress On Engineering 2009, vols. I and II pp.1844-1848, 2009.
- Lo, CF; Lau, CS; Hui, CH, "Valuation of Fixed Rate Mortgages by Moving Boundary Approach", World Congress on Engineering 2009, vols. I and II pp.1390-1395, 2009.
- Lo, CF and Hui, CH, "A Note on the Dynamics of Target Leverage Ratios", World Congress on Engineering 2009, vols. I and II pp.1379-1383, 2009.
- Gu, SJ and Lin, HQ, "Scaling dimension of fidelity susceptibility in quantum phase transitions", EPL vol.87 10003, Jul 2009.
- Hu, FM; Su, SQ; Ma, TX and Lin, HQ, "Magnetic properties of bilayer triangular lattice", Physical Review B vol.80 014428, Jul 2009.
- Jia, T; Zhang, GR; Zeng, Z and Lin, HQ, "Orbitally relieved magnetic frustration in NaVO2", Physical Review B vol.80 045103, Jul 2009.
- Yin, HP and Hui, PM, "Controlling enhanced transmission through semiconductor gratings with subwavelength slits by a magnetic field: Numerical and analytical results", Applied Physics Letters vol.95 011115, 6 Jul 2009.
- Wong, KS; Lin, LM and Leung, PT, "Universality in Oscillation Modes of Superfluid Neutron Stars?", Astrophysical Journal vol.699 pp.1809-1821, 10 Jul 2009.
- Wei, BB, "Two One-Dimensional Interacting Particles in a Harmonic Trap", International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.23 pp.3507-3513, 20 Jul 2009.
- Wang, XL; Ni, MY; Zeng, Z and Lin, HQ, "Effects of hydrogen impurities on Ge1-xMnx semiconductors", EPL vol.87 47001, Aug 2009.
- Yu, WC; Kwok, HM; Cao, JP and Gu, SJ, "Fidelity susceptibility in the two-dimensional transverse-field Ising and XXZ models", Physical Review E vol.80 021108, Aug 2009.
- Ma, J; Wang, XG and Gu, SJ, "Many-body reduced fidelity susceptibility in Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model", Physical Review E vol.80 021124, Aug 2009.
- Li, ZH; Wang, DW; Zheng, H; Zhu, SY and Zubairy, MS, "Effect of the counterrotating-wave terms on the spontaneous emission from a multilevel atom", Physical Review A vol.80 023801, Aug 2009.
- Graser, O; Xu, C and Hui, PM, "Disconnected-connected network transitions and phase separation driven by co-evolving dynamics", EPL vol.87 38003, Aug 2009.
- Wang, XG and Gu, SJ, "Fidelity susceptibility for SU(2)-invariant states", Journal of Physics A vol.42 335302, 21 Aug 2009.
- Su, SC and Chu, MC, "Is the Universe Rotating?", Astrophysical Journal vol.703 pp.354-361, Sep 2009.
- Su, SQ; Tam, KM and Lin, HQ, "Evolution of superconductor pairing interactions from weak to strong coupling on a honeycomb lattice", Physical Review B vol.80 104517, Sep 2009.
- Tsoi, TS and Law, CK, "Single-photon scattering on Lambda-type three-level atoms in a one-dimensional waveguide", Physical Review A vol.80 033823, Sep 2009.
- Cheng, KS; Harko, T; Huang, YF; Lin, LM; Suen, WM and Tian, XL, "Relativistic mass ejecta from phase-transition-induced collapse of neutron stars", Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics Issue 9 Art.No.007, Sep 2009.
- Hui, CH and Lo, CF, "A note on estimating realignment probabilities - A first-passage-time approach", Journal of International Money and Finance vol.28 pp.804-812, Sep 2009.
- Wang, XL; Ni, MY; Zeng, Z and Lin, HQ, "Investigation of pressure effects on MnxGe1-x", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials vol.321 pp.2575-2577, Sep 2009.
- Fan, CZ; Huang, JP and Yu, KW, "Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of Colloidal Crystals", Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol.113 pp.18504-18514, 29 Oct 2009.
- Wei, EB and Yu, KW, "Localization of the electric-field distribution in graded core-shell metamaterials", Physical Review E vol.80 046607, Oct 2009.
- Gu, SJ, "Super Mario's prison break - A proposal of object-intelligent-feedback-based classical Zeno and anti-Zeno effects", EPL vol.88 20007, Oct 2009.
- Gu, SJ; Cao, JP; Chen, S and Lin, HQ, "Exact solutions of a one-dimensional mixture of spinor bosons and spinor fermions", Nuclear Physics B vol.820 pp.753-779, 21 Oct 2009.
- Lo, CF, "Exact Time-Dependent Wave Functions of a Confined Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator with Two Moving Boundaries", Communications in Theoretical Physics vol.52 pp.820-824, Nov 2009.
- Gu, SJ; Cao, JP; Chen, S and Lin, HQ, "Quantum phase transition and elementary excitations of a Bose-Fermi mixture in a one-dimensional optical lattice", Physical Review B vol.80 224508, Dec 2009.
- Zheng, MJ; Xiao, JJ; Yakubo, K and Yu, KW, "Energy Relaxation in Damped Two-Dimensional Graded Elastic Lattices", Journal of The Physical Society of Japan vol.78 124603, Dec 2009.
- Yang, CN, "Ground State of Fermions in a 1D Trap with delta Function Interaction", Chinese Physics Letters vol.26 120504, Dec 2009.
- MA, ZQ and Yang, CN, "Ground State Energy for Fermions in a 1D Harmonic Trap with Delta Function Interaction", Chinese Physics Letters vol.26 120505, Dec 2009.
- MA, ZQ and Yang, CN, "Spinless Bosons in a 1D Harmonic Trap with Repulsive Delta Function Interparticle Interaction I: General Theory", Chinese Physics Letters vol.26 120506, Dec 2009.
- Zheng, MJ; Xiao, JJ and Yu, KW, "Tunable localization and oscillation of coupled plasmon waves in graded plasmonic chains", Journal of Applied Physics vol.106 113307, 1 Dec 2009.
- Ni, YC; Xu, C; Hui, PM and Johnson, NF, "Cooperative behavior in evolutionary snowdrift game with bounded rationality", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications vol.388 pp.4856-4862, 1 Dec 2009.
- Ji, M; Xu, C; Zheng, DF and Hui, PM, "Enhanced cooperation and harmonious population in an evolutionary N-person snowdrift game", Physica A vol.389 pp.1071-1076, 1 Mar 2010.
- YANG Shuo; GU Shijian; SUN C. P. and LIN Hai Qing. "Fidelity Susceptibility and Long-Range Correlation in the Kitaev Honeycomb Model". Physical Review A vol.78 012304 (6pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.07.02.
- CHAN Man Ho and CHU Ming Chung. "A Predicted Relation between the Temperature and Density Profile of Cluster Hot Gas". Astrophysics and Space Science vol.317 no.3-4, pp.149-152. Netherlands: Springer, 2008.07.26.
- XIAO Junjun and YU Kin Wah. "Light Trapping and Releasing in Side-coupled Microresonator Structures with Asymmetric Cavity-waveguide Coupling". Optics Communications vol.281 pp.4023-4027. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2008.08.
- CHAN Wen Ling and GU Shijian. "Entangelement and Quantum Phase Transition in the Asymmetric Hubbard Chain: Density-Matrix Renormalization Group Calculations". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol.20 345217 (8pp). United Kingdom: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2008.08.01.
- CHING Shuk Chi Emily; GUO Hao and LO Ting Shek. "Refined Similarity Hypotheses in Shell Models of Homogeneous Turbulence and Turbulent Convection". Physical Review E vol.78 026303 (10pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.08.06.
- CHEN X. J.; WANG Jianglong; STRUZHKIN V. V.; MAO H. K.; HEMLEY R. J. and LIN Hai Qing. "Superconducting Behavior in Compressed Solid SiH4 with a Layered Structure". Physical Review Letters vol.101 077002 (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.08.12.
- CHING Shuk Chi Emily and KO Tze Cheung. "Ultimate-state Scaling in a Shell Model for Homogeneous Turbulent Convection". Physical Review E vol.78 036309 (8pp). USA: American Physical Society, 2008.09.
- ZHENG Mingjie; GODA M.; YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Anomalous Size Dependence of Inverse Participation Ratio of Eigenfunctions in Graded Elastic Lattices". Journal of the Physical Society of Japan vol.77 094601 (4pp). Japan: The Physical Society of Japan, 2008.09.
- CHAN Man Ho and CHU Ming Chung. "Decaying Sterile Neutrinos as a Heating Source in the Milky Way Centre". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol.389 pp.287-300. United Kingdom: Blackwell Publication, 2008.09.01.
- WEI Bobo; GU Shijian and LIN Hai Qing. "Persistent Currents in the One-Dimensional Mesoscopic Hubbard Ring". Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter vol.20 395209 (8pp). United Kingdom: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2008.09.01.
- CHUNG Chun Kit and LAW Chi Kwong. "Negativity and Momentum Entanglement in Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer States at Finite Temperature" Physical Review A vol.78 034302 (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.09.12.
- KWOK Ho Man; NING Wenqiang; GU Shijian and LIN Hai Qing. "Quantum Criticality of the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model in Terms of Fidelity Susceptibility". Physical Review E vol.78 032103 (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.09.18.
- LIN Lap Ming; ANDERSSON N. and COMER G. L.. "Oscillations of General Relativistic Multifluid/Multilayer Compact Stars". Physical Review D vol.78 038008 (13pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.10.20.
- YOU Wenlong and TIAN G. S.. "Quantum Phase Transition in the One-Dimensional Compass Model Using the Pseudospin Approach". Physical Review B vol.78 184406 (8pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.11.
- ZHOU Yi; LEE P. A.; NG T. K. and ZHANG F. C.. "Na4Ir3O8 as a 3D Spin Liquid with Fermionic Spinons". Physical Review Letters vol.101 197201 (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.11.07.
- KWOK Ho Man; HO Chun Sing and GU Shijian. "Partial-State Fidelity and Quantum Phase Transitions Induced by Continuous Level Crossing". Physical Review A vol.78 062302 (5pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.12.
- CHAN Man Ho and CHU Ming Chung. "Observational Constraints of Sterile Neutrinos in Galaxies". Journal of Astrophysics and Space Science vol.319 pp.143-147. Netherlands: Springer-Netherlands, 2008.12.05.
- GU Shijian; CAO J.; CHEN S.; LIU Yang and LIN Hai Qing. "Band Effects on the Conductivity for a Two-Band Hubbard Model". The European Physical Journal B vol.66 pp.477-481. France: EDP Sciences, 2008.12.18.
- WANG Xiaoguang; YU C. S. and YI X. X.. "An Alternative Quantum Fidelity for Mixed States of Qudits". Physics Letters A vol.373 pp.58-60. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2008.12.22.
- TSOI Tze Shun and LAW Chi Kwong. "Quantum Inteference Effects of a Single Photon Interacting with an Atomic Chain inside a One-Dimensional Waveguide". Physical Review A vol.78 063832 (5pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.12.22.
- JIN Guangri and LAW Chi Kwong. "Relationship between Spin Squeezing and Single-Particle Coherence in Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensates with Josephson Coupling". Physical Review A vol.78 063620 (5pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2008.12.28.
- YOU Wenlong; GU Shijian; TIAN Guangshan and LIN Hai Qing. "Constraints on the Possible Pairing Symmetry of Iron Arsenide Superconductors in a Two-Orbital Model". Physical Review B vol.79 014508 (8pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2009.01.13.
- GU Shijian. "Density-Functional Fidelity Approach to Quantum Phase Transitions". Chinese Physics Letters vol.26 026401 (4pp). England: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2009.02.
- WANG X. L.; NI M. Y.; ZENG Z. and LIN Hai Qing. "Effects of Hydrogen Impurities on MnxSi1-x Semiconductors". Journal of Applied Physics vol.105 07C512 (3pp). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2009.02.09.
- ZHANG Lifeng; HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Frequency-controllable Electric Field Distribution in Colloidal Crystals". Chemical Physics Letters vol.471 pp.106-110. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2009.02.10.
- FUNG Tai Hang; LEUNG Lai Lai; XIAO Junjun and YU Kin Wah. "Controlling Electric Fields Spatially by Graded Metamaterials: Implication on Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Responses". Optics Communications vol.282 pp.1028-1031. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2009.03.
- CHEN Shu; CAO J. P. and GU Shijian. "Two-Component Interacting Tonks-Girardeau Gas in a One-Dimensional Optical Lattice". Europhysics Letters vol.85 60004 (5pp). France: EDP Sciences, 2009.03.
- ZHANG G. R.; ZOU L. J.; ZENG Z. and LIN Hai Qing. "Magnetic and Electronic Properties of £\-NaMnO2". Journal of Applied Physics vol.105 07E512 (3pp). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2009.03.19.
- CHAN Man Ho and CHU Ming Chung. "The Existence of Sterile Neutrino Halos in Galactic Centers as an Explanation of the Blackhole Mass-Velocity Dispersion Relation". The Astrophysical Journal vol.692 pp.212-216. United States of America: Institute of Physics, 2009.04.01.
- CHAN T. C.; CHENG K. S.; HARKO T.; LAU Hoi Kwan; LIN Lap Ming; SUEN W. M. and TIAN X. L.. "Could the Compact Remnant of SN 1987A be a Quark Star?". The Astrophysical Journal vol.695 pp.732-746. USA: The American Astronomical Society, 2009.04.10.
- CHUNG Chun Kit and LAW Chi Kwong. "Short-Time Dynamics of an Ultracold Fermi Gas in Radio-Frequency Spectroscopy". Physical Review A vol.79 043611 (6pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2009.04.13.
- TIAN W. J.; HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Electric-field-induced Interaction between Biological Cells or Colloidal Particles". Journal of Applied Physics vol.105 102044 (6pp). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2009.05.19.
- LERNER E.; PROCACCIA I.; CHING Shuk Chi Emily and HENTSCHEL H. G. E.. "Relations between Material Mechanical Parameters and Interparticle Potential in Amorphous Solids". Physical Review B vol.79 180203(R) (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2009.05.28.
- YANG Shuo; YOU Wenlong; GU Shijian and LIN Hai Qing. "Competitions of Magnetism and Superconductivity in FeAs-Based Materials". Chinese Physics B vol.18 pp.2545-2550. England: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2009.06.
- YIN Haiping; XU Chen and HUI Pak Ming. "Exact Surface Plasmon Dispersion Relations in a Linear-metal-nonlinear Dielectric Structure of Arbitrary Nonlinearity". Applied Physics Letters vol.94 221102 (3 pgs.). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2009.06.01.
- YOU Wenlong and LU Wenlong. "Scaling of Reduced Fidelity Susceptibility in the One-Dimensional Transverse-Field XY Model". Physics Letters A vol.373 pp.1444-1448. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2009.06.04.
- WEI Bobo. "Wave Function and Pair Distribution Function of a Dilute Bose Gas". Modern Physics Letters vol.23 pp.1843-1845. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co, 2009.06.20.
- GAO Yong; HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Multifrequency Cloak with Multishell by Using Transformation Medium". Journal of Applied Physics vol.105 124505 (5pp). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2009.06.22.
- WEI Bobo; GU Shijian and LIN Hai Qing. "Ground-State Properties of a Tonks-Girardeau Gas in a Periodic Potential". Physical Review A vol.79 063627 (8pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2009.06.24.
- GU Shijian. "Fidelity Susceptibility and Quantum Adiabatic Condition in Thermodynamic Limits". Physical Review E vol.79 061125 (4pp). USA: The American Physical Society, 2009.06.24.
- WONG Ka Sin; LIN Lap Ming and LEUNG Pui Tang. "Universality in Oscillation Modes of Superfluid Neutron Stars?". The Astrophysical Journal vol.699 pp.1809-1821. USA: The American Astronomical Society, 2009.06.26.
- Zheng, DF; Yin, HP; Chan, CH and Hui, PM. "Cooperative behavior in a model of evolutionary snowdrift games with N-person interactions", EPL vol.80 18002, 2007.
- Li, B; Chan, KC and Chu, MC. "Constraints on f(R) cosmology in the Palatini formalism", Physical Review D vol.76 024002, Jul 2007.
- Poon, PSY and Law, CK. "Quantum entanglement of symmetrically decohered two-mode squeezed states in an absorbing and amplifying environment", Physical Review A vol.76 012333, Jul 2007.
- Chan, KC and Chu, MC. "CMB constraint on radion evolution in the brane world scenario", Physical Review D vol.76 043525, Aug 2007.
- You, WL; Li, YW and Gu, SJ. "Fidelity, dynamic structure factor, and susceptibility in critical phenomena", Physical Review E vol.76 022101, Aug 2007.
- Wang, XG and Gu, SJ. "Negativity, entanglement witness and quantum phase transition in spin-1 Heisenberg chains", Journal of Physics A vol.40 pp.10759-10767, Aug 2007.
- Gu, SJ; Fan, R and Lin, HQ. "Ground state of a mixture of two species of fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice", Physical Review B vol.76 125107, Sep 2007.
- Lee, SKY and Law, CK. "Collective photon-atom states by Raman coupling inside a cavity: A dynamic field-mode approach", Physical Review A vol.76 033809, Sep 2007.
- Wan, JTK. "A dynamic approach to liquid crystal simulations", Applied Physics Letters vol.91 133118, Sep 2007.
- Ning, WQ; Zhao, H; Wu, CQ and Lin, HQ. "Retardation effect on spin-charge separation in one dimension", Physica C-Superconductivity and Its Applications vol.460 pp.1127-1128, Sep 2007.
- Lo, CF. "Stochastic Gompertz model of tumour cell growth", Journal of Theoretical Biology vol.248 pp.317- 321, Sep 2007.
- ung, HT and Leung, PT. "Efficiency of a feedback process in cavity quantum electrodynamics", Journal of Physics B-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics vol.40 pp.3331-3341, Sep 2007.
- Li, YW; Wust, T; Landau, DP and Lin, HQ. "Numerical integration using Wang-Landau sampling", Computer Physics Communications vol.177 pp.524- 529, Sep 2007.
- Zhong, LX; Zheng, DF; Zheng, B; Xu, C and Hui, PM, "Evolutionary snowdrift game with an additional strategy in fully connected networks and regular lattices", Physica A vol.383 pp.631-642, Sep 2007.
- Ching, ESC; Guo, H. "Effects of a large-scale mean flow in a shell model of turbulent convection", International Journal of Modern Physics B 21 pp.4178-4183, Sep-30 2007.
- Xiao, JJ; Yakubo, K; Yu, KW. "Vibrational excitations in graded elastic chains", International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.21 pp.4184-4189, Sep-30 2007.
- Hui, PM; Xu, C; Zheng, DF. "Cooperation in evolutionary snowdrift game: Networking effects", International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.21 pp.4035-4040, Sep-30 2007.
- Ching, ESC and Tsang, YK. "Multifractality and scale invariance in human heartbeat dynamics", Physical Review E vol.76 041910, Oct 2007.
- Lin, LM, "Constraining crystalline color superconducting quark matter with gravitational-wave data", Physical Review D vol.76 081502, Oct 2007.
- Wei, EB; Gu, GQ and Yu, KW. "Transformation field method for calculating the effective properties of isotropic graded composites having arbitrary shapes", Physical Review B vol.76 134206, Oct 2007.
- Chan, WL; Cao, JP; Yang, D and Gu, SJ. "Effects of environmental parameters to total, quantum and classical correlations", Journal of Physics A vol.40 pp.12143-12152, Oct 2007.
- Wu, J and Leung, PT. "Generalized inverse-Cowling approximation for polar w-mode oscillations of neutron stars", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society vol.381 pp.151-158, Oct 2007.
- Gu, SJ; Tian, GS and Lin, HQ. "Pairwise entanglement and quantum phase transitions in spin systems", Chinese Physics Letters vol.24 pp.2737-2740, Oct 2007.
- Fong, KY and Hui, PM. "Controlling enhanced transmission through metallic gratings with subwavelength slits by anisotropic waveguide resonance", Applied Physics Letters vol.91 171101, Oct 2007.
- Poon, PSY and Law, CK. "Negativity of asymmetric two-mode Gaussian states: An explicit analytic formula and physical interpretation", Physical Review A vol.76 054305, Nov 2007.
- Wang, G; Huang, JP and Yu, KW. "Electrically tunable photonic crystals with nonlinear composite materials", Applied Physics Letters vol.91 191117, Nov 2007.
- Cui, XL; Gu, SJ; Cao, JP; Wang, YP and Lin, HQ. "Correlation entropy and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition", Journal of Physics A vol.40 pp.13523-13533, Nov 2007.
- Xu, C; Hui, PM and Zheng, DF. "Networking effects on evolutionary snowdrift game in networks with fixed degrees", Physica A vol.385 pp.773- 780, Nov 2007.
- Wang, SM; Xiao, JJ and Yu, KW. "Tunable coupled plasmon modes via nanoshell particle chains", Optics Communications vol.279 pp.384- 389, Nov 2007.
- Yu, KW; Tian, WJ and Huang, JP. "Nonlinear alternating current responses in electrorheological fluids: Dynamic effects", International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.21 4825-4831, Nov-10 2007.
- Chen, S; Wang, L; Gu, SJ and Wang, YP. "Fidelity and quantum phase transition for the Heisenberg chain with next-nearest-neighbor interaction", Physical Review E vol.76 061108, Dec 2007.
- Chen, PX; Bergou, JA; Zhu, SY and Guo, GC. "Ancilla dimensions needed to carry out positive-operator-valued measurement", Physical Review A vol.76 060303, Dec 2007.
- Yang, D; Gu, SJ and Li, HB. "Entanglement in the scattering process by the spin impurity", Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical vol.40 pp.14871-14876, Dec-07 2007.
- Gu, SJ; Peres, NMR and Carmelo, JMP. "Charge and spin transport in the one-dimensional Hubbard model", Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter vol.19 506203, Dec-19 2007.
- LoVerde, M; Hui, L and Gaztanaga, E. "Lensing corrections to features in the angular two-point correlation function and power spectrum", Physical Review D vol.77 023512, Jan 2008.
- Ching, ESC and Cheng, WC. "Anomalous scaling and refined similarity of an active scalar in a shell model of homogeneous turbulent convection", Physical Review E vol.77 015303, Jan 2008.
- Ching, ESC; Guo, H; Cheng, WC. "Understanding the different scaling behavior in various shell models proposed for turbulent thermal convection", Physica D vol.237 pp.2009-2014, Jan-05 2008.
- Huang, JP; Jian, YC; Fan, CZ and Yu, KW. "Theory of second-harmonic generation in colloidal crystals", Journal of Physical Chemistry C vol.112 pp.621-628, Jan-17 2008.
- Gu, SJ; Sun, CP and Lin, HQ. "Universal role of correlation entropy in critical phenomena", Journal of Physics A-Mathematical And Theoretical vol.41 025002, Jan-18 2008.
- Lau, HK and Leung, PT. "Construction of self-similar shape invariant potentials with the Pade approximation", Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical vol.41 025206, Jan-18 2008.
- Zhu, GQ and Wang, XG. "Quantum dynamics of bound entangled states", Communications in Theoretical Physics vol.49 pp.343-346, Feb 2008.
- Wei, EB; Gu, GQ and Yu, KW. "Dielectric response of anisotropic graded cylindrical composites with a general power-law profile", International Journal of Modern Physics B vol.22 pp.507-515, Feb-20 2008.
- Lau, HK and Leung, PT. "Application of supersymmetric WKB method to cyclic shape invariant potentials", Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical vol.41 075307, Feb-22 2008.
- Su, SQ; Huang, ZB; Fan, R and Lin, HQ. "Numerical study of ferromagnetic fluctuations and pairing correlations in the single-band Hubbard model on the triangular lattice", Physical Review B vol.77 125114, Mar 2008.
- Poon, PSY and Law, CK. "Polarization and frequency disentanglement of photons via stochastic polarization mode dispersion", Physical Review A vol.77 032330, Mar 2008.
- Zhou, Y; Lin, HQ and Gong, CD. "Fermi-surface evolution and pseudogap symmetry in n-type cuprate superconductors", Physical Review B vol.77 092510, Mar 2008.
- Hui, L; Gaztanaga, E and LoVerde, M. "Anisotropic magnification distortion of the 3D galaxy correlation. II. Fourier and redshift space", Physical Review D vol.77 063526, Mar 2008.
- Zhang, LF; Huang, JP and Yu, KW. "Gradation-controlled electric field distribution in multilayered colloidal crystals", Applied Physics Letters vol.92 091907, Mar-03 2008.
- Benzi, R; Ching, ESC; De Angelis, E and Procaccia, I. "Comparison of theory and direct numerical simulations of drag reduction by rodlike polymers in turbulent channel flows", Physical Review E vol.77 046309, Apr 2008.
- Su, SQ; Huang, ZB and Lin, HQ. "Monte Carlo studies of magnetism and superconductivity on the triangular lattice", Journal of Applied Physics vol.103 07C717, Apr-01 2008.
- Tang, KJ; Xu, C and Hui, PM. "Magnetization switching in a single-domain biaxial magnetic disk", Solid State Communications vol.146 pp.265-268, May 2008.
- Cao, J; Gu, SJ; Wang, Y and Lin, HQ. "Universal behaviors of mutual information in one-dimensional J(1)-J(2) model", European Physical Journal B vol.63 pp.147-151, May 2008.
- Chan, CH; Yin, HP; Hui, PM and Zheng, DF. "Evolution of cooperation in well-mixed N-person snowdrift games", Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications vol.387 pp.2919-2925, May-01 2008.
- Liu, DH; Xu, C and Hui, PM. "Effects of a coating of spherically anisotropic material in core-shell particles", Applied Physics Letters vol.92 181901, May-05 2008.
- Cao, JP; Gu, SJ; Wang, YP and Lin, HQ. "Critical behaviors of mutual information in the one-dimensional spin-1 bilinear biquadratic model", Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical vol.41 205303, May-23 2008.
- Xiao, JJ; Huang, JP and Yu, KW. "Dynamic polarizability of rotating particles in electrorheological fluids", Journal of Physical Chemistry B vol.112 pp.6767-6771, Jun-05 2008.
- LO Chi Fai and CHUNG T. K.. "First Passage Time Problem for the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Neuronal Model". Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4232 pp.324-331. Germany: Springer-Verlag, 2006.
- DENG S. S., GU Shijian and LIN Hai Qing. "Block-Block Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions in the One-Dimensional Extended Hubbard Model". Physical Review B vol.74 045103 (7 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.07.
- HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Responses of Materials: Composite Effects". Physics Reports 431 pp.87-172. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.07.07.
- PONG Y. H. and LAW Chi Kwong. "Natural Orbits of Atomic Cooper Pairs in a Nonuniform Fermi Gas". Physical Review A vol.74 013618 (6 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.07.18.
- LO Chi Fai and KWOK C. M. Y.. "Modelling Suicide Risk in Later Life". Mathematical Biosciences 202 pp.340-348. USA: Elsevier Inc., 2006.08.
- WANG Y. Q., LIN Hai Qing and GUBERNATIS J. E.. "Zero Temperature Numerical Studies of Multiband Lattice Models of Strongly Correlated Electrons". Communications in Computational Physics vol.1 pp.575-615. Hong Kong SAR: Global-Science Press, 2006.08.
- TIAN W. J., HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Theory of Nonlinear Ac Susceptibilities of Dynamic Electrorheological Fluids Under a Dc Electric Field". Chemical Physics Letters vol.427 pp.101-106. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.08.18.
- CHAN W. H. and LAW Chi Kwong. "Fractional Revivals and Quantum Entanglement via Coupled Angular Momenta". Physical Review A vol.74 024301 (4 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.08.18.
- FONG King Yan and HUI Pak Ming. "Coupling of Waveguide and Surface Modes in Enchanced Transmission Through Stacking Gratings". Applied Physics Letters vol.89 091101 (3 pgs.). USA: American Institute of Physics Publication, 2006.08.28.
- SU S. Q., Song J. L. and GU Shijian. "Local Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in a One-dimensional Transverse Field Ising Model". Physical Review A 74 032308 (5 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.09.12.
- CHEN P. X., ZHU Shiyao and GUO Guangcan. "General Form of Genuine Multipartite Entanglement Quantum Channels for Teleportation". Physical Review A 74 032324 (4 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.09.19.
- XU B., HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Theory of Nonlinear AC Responses of Inhomogeneous Two-component Composite Films". Physics Letters A 357 pp.475-478. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2006.09.25.
- SONG J. L., GU Shijian and LIN Hai-Qing. "Quantum Entanglement in the S=1/2 Spin Ladder with Ring Exchange". Physical Review B 74 155119 (6 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.10.23.
- CHEN S., WANG Y. P., NING W. Q., WU, C. J. and LIN Hai-Qing. "Exact Ground State and Elementary Excitations of the Spin Tetrahedron Chain". Physical Review B 74 174424 (8 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.11.
- LO Chi Fai and HUI C. H.. "Lie-algebraic Approach for Pricing Moving Barrier Options with Time-dependent Parameters". Journal of Mathematical Analysis And Applications 323 pp.1455-1464. USA: Elsevier Inc., 2006.11.15.
- ZHONG L. X.; ZHENG D. F.; ZHENG B.; XU Chen and HUI Pak Ming. "Networking Effects on Cooperation in Evolutionary Snowdrift Game". Europhysics Letters vol.76 pp.724-730. EDP Sciences, 2006.11.15.
- XIAO J. J., YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Dispersion and Transitions of Dipolar Plasmon Modes in Graded Plasmonic Waveguides". Applied Physics Letters 89 221503 (3 pgs.). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2006.11.30.
- LO Chi Fai and HUI C. H.. "Computing the First Passage Time Density of a Time-dependent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process to a Moving Boundary". Applied Mathematics Letters 19 pp.1399-1405. UK: Elsevier Ltd., 2006.12.
- FONG King Yan and HUI Pak Ming. "Wave Characteristics in Gratings by Linear Superposition of Retarded Fields". Journal of Optical Society of America A vol.23 pp.3229-3237. USA: Optical Society of America, 2006.12.
- TSUI Lung Kwan; LEUNG Pui Tang and WU Jun. "Determination of the Internal Structure of Neutron Stars from Gravitational Wave Spectra". Physical Review D vol.74 124025 (15 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2006.12.21.
- FAN C. Z., HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Dielectrophoresis of an Inhomogeneous Colloidal Particle Under an Inhomogeneous Field: A First-principles Approach". Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 pp.25665-25670. USA: American Chemical Society, 2006.12.28.
- CHING Shuk Chi Emily and TAM Wai Shing. "Aspect-ratio Dependence of Heat Transport by Turbulent Rayleigh-Benard Convection". Journal of Turbulence vol.7 N72 (10 pgs.). United Kingdom: Taylor & Francis, 2006.
- XIAO J. J., YAKUBO K., YU Kin Wah. "Global Phase Diagram of One-dimensional Graded Diatomic Elastic Chains: A Diagrammatic Approach to Identifying Vibrational Normal Modes". Journal of Physics vol.19 026224. England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2007.01.17.
- XIAO J. J., YAKUBO K., YU Kin Wah. "Variety of Normal Modes and Their Transition Behaviors in Graded Elastic Networks: Square Networks with a Diagonal Gradient". Journal of the Physical Society of Japan vol.76 024602. Japan: Physical Society Japan, 2007.02.
- Tan H. T, Li G. X., ZHU Shi-yao. "Steady Bright Entangled Light from an Intracavity Trapped Ion Under Continuous-wave Excitation". Journal of Physics B vol.40 pp.555-564. England: IOP Publishing Ltd., 2007.02.14.
- LAW Chi Kwong and LEE S. K. Y.. "Dynamic Photon-mode Selection in Dicke Superradiance". Physical Review A vol.75 033813 (6 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.03.27.
- PONG Yue Hin and LAW Chi Kwong. "Bosonic Characters of Atomic Cooper Pairs Across Resonance". Physical Review A vol.75 043613 (5 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.04.18.
- WANG Z. G.; CHEN Y. G. and GU Shijian. "Bosonization Study of Quantum Phase Transitions in the One-dimensional Asymmetric Hubbard Model". Physical Review B vol.75 165111 (6 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.04.17.
- CHAN Kwan Chuen and CHU Ming Chung. "Constraining the Variation of G by Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies". Physical Review D vol.75 083521. USA: American Physical Society, 2007.04.15.
- XIAO Junjun; KWOK Tsun Ah Joseph and YU Kin Wah. "Optical Properties of Graded Colloidal Nanocrystallines with Tunable Structure". Optics Communications vol.272 pp.252-256. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2007.04.01.
- CHAN Man Ho and CHU Ming Chung. "Heating of the Intergalactic Medium by the Radiative Decay of Neutrinos". The Astrophysical Journal vol.658 pp.859-864. United States of America: University of Chicago Press, 2007.04.01.
- TIAN W. J.; NAKAYAMA T.; HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Scaling Behaviours in Settling Process of Fractal Aggregates in Water". Europhysics Letters vol.78 46001 (5 pgs.). France: EDP Sciences, 2007.05.
- CHING Shuk Chi Emily. "Scaling Laws in the Central Region of Confined Turbulent Thermal Convection". Physical Review E vol.75 056302 (6 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.05.01.
- WANG X. L.; ZENG Z.; ZHENG X. H. and LIN Hai Qing. "First-principles Investigations of Co- and Fe-doped SnO2". Journal of Applied Physics vol.101 09H104 (3 pgs.). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2007.05.01.
- ZHONG G. H.; WANG J. L.; ZENG Z.; ZHENG X. H. and LIN Hai Qing. "Induced Effects by the Substitution of Mg in MgCNi3". Journal of Applied Physics vol.101 09G520 (3 pgs.). USA: American Institute of Physics, 2007.05.01.
- YAKUBO K.; XIAO Junjun and YU Kin Wah. "Confined Vibrational Normal Modes in Graded Elastic Networks: Gradons". Physica B vol.394 pp.262-266. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2007.05.15.
- CHOY Chun Wing; XIAO Junjun and YU Kin Wah. "Local Field Distribution Near Corrugated Interfaces: Green Function Formalism Versus Effective Medium Theory". Physica B vol.394 pp.325-329. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2007.05.15.
- XIAO Junjun; YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Coupled Plasmon Modes and Their Localization in Graded Plasmonic Chains". Physica B vol.394 pp.208-212. Netherlands: Elsevier B.V., 2007.05.15.
- YOU Wenlong; TIAN G. S. and LIN Hai Qing. "Existence of Long-range Orbital Order in a Two-dimensional Orbital-only Model". Physical Review B vol.75 195118 (10 pgs.). USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.05.17.
- LIN Lap Ming and NOVAK J.. "A New Spectral Apparent Horizon Finder for 3D Numerical Relativity". Classical and Quantum Gravity vol.24 pp.2665-2676. England: IOP Publishing Ltd, 2007.05.21.
- LI Hong-rong, LI F. L. and Zhu S. Y.. "Inseparability of photon-added Gaussian states". Physical Review A vol.75 062318. USA: The American Physical Society, 2007.06.18.
- XIAO Junjun; YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Optical Switching in Graded Plasmonic Waveguides". Applied Physics Letters 88 241111 (3 pages), 2006.06.14.
- AN Jin; LIN Hai Qing and GONG Changde. "Coexistence of f-wave Superconductivity, Charge Order, and Spin Antiferromagnetism Around Nonmagnetic Impurities in Na0.33CoO21.3H2O". Physical Review Letters 96 227001 (4 pages), 2006.06.09.
- XIAO Junjun; YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Harmonic Vibrations in Two-dimensional Graded Elastic Networks: Variety of Normal Modes and Their Transitions". Physical Review B 73 224201 (9 pages), 2006.06.06.
- WANG Ligang and ZHU Shiyao. "Dynamic Pattern of Finite-pulsed Beams Inside One-dimensional Photonic Band Gap Materials", Physical Review B 73 195119 (7 pages), 2006.05.24.
- HUI C. H.; LO Chi Fai; WONG T. C. and MAN Po Kong. "Measuring Provisions for Collateralized Retail Lending". Journal of Economics and Business vol.58 pp.343-361. Elsevier Inc., 2006.05.23.
- LEE Kwun Yan and LAW Chi Kwong. "Analysis of Photon-Atom Entanglement Generated by Faraday Rotation in a Cavity". Physical Review A 73 053808, 2006.05.10.
- TSE Wang Kong and LEUNG Pui Tang. "Theory of Light Emission in Sonoluminescence as Thermal Radiation". Physical Review E 73 056302 (16 pages), 2006.05.03.
- GU Shijian; TIAN Guangshan and LIN Hai Qing. "Local Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Spin Models". New Journal of Physics 8 61 (13 pages), 2006.04.27.
- WANG J. L.; ZENG Z. and LIN Hai Qing. "Generalized Susceptibility and Superconductivity in CeMIn5(M=Co,Rh,Ir) and PuCoGa5". Journal of Applied Physics 99 08M505 (3 pages), 2006.04.25.
- NING W. Q.; ZHAO H.; WU C. Q. and LIN Hai Qing. "Phonon Effects on Spin-charge Separation in One Dimension". Physical Review Letters 96 156402 (4 pages), 2006.04.21.
- TIAN W. J.; HUANG J. P. and YU Kin Wah. "Dynamic Effects on Nonlinear Alternating Current Responses in Electrorheological Fluids". Physical Review E 73 031408 (12 pages), 2006.03.24.
- WANG Jia; LAW Chi Kwong and CHU Ming Chung. "Loss of Purity by Wave-packet Scattering at Low Energies". Physical Review A 73 034302 (3 pages), 2006.03.09.
- WEI En-bo; DONG Lei and YU Kin Wah. "Effective Ac Response of Graded Colloidal Suspensions". Journal of Applied Physics 99 054101 (5 pages), 2006.03.03.
- HUANG Jiping; DONG Lei and YU Kin Wah. "Giant Enhancement of Optical Nonlinearity in Multilayer Metallic Films". Journal of Applied Physics 99 053503 (4 pages), 2006.03.02.
- XIAO Junjun; YAKUBO K. and YU Kin Wah. "Harmonic Vibrational Excitations in Graded Elastic Networks: Transition from Phonons to Gradons". Physical Review B 73 054201 (7 pages), 2006.02.14.
- XIAO Junjun and YU Kin Wah. "Giant Enhanced Optical Nonlinearity of Colloidal Nanocrystals with a Graded-index Host". Applied Physics Letters 88 071911 (3 pages), 2006.02.14.
- WEI En-bo; POON Y. M. and YU Kin Wah. "Effective Ac Dielectric Response of Graded Cylindrical Composites". Physics Letters A 350 pp.159-166, 2006.01.30.
- HUI C. H.; LO Chi Fai and HUANG Ming Xi. "Are Corporates' Target Leverage Ratios Time-dependent?". International Review of Financial Analysis vol.15 pp.220-236. Elsevier Inc., 2006.
- DONG Lei; HUANG Jiping; YU Kin Wah and GU Guoqing. "Multipole Polarizability of a Graded Spherical Particle". European Physical Journal B 48 pp.439-444, 2005.12.23.
- GU Shijian; PERES N. M. R. and LI Y. Q.. "Numerical and Monte Carlo Bethe Ansatz Method: 1D Heisenberg Model". The European Physical Journal B 48 pp.157-165, 2005.12.16.
- LO Loc Ping and LO Chi Fai. "Optimal Coupled-cluster Approximation for the E Ä (b1 + b2) Jahn-Teller Effect". International Journal of Modern Physics B 19 pp.4495-4515, 2005.12.10.
- LEUNG Pui Tang; PANG Kam Moon and YOUNG Kenneth. "Two-component Wave Formalism in Spherical Open Systems". Journal of Physics A 39 pp.247-267, 2005.12.07.
- TSUI Lung Kwan and LEUNG Pui Tang. "Probing the Interior of Neutron Stars with Gravitational Waves". Physical Review Letters 95 151101 (4 pages), 2005.10.07.
- TSUI Lung Kwan and LEUNG Pui Tang. "Perturbative Analysis of Universality and Individuality in Gravitational Waves from Neutron Stars". The Astrophysical Journal 631 pp.495-505, 2005.09.20.
- HUI C. H.; WONG T. C.; LO Chi Fai and HUANG Ming Xi. "Benchmarking Model of Default Probabilities of Listed Companies". The Journal of Fixed Income vol.15 pp.76-86. USA: Institutional Investor, 2005.09.
- ZHONG Lixin; ZHENG Dafang; ZHENG Bo and HUI Pak Ming. "Effects of Contrarians in the Minority Game". Physical Review E 72 026134 (6 pages), 2005.08.29.
- LO Chi Fai and KIANG David B.I.. "Quantum Stackelberg Duopoly with Incomplete Information". Physics Letters A 346 pp.65-70, 2005.08.02.
- YU Kin Wah and GU Guoqing. "Effective Conductivity of Composites of Graded Spherical Particles". Physics Letters A 345 pp.448-452, 2005.08.01.
- WANG Yongqiang; TIAN Guangshan and LIN Hai Qing. "Néel Order in a Spatially Anisotropic Heisenberg Antiferromagnet with Single-ion Anisotropy". Physical Review B 72 024439 (8 pages), 2005.07.19.
- BENZI Roberto; CHING Shuk Chi Emily; LO Ting Shek; LVOV Victor S. and PROCACCIA Itamar. "Additive Equivalence in Turbulent Drag Reduction by Flexible and Rodlike Polymers". Physical Review E 72 016305 (8 pages), 2005.07.12.
- GU Shijian; TIAN Guangshan and LIN Hai Qing. "Ground-state Entanglement in the XXZ Model". Physical Review A 71 052322 (5 pages), 2005.05.17.
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