
Last updated: 30 November 2006

Click on the title of the talk for its abstract (in PDF format).

December 4 (Monday)         [Venue: L4, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:15am- 9:00am Sign in & Reception (Room G25, Ground Floor, Science Centre North Block)
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Emily S.C. Ching
9:00am- 9:15am Kenneth Young: Opening Speech
9:15am-10:25am Albert Libchaber: Modern biology for a physicist
10:25am-10:50am Tea/Coffee Break
10:50am-12:00nn Boris I. Shraiman: Challenges and opportunities for theorists in biology
12:00nn- 1:45pm Lunch
Session Chair: Hai-Qing Lin
1:45am- 3:15pm Terrence Hwa: Introduction to bacterial gene regulation; Statistical mechanics of protein-DNA interaction
3:15pm- 4:25pm Robert H. Austin: Proteins dynamics, protein functions: From quantum mechanics to motors
4:25pm- 4:50pm Tea/Coffee Break
4:50pm- 6:00pm Vincent Croquette: Techniques for single molecule micromanipulation
6:15pm Bus to hotels
December 5 (Tuesday)         [Venue: L1, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Ke-Qing Xia
9:00am-10:10am Ricky N. S. Wong: Functional Genomics Approach to the Study of Biological Systems
10:10am-10:40am Tea/Coffee Break
10:40am-11:50am Chi Keung Chan: Connectivity induced synchronization in cortical neuronal cultures
12:00nn- 1:45pm Lunch
Session Chair: Lei-Han Tang
1:45pm- 3:15pm Terrence Hwa: Quantitative studies of bacterial gene regulation
3:15pm- 4:25pm Hao Li: Yeast transcription networks: Structure, dynamics, and evolution
4:25pm- 4:50pm Tea/Coffee Break
4:50pm- 6:00pm Yuhai Tu: From molecule to behavior: Towards quantitative, systems level understanding of bacterial chemotaxis
6:15pm Bus to hotels
December 6 (Wednesday)         [Venue: L2, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Chi Keung Chan
9:00am-10:10am Robert H. Austin: Nanofluidics, nanotechnology and nanobiology
10:10am-10:40am Tea/Coffee Break
10:40am-11:50am Qi Ouyang: Reversibly switchable DNA nanocompartment on surfaces
12:00nn- 1:45pm Lunch
Session Chair: Yuhai Tu
1:45pm- 3:15pm Terrence Hwa: Phenomenological theory of bacterial growth control
3:15pm- 4:25pm Eric Siggia: Fluctuations and size control during the cell cycle of budding yeast
4:25pm- 4:50pm Tea/Coffee Break
4:50pm- 6:00pm Chao Tang: Modeling yeast cell cycle regulation
6:15pm Bus to hotels
December 7 (Thursday)         [Venue: L2, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Penger Tong
9:00am-10:10am Albert Libchaber: Physical aspects of the origin of life problem I
10:10am-10:40am Tea/Coffee Break
10:40am-11:50am Albert Libchaber: Physical aspects of the origin of life problem II
12:00nn- 1:45pm Lunch
Session Chair: Pik-Yin Lai
1:45pm- 2:55pm Boris I. Shraiman: Modeling signal transduction: How quantitative can one get?
3:00pm- 6:00pm Poster presentations (light refreshments)
6:15pm Bus to hotels
December 8 (Friday)         [Venue: L1, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Qi Ouyang
9:00am-10:10am Vincent Croquette: Twisting DNA and its biological implications
10:10am-10:40am Tea/Coffee Break
10:40am-11:50am Robert H. Austin: Evolution on a chip: Towards a quantitative understanding of evolution
12:00nn- 1:45pm Lunch
Session Chair: Hao Li
1:45pm- 2:55pm Eric Siggia: Patterning the fly embryo and its evolution
2:55pm- 4:05pm Boris I. Shraiman: Patterning and growth in fly wing development
4:05pm- 4:35pm Tea/Coffee Break
4:35pm- 5:45pm Chao Tang: Analyzing the function-topology relationship in the Drosophila segment polarity network
6:00pm Bus leaving for Group Dinner
December 9 (Saturday)         [Venue: L3, Science Centre]
8:00am Bus departs from Royal Park and Regal Riverside Hotels
8:30am- 9:00am Tea/Coffee and rolls/pastries
Session Chair: Lei-Han Tang
9:00am-10:10am Vincent Croquette: Single molecule studies
10:10am-10:40am Break
10:40am-11:50am Eric Siggia: Evolution of antibiotic resistance in pathogens
11:50am-12:00nn Closing remarks