HUANG He (黃 和)

MSE-PhD (2019) in Physics

Supervised by Prof. WANG Jianfang



B.S. in Materials Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, 2015-2019;
PhD student, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2019-present.

Research Interest:

Plasmonics/Quantum effects/Photonics.

Research and Professional Experience:

Temperature distribution measurement based on laser interference (Finished, 2018-2019, Laboratory Open Funding Program of Sun Yat-sen University)

Awards and Honors:

  • The First Prize Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University (Nov 2017)
  • The Second Prize Scholarship of Sun Yat-sen University (Nov 2018)
  • Graduate with honors (SYSU Yat-sen School)



Conference Presentations:


Other Skills:
