FONG Chi Ngam (房智岩)
PhD (2021) in Physics
Supervised by Prof. Kenny C. Y. Ng
B.A. in Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Berkeley, 2016 - 2020;
Ph.D. in Physics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021-present
Research Interest:
Cosmological dark matter search,
Solar physics,
Solar gamma ray study
Research and Professional Experience:
Intern at Space Science Laboratory, Berkeley, CA May 2019 - Jul 2019, Advisor: Stuart Bale
Lab Assistant at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA Jan 2018 - Dec 2018, Advisor: Akito Kusaka
Awards and Honors:
(Co-author) Bale, S.D., Badman, S.T., Bonnell, J.W. et al. "Highly structured slow solar wind emerging from an equatorial coronal hole". Nature 576, 237–242 (2019).
Conference Presentations:
Other Skills:
Programming (Python, IDL, C++, LabView),
Basic German skill