LIU Siyu (劉思宇)

MSE-PhD (2017) in Physics

Supervised by Prof. Wu Yilin



B.S. in Physics, Shandong University, 2011-2015
MPhys (Hons), the University of Manchester, 2014-2016
PhD student in Physics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017-present

Research Interest:

Cell motility and self-organization in bacterial colonies

Research and Professional Experience:

Student visitor, Institution of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, summer 2013
Summer Placement, University of Manchester, summer 2015

Awards and Honors:

Second Class Scholarship for Outstanding Merits, Shandong University, 2011-2014
Excellent Teaching Assistant, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2017-2018
First Class of Mphys, the University of Manchester, 2016



Conference Presentations:


Other Skills:

Language: Mandarin, English, Cantonese
Software: MATLAB