Programme   [MS Word format] [PDF format]

Last updated: December 13, 2005

December 13 (Tuesday)
14:00 - 18:00 Registration: Room G25, Ground Floor, Science Centre North Block
18:00 & 19:00* Bus to hotels
December 14 (Wednesday)
08:00 Bus to conference venue (assemble in hotel lobby)
08:30 Light breakfast
Venue: L1, Science Centre
Session Chair: Hai Qing Lin
09:00 Kenneth Young and Yongde Zhang: Opening
Plenary Talks
09:15 Chen-Ning Yang: Einstein's Impact on Theoretical Physics in the 21st Century
09:45 Artur Ekert: How to Witness Entanglement?
10:15 Tea break & Photo taking
Session Chair: Shiyao Zhu
10:50 Qian Niu: Berry Phase in Condensed Matter
11:20 Shou-Cheng Zhang: The Spin Hall Effect
11:50 Ruibao Tao: Current Conservation in Quantum Mechanics
12:20 Lunch
Parallel Talk 1 (Venue: L2, Science Centre)
Session Chair: Zidan Wang
14:00 Xiaoguang Wang: Spin squeezing and entanglement
14:20 Xiangbin Wang: Quantum Key Distribution in Practice: Security, Efficiency and Robustness
14:40 Shijian Gu: Local Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transition in Spin Models
15:00 Guangping He: Oblivious Transfer Using Quantum Entanglement
15:40 Tea Break
Session Chair: Jiangrui Gao
16:00 Chengzhi Peng: Research on Long Distance Quantum Communication
16:20 Pingxing Chen: Local Distinguishability of States and Hiding Information
16:40 Jun Zhang: Experimental Demonstration of the Quantum "Guess My Number" Protocol Using Four-Photon Entanglement
17:00 Xiumin Lin: Generation of Polarization-entangled Photon Pairs Through Cavity-assisted Interaction
17:20 Fengli Yan: Quantum Secret Sharing between Multi-party and Multi-party without Entanglement
17:40 Ting Gao: Deterministic Secure Direct Communication Using GHZ States and Swapping Quantum Entanglement
Parallel Talk 2 (Venue: L3, Science Centre)
Session Chair: Lu Yu
14:00 Hua-Zhong Li: Scale-gauge Transform and Quantum Geometrical Phase
14:20 Xincheng Xie: Spin Devices Based on Rashba Spin-orbital Interaction
14:40 Yupeng Wang: Coherence in the Quantum Transport
15:00 Hang Zheng: Theory of Angel-resolved Photoemission Spectra of the Many-Electron Frohlich Model
15:20 Shengli Zhang: Electron Behaviors in Curved Quantum Wires
15:40 Tea Break
Session Chair: Huazhong Li
16:00 Ho-Tsang Ng: Entanglement of Bose-Einstein Condensate
16:20 Xiaohui Bao: Optical Feed-Forwardable C-Not Gate Assisted with Single Photons
16:40 Tengyun Chen: Experimental Robust Quantum Communication without Shared Reference Frame
17:00 Jianbo Deng: Early Quantum Theory and Space-time
17:20 Weiqi Huang: A new model of tri-level system in the interface between oxide and germanium crystal
19:00 - 20:00 2005 Annual Meeting of National University and College Association of Quantum Mechanics
18:00 & 20:00* Bus to Hotel
December 15 (Thursday)
08:00 Bus to conference venue (assemble in hotel lobby)
08:30 Light breakfast
Parallel Talk 1 (Venue: L2, Science Centre)
Session Chair: Qian Niu
09:00 Sixia Yu: Complementary Quantum Operations
09:20 Dong Yang: Irreversibility for All Bound Entangled States
09:40 Naile Liu: Entanglement Detection by Local Orthogonal Observables
10:00 Shengjun Wu: Probabilistic Unitary Quantum Channels
10:20 Tea Break
Session Chair: Jianwei Pan
10:40 Zengbing Chen: All-versus-nothing Refutation of Local Realism by Swapping Entanglement
11:00 Tao Yang: All-Versus-Nothing Violation of Local Realism by Two-Photon, Four-Dimensional Entanglement
11:20 Jiangfeng Du: Experimental Quantum Cloning with Prior Partial Information
11:40 Yu-ao Chen: Experimental Quantum Secret Sharing and Third-Man Quantum Cryptography
Parallel Talk 2 (Venue: L3, Science Centre)
Session Chair: Changde Gong
09:00 Guangshan Tian: On the Electron Distribution Function in Quantum Dots: A Rigorous Result
09:20 Ming Zhang: Distinct Property of Quantum Generalized Measurement and Its Application in Quantum Information
09:40 Yunbo Zhang: Dynamics of Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensates with Dipole-dipole Interaction
10:00 Wensen Liu: Vibrational Transitions of Collinear Collisions and Energy Levels of Bound States in Atom-diatom Systems
10:20 Tea Break
Session Chair: Shanzhe Ke
10:40 Kejia Liu: Exact Solution for a Kind of Double Well Potential and Periodic Potential
11:00 Junliang Song: Quantum Entanglement in Spin-Ladders with Ring Exchange
11:20 Lili Zhou: SU(1,1) Radial Coherent States for the Central Potentials
12:00 Lunch
Plenary Talks (Venue: L1, Science Centre)
Session Chair: Yongde Zhang
14:00 Lijun Wang: Precision Frequency Metrology, Atomic Clocks, and Applications
14:30 Choo Hiap Oh: A Bell Inequality with Improved Visibility for 3 Qubits
15:00 Ching-Ray Chang: Spin Dynamics in Nanostructured System
15:30 Ming Chung Chu: The Quantum Geometric Phase
16:00 Tea break
Session Chair: Ming Chung Chu
16:30 Jianwei Pan: Future Challenges in Long-distance Quantum Communication
17:00 Enge Wang: Surfactant Action on Nanostructure Formation
17:30 Lu Yu: 100 Years of Quantum Theory of Solids
18:00 Jason Ho: Entanglement and Coherence in Spin-1 Bose Gas - n Exact Solution for Quantum Dynamics of a Many-body System
18:30 Bus to Banquet
19:50 Banquet
*The first bus leaves 18:00, while the second one leaves 20:00 for people who prefer to dinning at the University.