CAI Zhijun (蔡智君)
MSE-PhD (2021) in Physics
Supervised by Prof. Q. Li
B.Eng. in Materials Science & Engineering (3.98/4.0), Wuhan University of Technology, 2017-2021
PhD student in Materials Science & Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2021-present
Research Interest:
Rechargeable metal (Zn and Li) ion batteries
Research and Professional Experience:
2018 National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Department of Higher Education, MOE of P.R.C, 2018; (Program No.201810497282)
2019 National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Department of Higher Education, MOE of P.R.C, 2019; (Program No.201910497208)
2020 National Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Training Program Department of Higher Education, MOE of P.R.C, 2020; (Program No.202010497003)
Summer Placement, University of Oxford and Swansea University, summer 2019
Awards and Honors:
Graduated with Dean’s Honor Roll (12/800), 2021
Honor Graduate of WUT, 2021
National First Prize in National University Student Science Contest on Energy Saving & Emission Reduction, MOE of P.R.C, 2018
China Telecom Scholarship (Top 0.1%), 2020
President Yuan Runzhang Scholarship (Top 0.5%), 2018
Pacemaker to Merit Student of WUT (Top 3%), 2018-2019
First-Class Academic Scholarship of WUT (Top 3%), 2017-2018 2019-2020
Google Scholar
Conference Presentations:
M&ST19 Meeting, Portland, United States (Poster)
Other Skills: