"What I learnt from CUHK"
We have interviewed 10 students and alumni who studied at CUHK at different times to reflect on the identity of CUHKers, and what they learnt from the University. The interviewees include people from all walks of life, from business leaders, working professionals, well-known radio DJ, founder of a social venture, to undergraduates from diverse academic disciplines who are yet to embark on their professional journeys. Despite their differences in age, backgrounds and professions, they all share some qualities in common as CUHKers.
"What I learnt from CUHK"

Embraced by hills and the sea, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) is dearly called by our fellow students as the "mountain city". It is such nature that resembles CUHK's nurturing of its students: Like the bees and butterflies that pollinate amidst blossoming flowers, students spread and apply their knowledge to society; Like the tree branches that intertwine, the college system facilitates a strong network among students from all walks of life; Like the water that ebbs and flows, students come together and travel in all directions. Old trees on campus document all these with their tree rings, testifying how the university nurtures talents and witnessing our hard work bearing fruit.
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