"It is the deeply felt feeling of excitement for knowledge, the capacity to reflect, and the readiness to act that I hope to inspire in students."
Professor Sealing Cheng
2021 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
"I believe that pedagogy should evolve over time. Advanced information technology provides us with a powerful means to develop a better teaching and learning environment which could be more appropriate for the new generation of students."
Mr. Chu Kin Kan Astley
2021 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
"To prepare for a lecture is like the scripting of a play, and the delivery of a lecture is the enactment of the script."
Dr. Kou Kei Chun
2021 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
"The world is ever changing and full of new challenges. Students with good language skills and intercultural communication skills would have more chances to develop excellent interpersonal communication in the international context. Students with broad intellectual perspectives could be able to approach unanticipated issues from different angles, to collect and connect available resources to find possible solutions."
Dr. Lee Siu Lun
2020 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
Dr. Kwok Pak Nin Samson
2020 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Carrying out participatory action research is never a smooth process but filled with uncertainties. Yet, this makes the learning process interesting."
Dr. Tang Wai Man
2020 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I tried to transform each lecture from a presentation of factual knowledge about scientific methods and analytical results to an "intellectual journey" through which students could understand how archaeological science can make a difference and provides an alternative way for us to understand culture and the past."
Professor Lam Weng Cheong
2019 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"If you want to know how to teach, first you need to know how to learn."
Dr. Lau Chi Hin
2019 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"A core-text course, as a version of values education, should not stand away from normative values. The idea of autonomy, which is not a product of any version of comprehensive doctrines, is therefore the best conceptual schema to nurture morally responsible citizens and inform them of the phenomena of human world."
Dr. Leung Cheuk Hang
2019 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
Dr. Li Ming Kenneth
2019 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2019 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Through general education, I wish students can experience the joy of intellectual exploration by scrutinizing their underlying values, beliefs, and presuppositions. I believe this sense of enjoyment will become an intrinsic motivation for students to continue the reflective practice learnt in GEF throughout their life-long journey."
Dr. Cheung Hang Cheong Derek
2018 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2018 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Transmitting knowledge is important, while a more significant role of teaching lies in the efforts on inspiring students to learn, facilitating students to learn, and pointing out the way through which students can learn further and faster"
Dr. Han Dongkun
2018 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Tell me and I forget; show me and I remember; involve me and I understand."
Professor Wong Fook Yee
2018 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Take your students as your equal and have fun walking into the unknown together."
Dr. Chen Ju-chen
2017 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I hope my teaching is not only about transmitting knowledge, but changing attitude and transforming habit."
Dr. Chui Pui Yi Apple
2017 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2017 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Science is not an Ivory Tower. It is an approach to the world, a critical way to understand and explore and engage with the world, and then have the capacity to change the world."
Dr. Wong Fai George
2017 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
Dr. Kwok Pak Nin Samson
2016 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2016 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"General Education courses provide me the opportunity to reflect and re-organize my courses to introduce history to non-majors; to re-visit the way to communicate the past events in history to the general public. By teaching these General Education courses, I always re-discover the joy of learning alongside with my students."
Dr. Lui Wing Sing
2016 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"The earth is mysterious; satellites reveal the unknowns to human-beings by capturing images from the space. Knowledge is limitless; teachers unveil the key to acquire knowledge by motivating students to learn with fun. On one hand, the journey from the space lets students know more about the earth. On the other hand, I hope students can endure the momentum to learn and use their knowledge to contribute to our homeland."
Dr. Wong Kwan Kit Frankie
2016 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Time is limited. How can we make the best use of time in this course? This teaching motto reminds us to treasure the time we are together in the course. It is also my invitation to the students: Search for the meaning of studying in the course. I invite them to make the course more meaningful together with me: It is not just a course; it is 'our' course. Time is limited, but limited enough to make our life meaningful!"
Professor Chan Chi Ho Wallace
2015 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I always remind myself to think like I was a student. As teachers, we can sometimes get very excited when talking about the subject that we are familiar with. We might forget what it was like when we learn a new concept for the first time."
Dr. Lee Kit Ying Rebecca
2015 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2015 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
Dr. Tong Shiu Sing
2015 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"My role as the course facilitator is to train the students to understand the complex nuances of culture through communication in human society and the world around us. It is important to convey the message that 'knowing others' culture means knowing more about ourselves.'"
Professor Ho Chi Ming
2014 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I tell my students that grades don't matter—what matters is their own effort to think for themselves. I say to them, 'Remember: really stupid people sometimes get A's, because they worry so much about getting good grades that they forget about things that may be more important in life.'"
Professor Gordon Mathews
2014 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2014 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"One of my primary objectives as an anthropologist is to help students see how culture shapes our view of the world. I want them to be able to see things from a different culture's perspective, and to see beyond their naturally ethnocentric perspective."
Professor Joseph Bosco
2013 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I hope to urge as many students as possible to resolve to be a good man/woman in the rest of their life."
Professor Lam Chiu Ying
2013 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Empathy is essential for building positive student-teacher rapport."
Dr. Chiu Chi Ming
2012 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
Professor Ng Kai Chiu
2011 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2012 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"General Education is whole-person education. GE teachers regard teaching and learning not as a profession but a way of life."
Dr. Kou Kei Chun
2011 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2011 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Not only is education to develop one's intellectual mind and skills, but also to teach him how to live a better life by developing his spiritual mind. General education truly reflects the inwardness of education."
Dr. Pang Kam Moon
2011 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Success in teaching a general education course, especially with limited class time, depends on whether the teacher can instill curiosity in students so that they will embark on a lifelong quest for knowledge."
Professor Wan Chui Ki Maggie
2010 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"The world is as big or small as the scope of our vision. General Education prompts students to set their gaze far and wide so they may leap out of their cluttered, dust-filled nest and stride into a world of open sky and boundless sea."
Dr. Wong Kim Fan
2009 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"Question everything, including everything you are taught. Reflect on all that you do, and search for lasting solutions."
Ms. Tessa Stewart
2008 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"It is advisable to place equal emphasis on the advancement of one's studies and the conduct of oneself; It is better still to achieve a combined mastery of both." New Asia College Regulation 1
Professor Chow Po Chung
2008 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2008 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"General education helps students to develop a different mindset about learning that better fits today's rapid development of knowledge."
Professor Chang Lei
2008 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"For a general knowing, we learn to embrace and compare; for a general knowing, we learn to think and judge."
Mr Dung Kai Cheung
2007 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"I hope students would choose and are given the opportunity to choose courses that challenge them to address life's most basic questions such as what does it mean to be a human being, what is a good life, and how should we go about living such a life."
Dr Nakano Lynne Yukie
2007 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"The future direction of general education depends on us concerned teachers venturing hand-in-hand...The path of general education has never been paved by any individual alone."
Dr Wong Wing Hung
2006 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2007 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education -
"A piece of knowledge easily may become outdated or even forgotten, but ability and method, once acquired, will prove beneficial throughout one's life."
Professor Liu Xiaogan
2006 Awardee of Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education
2006 Awardee of Vice-Chancellor's Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education