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A Gentleman’s Guide to Old-Fashioned (but Sustainable) Eating

通識沙龍 2022-23「新活日常」

GE Salon 2022-23 Day in, day out: Critical Insights into the New Normal

第四節 Session 4


A Gentleman’s Guide to Old-Fashioned (but Sustainable) Eating

講者 Speaker:戴沛權教授 Prof. TAI Pui Kuen Amos
主持 Moderator:李明博士 Dr. LI Ming
日期 Date:1 / 12 / 2022 (Thur)
時間 Time:7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
地點 Venue:香港中文大學 康本國際學術園6號演講廳 LT6, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

粵語主講 (設手語翻譯)
In Cantonese (with sign language interpreting)

講座簡介 About the Talk

今天晚餐吃什麼?這個看似簡單的問題,卻時常讓發達國家裡面的現代消費者感到困惑。當代人食物選擇多不勝數,營養 「專家」又經常「說三道四」左右我們,加上人們逐漸了解到現代飲食可能導致更嚴重的社會剝削、環境污染和氣候變化,這些皆使該問題更趨複雜化。那麼我們該如何才可以食吃得健康、享受、且有良知?對於這個問題,名作家米高•波倫(Michael Pollan)提供了只有簡單七個字的答案:Eat food;not too much;mostly plants。這其實是個極「老派」的吃法,畢竟我們祖先幾千年來的飲食也是這樣,但這相對起現今高度工業化的食品系統而言,卻是革命性的。在這次講座中,我們將探討香港人如何從個人健康、社會公平和環境可持續性等多角度重新思考「吃什麼」這個重要問題。

What shall we eat for dinner? This deceptively simple question has indeed perplexed modern consumers in the developed world, in the midst of a cornucopia of food choices, further complicated by a dizzying array of food advices from nutrition and health “experts” as well as justifiable warnings that what we eat now may be contributing to social exploitation, environmental pollution and climate change. How shall we, then, eat with optimal health benefit, enjoyment and conscience? Michael Pollan’s answer to such a profound question is just seven simple words: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” This is indeed as old-fashioned (in a sense that our ancestors have been eating like this for millennia) as it is revolutionary against the backdrop of our highly industrialized food systems. In this talk, we will discuss all these, and explore how Hong Kong people may rethink the opening question for the sake of personal health, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability.

講者簡介 About the Speaker

戴沛權博士現任香港中文大學理學院地球系統科學課程副教授,同時兼任大學通識教育部副主任。戴博士本科畢業於美國麻省理工學院,其後在哈佛大學取得工程科學(環境科學及工程)哲學博士學位,並再於麻省理工學院擔任裘槎博士後研究員一年,2013年開始任職香港中文大學。主要研究大氣化學與物理學、農業與森林氣象學、及大氣與生物圈之間的相互作用;他利用超級計算機建立地球系統模型及統計分析全球觀測數據,以了解大氣與陸地生態系統的複雜互動關係,並應對與日常生活息息相關的挑戰,如空氣污染與氣候變化對生態系統及糧食保障所帶來的影響 、以及如何改進林業和農業管理以減少對環境的損害等問題。戴博士多次在大氣及環境科學範疇的知名期刊內發表研究結果,包括《Nature Climate Change》、《Nature Food》、《Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics》、《Environmental Research Letters》等頂尖雜誌,並獲得聯合國2015年度「世界氣象組織青年科學家研究獎」及香港研究資助局的「傑出青年學者」獎項(2014–2015年度),以及於2018年獲選香港青年科學院創院成員及義務秘書。 戴博士同時熱心於教學,曾獲頒中文大學「理學院模範教學獎」及「校長模範教學獎」,並為該校地球系統課程的建立與發展貢獻良多。戴博士亦樂於向大眾推廣科普知識,尤其是氣候變化、環境可持續性、信仰與科學等議題,定期到各中小學及公共空間演講,曾多次參與及主持電視和電台節目,以推廣科學及環境教育;亦積極為政府部門包括路政署和漁農署等提供專業諮詢服務。

Dr. Amos P. K. Tai is an Associate Professor in the Earth System Science Programme of the Faculty of Science, as well as the Associate Director of the Office of University General Education, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Amos obtained his B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering Science from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Ph.D. in Environmental Science and Engineering from Harvard University, and was a Croucher Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT before he joined CUHK in 2013. Amos specializes in atmospheric chemistry and physics, agricultural and forest meteorology, and biosphere-atmosphere interactions. His research combines high-performance Earth system modeling and multivariate statistical analysis of observations to examine the complex interactions between ecosystems and the atmosphere, addressing pressing issues such as the impacts of air pollution and climate change on ecosystems and food security, and how agriculture and forests can be better managed to mitigate environmental impacts. His work has been published in top-ranking journals in the atmospheric and environmental sciences including Nature Climate Change, Nature Food, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, and Environmental Research Letters, and earned him the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Research Award for Young Scientists in 2015, Early Career Award from the Research Grants Council (Hong Kong) in 2014, and founding membership of the Hong Kong Young Academy of Sciences in 2018. Amos is also a passionate educator, having received the prestigious CUHK Vice-Chancellor Exemplary Teaching Award and Faculty of Science Exemplary Teaching Award, and contributed significantly to the establishment and development of the Earth System Science Programme. Amos delights in promoting popular science knowledge to the public, especially on topics such as climate change, environmental sustainability, and faith and science. He regularly gives talks in schools and public avenues, and has participated in and hosted TV and radio programs many times to promote science and environmental education. He has also provided professional consulting services to government departments including the Highways Department and Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.

報名 Registration

中大同學及教職員 CUHK Student and Staff

公眾人士 General Public


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Language and Music: Nutrients to the Developing Brain (3)

通識沙龍 2022-23「新活日常」

GE Salon 2022-23 Day in, day out: Critical Insights into the New Normal

第三節 Session 3

Language and Music: Nutrients to the Developing Brain

講者 Speaker:黃俊文教授 Professor WONG Chun Man Patrick
主持 Moderator:Dr. Klaus COLANERO
日期 Date:24 / 11 / 2022 (Thur)
時間 Time:7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
地點 Venue:香港中文大學 康本國際學術園6號演講廳 LT6, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

英語主講 (設手語翻譯)
In English (with sign language interpreting)

講座簡介 About the Talk

Every known human society has language and music, even when other cultural traits are absent.  The impact of language and music on child development cannot be overstated.  Language improves behavioral adaptation, advances cognitive development, and enables academic learning.  Music enhances parent-child bonding, regulates emotions, and facilitates identity formation.  Besides their pivotal roles in our culture and in child development, the fact that language and music both rely on complex sound sequences naturally invites interdisciplinary studies that investigate how they relate to each other and to our biology and culture.  In this GE Salon, Wong will discuss the importance of everyday language and music stimulation on the developing brain and offer strategies to promote language and music in the child's daily life that can be implemented in the new normal.

講者簡介 About the Speaker

Patrick C M Wong is a cognitive neuroscientist, linguist and speech-language therapist.  His research examines cultural and biological factors that lead to variation in language and cognition across individuals.  This body of work has appeared in different interdisciplinary scholarly venues as well as media outlets such as The New York Times and Scientific American.

報名 Registration

中大同學及教職員 CUHK Student and Staff

公眾人士 General Public


費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加 Free admission, all are welcome.

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