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Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會

Experiential Learning in General Education

日期 Date : 2021-06-02 (星期三 Wednesday)
時間 Time: 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
形式 Venue: ZOOM
講者 Speakers:

Dr. Li Ming Kenneth (Office of University General Education)
Prof. Lam Weng Cheong (Department of Anthropology & Department of History)

語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese







Brief Description

Experiential learning has been increasingly important in higher education in recent years. This learning mode allows students to apply classroom knowledge into practice, which inspires them to have a deeper understanding of the subject. Experiential learning also emphasizes students’ interaction with the environment and with others. By doing so, it encourages students to be active agents, and thus helps nurture them to become responsible global citizens and leaders.

In this GE lunch seminar, we have invited Dr. Li Ming Kenneth and Prof. Lam Wen Cheong to share their experience in conducting experiential learning in General Education.

Dr. Li will share the design and learning outcome of adding an agricultural experience element in the science classics reading course UGFN 1000 In Dialogue with Nature. He would also introduce the course design and effectiveness of a summer course UGEB2296 Experiencing and Rethinking Science and Technology in Agriculture, with a sharing on the challenges and reflection of experiential learning during COVID 19 though online teaching.

On the other hand, according to Prof. Lam Weng Cheong, teaching humanities is encountering more and more challenges in modern days, especially when “factual knowledge” becomes easily accessible. However, Prof. Lam argues that we should not lose sight of the important value of the humanities, which is to offer different perspectives on long-term social traditions navigating the development of history. Based on his teaching of four General Education courses related to archaeology, Prof. Lam in this seminar will share how he views teaching as a precious opportunity to learn: to reflect on the relevance between his teaching subjects and daily life, and to explore how to add more meaning to learning experience of the human past.




李明博士畢業於香港中文大學生物系,獲理學士及哲學碩士,及後取得生物化學博士學位,現職為大學通識教育部講師,任教基礎課程UGFN1000「與自然對話」及其混合版的跨院校科目UGFN1001「與自然對話」。李博士熱衷發展於以學生為本的教學法,包括翻轉課堂(flipped classrooms)、混合式教學、同儕輔讀、體驗式學習;並開創UGEB2296「農業科技:體驗與再思」一科,讓學生透過農業體驗去思考現代農業、永續農業及相關的可持續發展目標。除此以外,他還致力於探索學生在課堂學習以外的機會,促進學生成長和發展,並任教GESH1010「明新達人-善衡書院啟導課程」。李博士曾榮獲2019通識教育模範教學獎及校長模範教學獎。



Speakers' Bio

Dr. Li Ming Kenneth obtained his B.Sc. and M.Phil. degrees in Biology, and Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Dr. Li is currently a Lecturer in the Office of University General Education. Dr. Li has taught the General Education Foundation course UGFN1000 In Dialogue with Nature and the blended learning version of the course (UGFN1001) for a cross-institutional course-sharing project with students coming from three other local universities. Dr. Li is devoted to developing student-centered pedagogy, including flipped classrooms, blended learning, peer-assisted learning, and experiential learning. His initiative of experiential learning through rooftop farming has enriched students’ learning experience. Extending this good practice, Dr. Li has developed UGEB2296 Experiencing and Rethinking Science and Technology in Agriculture, an experiential learning course on modern agriculture, permaculture and related sustainable development goals. Dr. Li has endeavored to explore opportunities for students to learn beyond the courses to accelerate their growth and development. Dr. Li has also taught GESH1010 Orientation and Outreach. Dr. Li received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2019 and the Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2019.

Prof. Lam Weng Cheong has been teaching at The Chinese University of Hong Kong under the joint appointment by the Department of Anthropology and the Department of History since 2015. Professor Lam has taught four General Education courses, namely, UGEA2330 Chinese Cultural Heritage, UGEB2502 Human Evolution, UGEB2505 Deciphering the Past: Culture, Archaeology and Science, and UGEC1633 Understanding Archaeology. His research currently focuses on ancient market exchange and the development of metal technology in ancient China. Professor Lam believes that the role of a teacher is to make academic knowledge easier to understand and to inspire students to see the connections between the past and the present in human societies. Prof. Lam received the Faculty of Arts Outstanding Teaching Award 2016 and the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2019.


報名 Registration

電郵 Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
(截止日期 Deadline: 31-05-2021)


Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會

General Education and Student Growth

日期 Date : 2021-05-21 (星期五 Friday)
時間 Time: 12:00 nn to 1:30 pm
形式 Venue: ZOOM
講者 Speakers:

Dr. Leung Cheuk Hang (Office of University General Education)
Dr. Lau Chi Hin (Department of Mathematics)

語言 Language: 粵語 Cantonese



是次通識午餐聚會,我們邀得梁卓恒博士和劉智軒博士擔任講者。梁卓恒博士將分享講授大學通識教育基礎課程UGFH1000「與人文對話」及新亞書院通識課GENA1113「學生為本的教學與研討」的經驗,探討人文與社會議題具有的通識教育效能,並分享兩套關於研討課的教學策略,討論通識教育如何有助學生成長。劉智軒博士則會與我們分享教授理工科類通識科的教學經驗。面對數學難題,部分學生會焦慮或恐懼,他們或曾在數學方面感到沮喪,因此缺乏信心解決數學問題。劉博士任教的UGEB2530「博奕和策略思想」讓學生從非技術層面出發,從簡單遊戲到現實生活中遇到的經濟、社會心理學、生物及商業問題,帶領學生認識博奕論,當中會以簡單的數學術語去學習著名的「納什均衡」(Nash equilibrium)。劉博士其中一個教學目的,是讓所有學生能以多種方法認識數學,並以數學方法去解決日常生活遇到的問題。

Brief Description

General Education (GE) is a compulsory study programme in the undergraduate curriculum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. One of the challenges that all GE teachers faces is how to teach a course with students from different academic background. Besides, what are the influences in the GE courses of humanity- and science- field? Apart from imparting knowledge, what should teachers be aware when they are conducting GE courses to facilitate student growth?

In this GE lunch seminar, we have invited Dr. Leung Cheuk Hang and Dr. Lau Chi Hin to share their teaching experience in respect of student growth. Dr. Leung would introduce his experience in teaching UGFH1000 “In Dialogue with Humanity” and GENA1113 “Student-Oriented Teaching and Seminar”, with a focus on how GE elements are infused in humanity and social issues. Dr. Leung would also share two different teaching pedagogies when conducting discussion-based lessons, followed by a discussion on how GE will help to facilitate student growth. Meanwhile, Dr. Lau Chi Hin will share with us his experience in teaching GE courses related to the science fields. Some students are described as having mathematical anxiety or math phobia. These students usually have a lot of frustrating experience in mathematics and they are lack of confidence in solving mathematical problems. Dr. Lau’s GE course UGEB2530 “Games and Strategic Thinking” provides students with a non-technical exploration of game theory. It starts with very simple parlor games to more realistic problems in economics, social psychology, biology, and business. The celebrated “Nash equilibrium” are explained and studied in simple mathematical terms. One of his goals is to make all students understand that mathematics can be used in many different ways and everyone can use mathematics to solve problems related to daily life.




Speakers' Bio

Dr. Leung Cheuk Hang obtained his B.SSc. degree in Politics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Ph.D. degree in Education from University College London. His research interests include values education, civic education, and cultural politics of education. Dr. Leung is currently a Lecturer in the Office of University General Education and is responsible for teaching General Education courses UGFH1000 In Dialogue with Humanity for the General Education Foundation Programme and GENA113 Student-Oriented Teaching and Seminar for New Asia College. Dr. Leung has been engaged in developing virtual learning tools and online learning platform for General Education courses. Dr. Leung is also active in conducting pedagogical research on the ideas, curriculum, and assessments of University General Education. Dr. Leung received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2019.

Dr. Lau Chi Hin obtained his B.Sc. and M.Phil. degrees in Mathematics from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from The University of Hong Kong. Dr. Lau joined the Department of Mathematics at The Chinese University of Hong Kong as a Lecturer in 2005. Dr. Lau has been teaching two courses on game theory, namely MATH4250 Game Theory, for mathematics major students, and UGEB2530 Games and Strategic Thinking, a University General Education course for almost ten years. Dr. Lau has designed a number of interesting games to facilitate students to study game theory. Dr. Lau received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2019.


報名 Registration

電郵 Email: Email住址會使用灌水程式保護機制。你需要啟動Javascript才能觀看它
(截止日期 Deadline: 18-05-2021)