Nomination is hereby invited from members of the Senate Committee on General Education (SCGE), teaching units, the Colleges, General Education teachers and undergraduate students for the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2022. 

The Award is presented annually by the SCGE to normally up to four teachers in recognition of their exemplary contribution to teaching and learning in General Education (GE).

All nominations will be reviewed by the SCGE and its Standing Committee based on the contribution of the individual nominee to GE in the past two academic years, i.e. 2020-21 and 2021-22 for the current call.  Contribution to teaching and learning will be evaluated based on the following objectives of the CUHK GE Programme and expectation of GE courses:

Objectives of CUHK GE Programme:

  1. To furnish students with a broad intellectual perspective for dealing with unfamiliar questions;
  2. To engage students in active reflections on perennial issues, prompting them to make connections between intellectual pursuits and life at work, at home and in the community;
  3. To promote an understanding of Chinese cultural heritage and of other cultural traditions;
  4. To develop in students attitudes and skills that are conducive to critical thinking, self-expression and communication with the others; and
  5. To serve as a platform where students can extend their curiosity, read widely beyond their chosen discipline, and develop attitudes and competence as independent learners and team players.

Expectation of GE courses:

GE courses should aim at the same intellectual level as major courses, and should carry the same amount of workload (in terms of reading, assignments, etc.) as major courses with the same number of units and at the same level.


Nominations should be made on the prescribed nomination form (click here to download word logo) and be returned to the Office of University General Education (OUGE), the Secretariat of SCGE, by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before 3 January 2023.

Information about the Award, including awardees who received the Award in the past, is available on the OUGE website.


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