"3+3+4" Symposium on "General Education"
The symposium is the fourth in a series of 12 symposia organized by the Heads of Universities Committee in preparation for the transition to the new "3+3+4" curriculum. The event, hosted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, is closely timed with two other events on related themes, namely Core Curriculum to be hosted by the University of Hong Kong and the Lingnan University on 12 May and Cultural Education & History to be hosted by the Hong Kong Baptist University on 5 June.
Keynote speakers will give presentations on the development and trends of the General Education programme in the U.S.A., Mainland China and Hong Kong.
The symposium will also provide a forum for academics and administrators of the UGC-funded universities to share their latest plans for the new 4-year curriculum and to discuss the major issues that are important to the development and management of the new General Education and Core curriculum in 2012, including:
- management of curriculum change
- content, pedagogy and assessment
- faculty and course development
- funding and resource
Welcome Addresses
- Professor Kenneth Young, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK
- Mr. Michael Stone, JP, Secretary-General, University Grants Committee
Keynote Speech I
(Moderator: Prof. Leslie Lo, CUHK)
- Liberal studies and general education in undergraduate curriculum in the 21st century: its role, development and the challenges
- Dr. Scott Lee, Executive Director of the Association for Core Texts and Courses and Co-director of a U. S. Department of Education grant, Assessing Trends in the Liberal Arts Core: A Vision for the 21st Century, A Nationwide Study of Undergraduate Colleges and Universities
- Management of GE curriculum change and faculty development
- Dr. Jerry Gaff, Senior Scholar, Association of American Colleges and Universities
- Q&A Session
Keynote Speech II
(Moderator: Prof. Suk-Ying Wong, CUHK)
- Development of GE in China
- Prof. Sidong Xiong, Dean of Fudan College, Fudan University
- Key issues in developing and managing a GE programme at tertiary institutions
- Prof. Chan-Fai Cheung, Director of University General Education, CUHK
- Q&A Session
Plenary Session Ia - Content and pedagogy in GE
(Moderator: Prof. Martha Cheung, HKBU)
- Affective education & experiential learning
- Prof. Susan Gano-Phillips, Fulbright Scholar, CityU
- Teaching of core text
- Dr. Julie Chiu, CUHK
- Teaching of science in GE
- Prof. Michael Wong, HKUST
- Q&A Session
Planery Session 1b - Assessment in GE
(Moderator: Prof. Stephen Friedman, Fulbright Scholar, CUHK)
- Assessment of student learning in a general education programme - Difficulties and methods
- Dr. Huixuan Xu, HKIED
- Pedagogy and Assessment in General Education – an analysis of data from students’ rating of instruction
- Dr. Mei-Yee Leung, CUHK
- Q&A Session
Plenary Session IIa - Faculty and course development for GE
(Moderator: Dr. John Babson, HKPU)
- Faculty Development for General Education @ CityU
- Dr. Eva Wong, CityU
- Faculty and Course Development
- Prof. Spencer Benson, Fulbright Scholar, HKU
- Q&A Session
Plenary Session IIb - Funding models and resource for GE
(Moderator: Professor Michael Hui, CUHK)
- Funding Models and Resources for GE
- Prof. Stephen Friedman, Fulbright Scholar, CUHK - Prof. Sidong Xiong, Fudan University
- Q&A Session