Chasing Coral

通識沙龍 2018-19「家‧鄉‧歸」
GE Salon 2018-19 Home.Homeland.Homecoming

第九節 Session 9(電影放映會 + 映後座談會 Film Screening + Sharing)

Chasing Coral

講者 Speaker:崔佩怡 Chui Pui Yi Apple
主持 Moderator:李明 Li Ming Kenneth
日期 Date:14 / 03 / 2019 (Thur)
時間 Time:6:30 – 9:00 pm
地點:香港中文大學 康本國際學術園 4 號演講廳
Venue: LT4, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK
粵語及英語主講  In Cantonese and English

電影簡介 About the Film

Coral reefs around the world are vanishing at an unprecedented rate. A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to discover why and to reveal the underwater mystery to the world.

導演 Director: Jeff Orlowski | 字幕 Subtitles: 中文 Chinese | 片長 Length: 89 分鐘 mins

講者簡介 About the Speaker

崔佩怡博士(Dr. Apple Chui)於香港中文大學獲得環境科學碩士及生物學博士學位 ,並於2016年加入中大生命科學學院任職講師。崔博士自2008年開始, 在香港進行珊瑚研究,其研究興趣包括珊瑚成長初階段研究,幼苗入添量調查,及利用有性繁殖培育珊瑚等復育工作。崔博士多年來熱心參與香港海洋及珊瑚保育的公眾推廣和教育活動,當中包括為學校,綠色團體,政府部門等不同團體擔任專題講者,以及為香港珊瑚礁普查擔任隊伍科學家。崔博士透過不同公開演講累積經驗,善於通過穿插故事,深入淺出的介紹與講解科學知識。崔博士認為,教學不僅僅是知識的傳承,還應帶出態度和習慣上的改變。 近年,她推出了外展項目「珊瑚學院」,透過不同類型活動推廣香港水底世界,以培養及深化學生及大眾對海洋生態保育的意識及行為。

Dr. Apple Chui obtained her M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees in Environmental Science and Biology programs from CUHK, and has been with the School of Life Sciences as a lecturer since 2016. Since 2008, Dr. Chui has been studying corals in Hong Kong. Her research interests include coral larval ecology, coral recruitment dynamics and reef restoration using sexually reared corals. Apart from research, Dr. Chui has been actively engaged in public outreach and education activities on marine and coral conservation in Hong Kong. Throughout the years, she has been invited to speak at public seminars on marine and coral conservation for various organisations, including schools, green groups, and government departments. She has also been actively involved with Reef Check Hong Kong as team scientist. With practice and experience in public speaking, she has learnt to become a storyteller of science, making science easier to understand. Dr. Chui believes that teaching is not only about transmitting knowledge, but changing attitude and transforming habit. She has recently launched the outreach programme “Coral Academy”, to raise student and public’s awareness and inspire action in marine conservation through various activities.


費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加  Free admission, all are welcome.