Field Trip Activities in General Education Courses in History

Field Trip Activities in General Education Courses in History

Speaker: Dr. Lui Wing Sing (General Education Foundation Programme)
Date: 5 March 2018 (Monday)
Language: Cantonese

Field trips provide students with experiential learning and form an essential teaching component in General Education courses in history. Field trips would supplement classroom teaching. Through guiding students to read relevant historical materials, along with personal visits to historic sites and museums, students would appreciate history with pleasure and achieve better learning outcomes. Filed trips also facilitate students apply methodology learnt in history to their own disciplines and everyday life.

In this GE lunch seminar, the speaker would share with the audience the pedagogical design of his General Education courses and how field trips are organized to help students accomplish better learning outcomes.

Speaker’s Bio

Dr. Lui Wing Sing is Lecturer of the General Education Foundation Programme in the Office of University General Education. He has offered various General Education courses since 2014. He is now teaching UGFH1000 In Dialogue with Humanity under the General Education Foundation Programme, and two College General Education courses, namely GENA2322/GEWS2010 General History of China and GECC4130 Senior Seminar. In respect of pedagogical design and class activities, Dr. Lui does not place emphasis of learning history by heart. Instead, Dr. Lui encourages students to think critically, relate history to their daily life, and unveil the pleasure of studying history in their surroundings. His patience and enthusiasm in teaching earn him the 2016 SCGE Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education.