Assessment for Learning

Assessment for Learning

Date: 6 October 2008
Speaker: Dr. Stephen Friedman (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)

Can programme assessment truly inform teaching and enhance learning? The University Grant Council (UGC) is promoting outcomes-based approaches (OBA) as student-centered and a tool to improve teaching and learning. However, as pointed out by a UGC consultant, gains through OBA “have only been achieved through deliberate and balanced approaches that reflect stakeholder values and perceptions, and that keeps the ultimate goal of improving student learning clearly in mind. Conceptual reification and rigidity in implementation will always be the worst enemies of a thoughtful outcomes-based approach.”

In this session, Visiting Scholar Dr. Stephen Friedman will provide an overview to an outcomes-based approach and programme assessment; with a special focus on how and under what circumstances can assessment inform teaching and learning.

About the Speaker

Dr. Stephen Friedman is Professor of Educational Measurement and Statistics at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. His work on General Education assessment began in the mid-90s and has published widely on GE assessment ever since. Dr. Friedman is now visiting CUHK as a Fulbright Scholar under the Fulbright HK General Education Program.

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