Outcomes Based Approaches - Practical Considerations

Outcomes Based Approaches - Practical Considerations

Date: 17 April 2008 (Thursday)
Speaker: Prof Shekhar Madhukar Kumta (Faculty of Medicine, CUHK)

The University Grant Council has been promoting outcomes-based approaches (OBA) in student learning in recent years. As a response to this call, the university has asked each faculty to draw up an “Outcomes-based Roadmap” to plan for the adaptation and implementation of OBA from now till 2012.

The Faculty of Medicine is among the pioneers on our campus that has systematically reviewed and defined their programme learning outcomes and taken an OBA in student learning.

In this session, Prof Shekhar Madhukar Kumta, a member of their Learning Outcomes Committee, will share with us their experiences with adopting an OBA, what the approach involves, the difficulties and impacts on teachers.

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