Introducing Classics Back to General Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Introducing Classics Back to General Education at The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Date: 13 March 2008 (Thursday)
Speaker: Prof. Cheung Chan Fai (Office of University General Education)

In January 2008, Prof. W. T. de Bary of Columbia University organized an international conference on general education and core curriculum “Classics for an Emerging World”. The conference aimed at facilitating scholars on understanding the state of core curricular in the U.S. and East Asia, as well as sharing experiences on identifying, introducing and studying Western and Asian classics in core curriculum programs of tertiary institutions globally.


In order to meet the 3-3-4 curriculum, OUGE has taken the initiative to introduce studying classics as core curriculum at the first year foundation course. Prof. Cheung Chan Fai, Director of University General Education has attended the conference to learn about the development and recent trends of studying tradition and modern classics worldwide, particularly in the US, and to network with the organizer and other practitioners in the field.


In this luncheon, Prof. Cheung will share with colleagues the above experiences and the challenges CUHK encountered in introducing classics into GE foundation course. Teachers and colleagues are welcome to join and express your ideas concerning the issue.

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