X. He, X. Tan and R. Wu
Convergence of Simulated Annealing Using Kinetic Langevin Dynamics.
Z. Ren, X. Tan, N. Touzi and J. Yang
Entropic optimal planning for path-dependent mean field games.
X. He, X. Tan and J. Zou
An exit contract optimization problem.
A. Richard, X. Tan and F. Yang
On the discrete-time simulation of the rough Heston model.
B. Bouchard, G. Loeper and X. Tan
Approximate viscosity solutions of path-dependent PDEs and Dupire’s vertical differentiability.
A. Kazeykina, Z. Ren, X. Tan and J. Yang
Ergodicity of the underdamped mean-field Langevin dynamics.
N. El Karoui and X. Tan,
Capacities, Measurable Selection and Dynamic Programming Part I: Abstract Framework.
N. El Karoui and X. Tan,
Capacities, Measurable Selection and Dynamic Programming Part II: Application in Stochastic Control Problems.
Accepted papers:
PHD Thesis, 12th december 2011
Stochastic control methods for optimal transportation and probabilistic numerical schemes for PDEs.
HDR Thesis, 1st december 2017,
Martingale Optimal Transport, Non Markovian Stochastic Control and Branching Diffusion Processes.