Full-time Instructor, Department of Mathematics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 9/1985-8/1987
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
(On leave from 9/1986-8/1987) 9/1986-12/1992
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
(with tenure) 9/1989-6/1996
Part-time Lecturer, External B. Sc. (Economic) Program,
London University 9/1990-12/1992
Part-time Lecturer, External Master of Commerce Program,
University of New South Wales 1/1993-9/1993
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Hong
Kong University of Science and Technology 9/1993-12/1995
Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 1/1996-9/1998
Professor II, Department of Mathematics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 9/1996-8/1998
Associate Director, Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 10/1998-9/2005
Professor I, Department of Mathematics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 11/2004-10/2009
Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 10/2005-12/2012
Professor of Mathematics (equivalent to Chair Professor),
Department of Mathematics, The
Chinese University of Hong Kong 12/2011-3/2012
Part-time Lecturer, Master of Finance Program, Faculty of
Business Administration, The Chinese University of Hong Kong 8/2012-7/2018
Chairman, Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 1/2013-1/2019
Choh-Ming Li Chair Professor, Faculty of Science, The Chinese
University of Hong Kong. 1/2019- Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, City University
of Hong Kong. 1/2019-12/2020 Dean, College of Science, City University of Hong Kong. 1/2021- Vice-President (Student Affairs), City University of Hong Kong.
1993-1995 Honourary Lecturer, University of Hong Kong 1993-1995 Founding Vice-President, East Asia Section of SIAM 1994-1997
Member, Steering Committee of the Asian High Performance
Computing Conference 1994-1998
Member, Committee of the Computational Mathematics
Society of the Chinese Mathematical Society 1995-1996
Hong Kong Mathematical Society 1996-1998 External Examiner, Course on Pascal Programming and
Symbolic Software, Hong Kong Open University 1997-2000
External Examiner, M.Sc. Degree in Scientific
Computing, Hong Kong Baptist University 1997-2000 Member, Academic Committee of the
Provincial Key Laboratory
of Digital Image Processing Techniques of Guangdong,
Shantou University 2000-2002
Member, Departmental Advisory Committee, City University of Hong Kong 2000- Member, Standing Committee of the Computational Mathematics
Society of the Chinese Mathematics Society 2000-2002 Council Member,
Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2000-2006 Vice-President, East Asia Section of
SIAM 2000-2005 Member, Physical Sciences Panel,
Hong Kong
Research Grants Council 2001-2004 Member, SIAM's
Master Program Committee 2002 Adjudicating Committee Member,
Mathematics and Mechanics Panel, China National Natural Science Award 2002- External Member, Joint
Research Institute for Applied Mathematics,
Peking University and Hong Kong Baptist University 2005- Oversea Consulting Expert,
High Performance Scientific Computation Research Project (973 Project) 2005- Nominator for the 2006, 2010 and 2014
Kyoto Prize
in Basic Sciences (Mathematical Sciences) 2007-2017 Adjudicating Committee Member,
Feng Kang Prize 2007- Scientific Board Member, Ph.D. program
in "Mathematics of Computing", University of Insubria, Como, Italy 2008- Nominator for the
Japan Prize 2010, 2012 Chief Judge,
International Mathematics Challenge 2010 Panel Member, Programme Accreditation,
M.Sc. in Mathematical Finance, Hong Kong Baptist University
and M.Sc. in Financial Engineering, Kent State University 2010-2012 Chairman, National Selection Committee,
S.T. Yau High
School Applied Mathematical Sciences Awards 2011-2014 External Examiner, B.Sc. (Hons) Applied Mathematics
with Computing, Universiti
Tunku Abdul Rahman 2011-2019 Panelist, Panel for Engineering and Science,
University of Macau Research Committee 2012- Scientific Committee Member,
Hang Lung Mathematical Awards 2013- Faculty Advisory Board, Institute of Advanced Studies,
Shenzhen University. 2014-2019 Member, Physical Sciences Panel for Joint Research Schemes,
Hong Kong
Research Grants Council 2014- Nominator for the Shaw Prize 2014- External Review Panalist, Master of Arts in Mathematics
and Pedagogy, Hong Kong Institute of Education 2014- Advisory Committee Member,
East Asia Section of SIAM 2015-2018 Adjunct Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) 2015-2020 Elected Council Member (2 terms), US Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematicians (SIAM)(First and only member from an Asian university since SIAM started in 1952) 2015 Member, Subcommittee for
ICIAM Su Buchin Prize 2015 Assessor,
Jiang Scholars Program 2016- Founding Vice-President, International Consortium of Chinese Mathematicians 2016 Member, Curriculum Design Consultation Committee,
Faculty of Big Data and Insitute of Big Data Research, Fudan
University 2016 Nominator for King Faisal International Prize for Science 2017 Member, Prize Committee, French-German Prize on Mathematics in Imaging. 2017 External Reviewer, Undergraduate Programmes in Mathematics Department,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 2018- Nominator for Future Science Prize. 2018-2022 Council Member, Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance 2019 Member, Subcommittee for
The Olga Taussky-Todd Lectures 2019-2021 Member, SIAM Committee on Section
Activities 2019- Member, University Assessment Panel, University of Macau Macao Talent Program 2019- Chairman, CUHK Shenzhen Mathematics Planning Committee 2019- Chairman, Scientific Committee, Hong Kong Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics (HKSIAM) 2019- Member, Steering Committee, Center for Mathematical Artificial Intelligence,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2019-2021 Academic Advisor, MSc Programme in Data Science, Chuhai University, Hong Kong 2019-2020 Member, SIAM Fellow Selection Committee 2020-2022 Director, International Mathematical Modeling Challenge Committee Limited 2020 Advisory Committee Member, Department of Mathematics, University of Macau 2020 Chairman, Prize Committee, French-German Prize on Mathematics in Imaging 2020- Member, Joint CUHK-New Territories East Cluster Clinical Research Ethics Committee 2020-Hong Kong Convention Ambassador, Hong Kong Tourism Board 2020-2023 Member, Prizes Canvassing Committee, International Congress of Industrial and Applied Mathematicians 2021-2022 Member, SIAM Fellows Canvassing Committee 2021-2023 Member, Advisory Committee, Automotive Platforms and Application Systems R & D
Centre, Hong Kong Productivity Center 2021 Nominator, Fudan-Zhongzhi Science Award 2021- Member, Digital, Information and Telecommunications Committee, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce 2021- Co-Director and Chief Scientist, Hong Kong Center for Cerebro-cardiovascular Health Engineering 2021- Scientific Committee Member, Hang Lung Mathematics Award 2021- Member, Nomination Committee, SIAM Imaging Sciences Activity Group 2022-2024 Member, SIAM Board of Trustees 2022 Member, Nomination Committee, International Linear Algebra Society 2022- Advisor, Programme Steering Committee, Hong Kong Laureate Forum 2022- Vice-President, Hong Kong STEM Education Alliance
Research Grants
As Principal Investigator:
Grant DCR-8602563, US$30,000,
Iterative Methods for Queueing Problems 1986-1992
Four research grants (total HK$73,600) from The University of Hong Kong
1993- Direct Allocation Grants
(total HK$1,281,000) from The Chinese University of Hong Kong 1993-1996
HKRGC GRF Grant HKUST178/93E, HK$412,000,
Fast Iterative Methods for Signal Processing Problems 1994-1996
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK316/94E, HK$732,000,
Parallel Iterative Methods for Large Scale Scientific and Engineering
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK4207/97P, HK$486,000,
Fast Iterative Methods for Integral Equations 1999-2000
HKRGC Germany/Hong Kong Joint Reserach Grant, HK$24,752,
Preconditioners for Ill-Conditioned Toeplitz Matrices 1999-2001
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK4212/99P, HK$573,000,
Iterative Method for Ill-Conditioned Toeplitz Systems 2001-2004
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK4243/01P, HK$491,101,
New Applications of Iterative Toeplitz Solvers 2003-2006
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK400503, HK$300,000,
Wavelet Algorithms for High-Resolution Multichannel Images 2006-2009
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK400505, HK$231,000,
Iterative Methods for Accurate Restoration of Images Corrupted
by Impulse Noise 2009-2011
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK400508, HK$612,000, Applications and Convergence Analysis
of Framelet-based Algorithms for Missing Data Recovery 2011-2013
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK400510, HK$938,400, Efficient Variational Methods
for Image Inpainting in Transformed Domains 2012-2014
CUHK FIS Grant 1902036, HK$700,000,
Mathematical Imaging and Applications 2013-2015
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK400412, HK$700,000,
Estimation of Regularization Parameters
for Variational Approaches in Image Restoration Problems 2015-2017
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK300614, HK$900,258,
Flexible Two-stage Methodology for Image Segmentation 2015-2017
HKRGC GRF Grant HKBU502814, HK$341,284,
Stochastic Dominance, Almost Stochastic Dominance, Moment, and Test Statistics (transferred from another PI) 2017-2019
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK14306316, HK$488,501,
Mathematics in the Estimation of Point-spread
Functions in Ground-based Astronomy through Turbulence 2019-2021
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK14301718, HK$456,452,
Novel Efficient Variational Methods for Imaging Segmentation and
Their Applications to Angiography Imaging and Hyperspectral Imaging 2021-2023
HKRGC GRF Grant CityU11301120, HK$599,861,
Novel Computational Methods for Three-Dimensional Point
Source Localization based on Point Spread Function Analytics 2022-2023 HKRGC CRF Grant C1013-21GF, HK$1,500,000,
Theoretical Study and Applications of Deep Neural Networks 2023-2035
HKRGC GRF Grant CityU11309922, HK$648,000, Efficient Mathematical
and Data-driven Models for Closed-loop Adaptive Optics Systems
for Ground-based Astronomy
As Co-Investigator:
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK71/92E, HK$372,000,
Symmetry and Geometric Properties via Maximum Principles 1994-1997
HKRGC GRF Grant HKU467/94P, HK$609,000,
Calculus of Variations via Exterior Differential Systems 1996-1998
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK338/96E, HK$416,000,
Modern Numerical Methods for Industrial and Engineering Problems:
Electro-Magnetic Field, Oil Reservoir/Aquifer Simulations, and
Queuing Networks 1999-2001
HKRGC GRF Grant HKU7147/99P, HK$573,000,
Fast Iterative Methods for High-Resolution Multispectral
Image Restorations 2002-2005
HKRGC GRF Grant HKU7126/02P, HK$300,000,
Models and Numerical Algorithms for Queueing and Maufacturing
Systems 2010-2011
HKRGC GRF Grant HKBU202809, HK$358,800,
New Theories on Stochastic Dominance, their Test Statistics
with Applications in Economics and Finance 2011-2012
HKITF Grant MD10592, HK$3,584,596,
Developing a Platform to Deliver Personalized Healthcare Using
Genotype-based Risk Algorithms to Predict Diabetes and Diabetic Complications 2012-2016
HKRGC CRF Grant CUHK2/CRF/11G, HK$8,459,400, EXPO
(Exocyst-positive Organelle): Dynamics, Biogenesis and Function in Plants 2013-2016
HKRGC GRF Grant CUHK416712, HK$700,000,
Fast 3D Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Based on Compressed Sensing and Parallel Imaging 2013-2017
CUHK FIS Grant 1907303, HK$1,100,000, Applied Analysis and Scientific Computations 2014-2021
HKRGC AoE Grant AoE/M-05/12, HK$47,250,000,
Centre for Organelle Biogenesis and Function 2015-2017
HKRGC GRF Grant HKBU12500915, HK$291,600,
New Theory on Portfolio Optimization and Stochastic Dominance
with Applications 2016-2019 HKRGC CRF Grant C1007-15G, HK$6,166,013, Efficient
Algorithms and Hardware Accelerators for Tensor Decomposition and
Their Applications to Multidimensional Data Analysis 2019-2022 HKRGC GRF Grant 14300219, HK$502,444, Novel
Efficient Methods for Image Recovery under Heavy Noise and Their Applications 2020-2023 HKRGC-NSFC Grant N-CUHK415/19, HK$906,446,
Generative Adversarial Learning Based Magnetic Resonance Image Enhancement: Modeling and Algorithm 2020-2023 HKRGC-NSFC Grant N-HKBU214/19, HK$1,177,667,
Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Solving Structured Differential and Integral Models 2020-2025 InnoHK Grant, HK$329,000,000, Hong Kong Center for Cerebro-Cardiovascular Health Engineering 2020-2025 InnoHK Grant, HK$207,000,000, Center for Intelligent Multidimensional Data Analysis 2021-2023 ITF MHKJFS MHP/038/30, HK$2,136,125, Artificial Intelligent Methods and Technologies for Precise
Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer 2022-2025 HKRGC CRF Grant C4002-21EF, HK$10,000,000, The First Integrated State-of-the-Art
Live Cell Imaging Platforms to Timely Promote Interdisciplinary and Advanced Life Sciences Research in Hong Kong and Beyond
As Deputy Project Leader:
QEF Grant 2005/0349, HK$2,000,000,
Science Enrichment Programme for Secondary 3-4 Students 2008-2011
QEF Grant 2007/0351, HK$3,500,000,
The Development of Student-Oriented Teaching and Learning Resources in
Science and a Science Enrichment Programme for Secondary 3-4 Students
Reviewer for Journals and Publishers
Abstract and Applied Analysis
Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics
Advances in Electronics
AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series
Applicable Analysis
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis
Applied Mathematical Modeling
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities
Applied Mathematics and Computation
Applied Mathematics Letters
Applied Mathematics Research Express
Applied Numerical Mathematics
Autosoft Journal
Bentham E-book proposal
Biomedical Optical Express
Communications in Computational Physics
Communications in Information and Systems
Computational and Applied Mathematics
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Computers and Electrical Engineering
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization
Computers and Mathematics with Applications
CRC book proposal
Digital Signal Processing
Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems, Series B
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society
Electronic Journal on Linear Algebra
Electronic Transaction on Numerical Analysis
Engineering Economist
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing
EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing
European Journal on Applied Mathematics
Foundation of Computational Mathematics
Hindawi Book Proposal
IEE Proceedings Vision, Image & Signal Processing
IEEE Access
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering
IEEE Signal Processing Letters
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
IET Image Processing
IET System Biology
Information and Inference, A Journal of the IMA
International Journal for Computational Methods
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery
International Journal of Computer Mathematics
International Journal of Computer Vision
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology
International Journal of Physical Sciences
International Press Book Proposal
Inverse Problems
Inverse Problems and Imaging
Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
Journal of Applied Mathematics
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Decision Sciences
Journal of Approximation Theory
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Journal of Computational Biology
Journal of Computational Mathematics
Journal of Computational Physics
Journal of Computer Science and Technology
Journal of Electronic Imaging
Journal of Imaging Science and Technology
Journal of Mathematics
Journal of Mathematical Finance
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
Journal of Microscopy
Journal on Numerical Methods and Computer Applications
Journal of Scientific Computing
Journal of The Operational Research Society
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation
Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology
Linear Algebra and Its Applications
Linear and Multilinear Algebra
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mathematica Numerica Sinica
Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computing
Mathematical Problems in Engineering
Mathematical Reviews
Mathematics of Computation
Medical Image Analysis
Methods and Applications of Analysis
Microscopy Research and Technology
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
Numerical Algorithms
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications
Numerische Mathematik
Optik--International Journal for Light and Electron Optics
Pattern Recognition Letters
Physica A
Punjab University Journal of Mathematics
Pure and AppliedMathematics Quarterly
Remote Sensing
Science in China
Scientia Iranica
SIAM book proposal
SIAM Journal on Computing
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
SIAM Review
SIAM's Multiscale Modeling and Simulation
Signal, Image, and Video Processing
Signal Processing
Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
Springer book proposal
The Computer Journal
The Open Applied Mathematics Journal
Theoretical Computer Science
Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
VLSI Design
Reviewer for Funding Agencies
Belgium Research Foundation-Flanders
Canadian Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council
Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development
Hong Kong Research Grants Council
Israel Science Foundation
Kazakhstan National Center of Science and Technology Evaluation
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
Swedish Research Council
UK Engineering and Physical Science Research Council
US National Science Foundation
University Research Funding:
Issac Newton Trust (Cambridge), Katholieke Universitet Leuven,
King Abdullah University, National University of Singapore, University of Macau, and Zhongshan University
4-hour Invited Special Topic Lectures, Year in Scientific Computation,
Nankai University, Tianjin, China, April, 1993.
A 45-min Invited Special Topic Talk and a 30-min Minisymposium Talk,
SIAM Third Conference on
Linear Algebra in Signals, Systems and Controls, Seattle, USA,
August, 1993.
30-min Invited Minisymposium Talk, Lanczos International Centenary
Conference, Raleigh, USA, December, 1993.
30-min Invited Talk, Asian High Performance Computing Conference
Steering Committee Meeting, National Center for
High Performance Computing, Hsinchu, ROC, February, 1994.
15-min Invited Symposium Talk, Annual Conference of The International
Society for Optical Engineering, San Diego, USA, July 24-29, 1994.
30-min Invited Talk, Second Asian Mathematical Conference, Nakhon Ratchasima,
Thailand, October, 1995.
40-min Invited Talk, Symposium on Matrix Analysis and Parallel Computing,
Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, March, 1996.
30-min Invited Talk, Asian High Performance Computing Conference
Steering Committee Meeting, Maui High Performance
Computing Center, Maui, USA, July, 1996.
1-hour Invited Opening Talk, Workshop on Toeplitz Matrices:
Structures, Algorithms and Applications,
Cortona, Italy, September, 1996.
1-hour Invited Talk, Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization,
Curitiba, Brazil, January, 1997.
35-min Invited Talk, Meeting on Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific Computing,
Oberwolfach, Germany, April, 1997.
2-hour Invited Short Course, International Linear Algebra Society Workshop on
Fast Algorithms for Control, Signals and Image Processing,
Winnipeg, Canada, June, 1997.
35-min Invited Talk, Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization,
Qingdao, China, October, 1997.
1-hour Invited Talk, Workshop on Scientific Computing and Applications,
Hong Kong, China, December, 1998.
45-min Invited Talk, The First International Congress of Chinese
Mathematicians, Beijing, China, December, 1998.
25-min Invited Talk,
Robert Plemmons 60th Birthday Meeting, Winston-Salem, USA, January, 1999.
40-min Invited Talk, International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques
for Large Sparse Matrix Problems in Industrial Applications,
Minneapolis, USA, June, 1999.
35-min Invited Talk, International Conference on Scientific and
Engineering Computing for Young Chinese Scientistsi, Beijing, China,
July, 1999.
30-min Invited Symposium Talk, Biennial Conference in Scientific Computing and
Differential Equations, Fraser Island, Australia, August, 1999.
1-hour Invited Talk, Complexity of Equation Solving and Algebra,
Hong Kong, China, October, 1999.
1-hour Invited Talk, Workshop on Wavelets and Information Processing,
Singapore, December, 1999.
40-min Invited Talk, Second China-Sweden Workshop on Numerical Partial
Differential Equations, Hong Kong, China, January, 2000.
45-min Invited Key Lecture, Second Conference on Numerical Analysis and
Applications, Rousse, Bulgaria, June, 2000.
45-min Invited Talk, International Conference on Scientific Computing
in memory of Feng Kang 80th birthday, Beijing, China, August, 2000.
50-min Invited Talk, 2001 AMS-IMS-SIAM Summer Research Conference,
Fast Algorithms in Mathematics, Computer Science and Engineering,
South Hadley, USA, August 5-9, 2001.
50-min Invited Talk, Workshop on Numerical Methods for Evolutionary Problems,
Peschici, Italy, September, 2001.
45-min Invited Talk, International Conference on Matrix Theory and its
Applications, Shanghai, China, August, 2002.
4-hour Invited Lecture on Iterative Methods for Toeplitz Systems and Image
Processing Problems, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy, December,
45-min Invited Talk,
Image and
Signal Processing Workshop at the Foundations of
Computational Mathematics Conference, Hong Kong, China, June 24-26, 2008.
30-min Invited Talk,
Symposium on Mathematical Methods in Bio-Data Analysis,
Shanghai, China, August 15, 2008.
30-min Invited Plenary Talk, Fast
Algorithms for Scientific Computing: a symposium in honor
of Olof B Widlund on the occasion of his seventieth birthday,
New York, USA, September 19-20, 2008.
Two 30-min Invited Minisymposium Talks,
Inverse Problems: Computational Aspects and Emerging Applications,
in Conference
on Applied Inverse Problems, Vienna, Austria,
July 20-24, 2009.
30-min Invited Talk, China-Japan-Korea Trilateral Symposium on Systems
and Synthetic Biology, Seoul, South Korea, August 13-15, 2009.
45-min Invited Talk, Conference in Celebration of the 90th Anniversary of Mathematics
Department of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, April 22-24, 2017.
University of Genoa, Italy (May 25-26, June 3-4, 2018)
University of Washington, Seattle, USA (July 13-16, 2018)
National University of Singapore, Singapore (September 28, 2018)
Paris Descartes University, Paris, France (October 16-19, 2018)
King Adbuallah University of Science and Technology, Jeddah,
Saudi Arabia (December 13-17, 2018)
Asia University, Taichung, ROC (December 29-January 2, 2019)
Temple University, Philadelphia, USA (June 22-24, 2019)
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, Madrid, Spain (July 18-20, 2019)
National University of Singapore, Singapore (February 22-30, 2020)
Nanjing University, Nanjing, China (October 25, 2021)
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (May 13, 2022)
National University of Singapore, Singapore (July 22-August 11, 2022)
Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China (September 8, 2022)
Conference and Symposium Organizer
or Committee Member
Organizing Committee Member,
The First Asian Mathematical Conference, August 14-18, 1990, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Workshop on Current Developments in Scientific Computation,
December 20-21, 1990, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Matrix Theory Mini-Conference, June 7-8, 1991, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Mini-Conference on Scientific Computation, August 16-17, 1991, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Conference on Scientific Computation '94, March 17-19, 1994, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
International Mathematics Olympiad '94, July 8-20, 1994,
Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
International Symposium on Methods and Applications of
Analysis, December 16-19, 1994, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
First Asian Computational Fluid Dynamic Conference,
January 17-19, 1995, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
IEEE Conference on Control and Information, June 5-9, 1995,
Hong Kong.
Symposium Organizer and Co-Chair,
SPIE Annual Conference, July 9-14, 1995, San Diego, USA.
Organizing Committee and Steering Committee Member,
High Performance Computing - Asia '95, September 18-22, 1995, Taipei, Taiwan.
Co-Chair of Organizing Committee,
Winter School on Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computing and Their Applications, December 14-20,
1995, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Workshop on Numerical Partial Differential Equations, June 21-22, 1996,
Hong Kong and July 1-7, 1996, Beijing, China.
Organizing Committee Member,
Joint Planning Meeting with the Chinese Academy of
Sciences, July 23-26, 1996, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee Member,
Workshop on Scientific Computing '97, March 10-12, 1997, Hong Kong.
Organizing Committee and Steering Committee Member,
High Performance Computing - Asia '97, April 21-25, 1997, Seoul, South Korea.
Organizing Committee Member,
SIAM Annual Conference, July 14-18, 1997, Stanford, USA.
Symposium Organizer and Co-Chair,
SPIE Annual Conference, July 27-August 1, 1997, San Diego, USA.
Organizing Committee Member,
Workshop on State of the Art in Finite Element Method --
Theory, Algorithm and Applications, July 21-24, 1998, Hong Kong, China.
Organizing Committee Member,
IMS Workshop on Applied Probability, May 30-June 12, 1999, Hong Kong, China.
Workshop Organizer and Co-chair,
Workshop on Scientific Computing '99, June 27-30, 1999, Hong Kong, China.
Scientific Committee Member,
International Workshop on Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing,
October 13-17, 2008, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
Scientific Committee Member, International Conference on
Numerical Algebra and Scientific Computing, November 2-5, 2008,
Nanjing, China.
Conference Organizer, The 3rd International
Conference on Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations,
December 8-13, 2008, Hong Kong, China.
Workshop Organizer, Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra and High-Performance
Computing, March 6-8, 2008, Shanghai, China.
Scientific Committee Member, The 6th CAM-ICCM Workshop, December 15-17,
2017, Beijing, China.
Program Committee Member, 11th International Conference on Energy
Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition,
October 30-November 1, 2017, Venice, Italy.
Program Committee Member, IEEE International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedicine,
November 13-16, 2017, Kansas City, USA.
Organizing Committee Member,
The 7th CAM-ICCM Workshop, December 10-14, 2018, Nanjing, China.
Local Organizing Committee Member, The 26th
Domain Decomposition Conference,
December 2-6, 2019, Hong Kong, China.
Program Committee Member, Mathematics in Imaging Program,
OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, June 24-29, 2019, Munich, Germany.
Steering Committee Member, The Seventh International Conference on Numerical
Algebra and Scientific Computing, October 19-23, 2019, Nangjing, China.
Scientific Committee Member, Numerical Algebra in High Dimensional Data Analysis
Workshop, December 27-29, 2019, Xiamen, China.
Organizing Committee Member, Workshop on Efficient Algorithms in Data Science,
January 13-16, 2020, Sanya, China.
Organizing Committee Chair, The International Conference on Imaging Science, April 9-13, 2020, Suzhou, China.
Scientific Committee Member, Algebra Lineal, Analisis Matricial y Aplicaciones, June 3-5, 2020, Madrid, Spain.
Organizing Committee Member, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science,
July 6-9, 2020, Toronto, Canada.
Program Committee Member, The Eighth International Conference on
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, May 16-20, 2021, Cabourg, France.
Scientific Committee Member, International Conference of Union of Mathematical Imaging, July 23-26, 2021, Hohhot, China.
Academic Committee Member, The International Conference of Union of Mathematical Imaging
2022, June 10–12, 2022, Tianjin, China.
Scientific Committee Member, International Conference of Chinese Mathematicians, July 3-8, 2022, Beijing, China.
Organizing Committee Member, SIAM Annual Conference, July 11-15, 2022, Pittsburgh, USA.
Organizing Committee Member, The International Conference on New Trends in Computational and Data Sciences
(70th Birthday Conference for Tony Chan), December 19-21, 2022, Pasadena, USA.
Former Students with Thesis Titles
and Current Affiliations
Masters of Philosophy:
Michael Kwok-Po Ng (1992),
Fast Iterative Methods for Solving Toeplitz
and Toeplitz-like Systems. Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University
(Honorable Mention, Householder Prize, 1996).
Wai-Ki Ching (1994),
Construction of Preconditioners for Queueing Networks.
Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong,
(Winner, Student Paper Competition, Copper Mountain
Conference, 1998).
Chiu-Kwong Wong (1994),
Block Toeplitz Type Preconditioners for Elliptic Problems.
Quantitative Analyst,
Brown Brothers Harriman, USA
(Sloan Dissertation Year Fellow, 1998)
Hung-Cheong Chan (1995),
Iterative Methods for Solving Toeplitz Systems Generated by Rational
Functions. Chief Curriculum Development Officer
(Life-wide Learning & Library), Education Bureau.
Wing-Fai Ng (1996), Fast Algorithms for Integral Equations.
IT Project Manager, ESG Direct Hong Kong Limited
Hao-Min Zhou
(1996), Numerical Methods for Denoising
Problems and Inverse Eigenvalue Problems.
Professor, Georgia Insititue of Technology, USA.
(Honorable Mention, Householder Prize, 2002,
NSF CAREER Awardee, 2007)
Chun-Pong Cheung (1997), Fast Algorithms on Tomography.
High school teacher.
K.W. Mak (1997),
Parallel Computing for Image Processing Problems.
High school teacher.
Tat-Ming Tso (1997), Circulant Preconditioners from B-Splines
and their Applications. High school principal.
Wun-Cheung Tang (1998), Image Reconstruction with Multisensors.
High school teacher.
Chi-Fai Chan (1998), Numerical Solution of Integral Equations
of the Second Kind. High school teacher.
Ling-Lung Heung (2001), Option Pricing in Combination with
Classical Numerical Integration Methods.
Civil Engineer, Highway Department.
Hau-Leung Chung (2002), The Inexact Newton-Like Method for Inverse
Eigenvalue Problem and A DCT Based Watermarking
Scheme for Copyright Protectino of Images.
High School Teacher.
Michael Chi-Yan Wong (2002), Pricing American-Style Options by Monte
Carlo Method. Analyst,
Yue-Hung Tam (2002),
Numerical Methods for Solving Systems of ODEs with
BVMs and Restoration of Chopped and Nodded Images.
High School Teacher.
Russ Kai-Tung Ling (2003),
Reconstruction of High-Resolution Images from Movie Frames.
High School Teacher.
Chung Wa Ho (2004),
Impulse Noise Removal by Median-type Noise
Detectors and Edge-preserving Regularization.
High School Teacher.
Alfred Ka-Chun Ma (2004),
Boundary Value Methods for Transient Solutions of
Markovian Queueing Networks.
Assistant Professor, Finance Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Chen Hu (2004),
A New Iterative Procedure for Removing Impulse Noise.
Research Engineer, Multimedia Communication Lab, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd.
Tim Yin-Shung Wong (2005),
Fast and Robust Methods for Missing Data Recovery in Image Processing.
Director, Profound Education.
Jesse ZeXi Wang (2007),
The Applications of Image Processing in Biology and Relevant Data
Analysis, Ph.D. Student, Swiss Banking Institute, University of Zurich.
Daniel Kei-Tsi Cheng (2007), A Tight Frame Algorithm in Image Inpainting,
Research Assistant, Department of Geography and Resource Management, Chinese
University of Hong Kong.
Tony Ho-Fai Chan (2008), Divide-and-Conquer Neighbor-Joining
Algorithm: O(N3) Neighbor-Joining on Additive Distance
Matrices, Computation Scientist, Cluster
Eric Siu-Him Lau (2009), Feature Selection and Classification
Problem in Bioinformatics, Ph.D. Student,
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics,
The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Tao Wu (2010), Numerical Methods for Option Pricing under
Jump-Diffusion Models, Ph.D. Student,
Institute for Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz,
Issac Chi-Kin Tai (2010), Reconstruction of Parallel MRI Images
Using High-Resolution Image Reconstruction Techniques, Junior Research Analyst,
Celestial Asia Securities Holdings (CASH) Limited.
Hau-Man Yeung (2011), Kernel Based Methods for
Sequence Comparison, Ph.D. Student, Department of
Chemical Pathology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Spike Tze-Ho Lee (2012), Filtering Tools in Financial Market Trading,
Quantitative Risk Analyst, Grand Central Asset Management.
Tianming Wang (2013), Tight Frame Based Multi-focus Image Fusion
with Common Degraded Areas and Upscaling via a Single Image,
Ph.D. Student, Department of Mathematics, University of Iowa.
Jia Wen (2014), Phylogenetic Analysis of Genetic Sequences
Based on K-mer Model,
Ph.D. Student, School of Life Sciences, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Teng Chen (2015), A New Index to Measure the Income Inequality,
Ph.D. Student, State University of New York, Stony Brook.
Kelvin Chan (2018), A Convex Optimization Algorithm for
Gradient Histogram Specification, Ph.D. Student, National University
of Singapore.
Kelvin Kan (2018), A Two-stage Method for Spectral-spatial
Classification of Hyperspectral Images, Ph.D. Student, Emory University.
Xiaoyu Xie (2019), A SaT Strategy Based Segmentation Method for
High-dimensional Data and Point Clouds Ph.D. Student, Brown University.
Doctors of Philosophy:
Xiao-Qing Jin
(1992), Circulant Preconditioners for Toeplitz Matrices
and Their Applications in Solving Partial Differential Equations. Professor and former-Head, University of Macau.
Michael Kwok-Po Ng (1995),
Some Fast Algorithms in Signal and Image Processing. Former-Head, Hong Kong Baptist University and Director of Research, University of Hong Kong.
(Honorable Mention, Householder Prize, 1996).
Fu-Rong Lin (1995),
Fast Iterative Methods for Wiener-Hopf Equations. Professor, Shantou University.
Hai-Wei Sun
(1996), Fast Algorithms for Ill-Conditioned Toeplitz and Toeplitz-like
Systems. Head and Professor, University of Macau.
Yong Chen (2002),
Monte Carlo Method for Financial Derivatives Valuation. Associate Professor, Finance Department, Shenzhen University.
Zheng-Jian Bai
(2004), Numerical Methods for Inverse Eigenvalue Problems. Professor, Xiamen University.
(First Prize, Applied Numerical Algebra Prize, 2008)
Cai (2007), Image Denoising and Deblurring under
Impulse Noise, and Framelet-Based Methods for Image Reconstruction. Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and
(Best Student Paper Award,
Postgraduate Students Conference
on Computer Imaging and Vision, 2007)
Yiqiu Dong
(2007) (Co-supervised with Shufang Xu of Peking University),
Impulse Noise Removal in Digital Images. Associate Professor, Technical University of Denmark.
Michael Chi-Yan Wong (2008), Memory Reduction Methods for Option Pricing. Trader, Sinopac Asset Management Ltd, Hong Kong.
Wei Wang (2009), Composition Vector Method for Phylogeny. Quantitative Analyst,
Huachen-Mirae Fund Company, Shanghai.
Liang (2010), Fast and Efficient Algorithms for TV Image Restoration. Lecturer, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University, Suzhou.
Cai (2012), Image Segmentation Methods Based on
Tight-frame and Mumford-Shah Model. Lecturer, University of Southampton. (First Prize, EASIAM Student Paper Prizes 2013)
Guojian Yin (2014), Spectral Projection Methods Based on Contour Integral
for Generalized Eigenvalue Problems. Lecturer, Sun Yat-Sen University.
Haixia Liu (2014), Stylometry Analysis of Paintings between
Vincent van Gogh and His Contemporaries. Lecturer, Central China Normal University.
Rui Zhao (2018), A New Model of High Resolution of Video Clips By Using Nuclear Norm.
Chao Wang (2018), Sparse Recovery Algorithms for 3D Imaging
Using Point Spread Function Engineering, Assistant Professor, Southern
University of Science and Technology, China.
Rihuan Ke (2018), Algorithms for Wavefront Reconstruction in Adaptive Optics and Image
Post-processing, Lecturer, University of Bristol, UK.
Currently 10 full-time and 1 part-time Ph.D. students, 3 co-supervised Ph.D. students, and 1 postdoc
Post-Doctorate Fellows and Research Assistants (with Current Affiliations):
Kwai-Lam Wong, Postdoc (1995-96)
Research Scientist, Joint Institute for Computational Science, University of Tennessee.
Dao-Hong Xiang, Postdoc (2009-10) Lecturer, Zhejiang Normal University
You-Wei Wen, Postdoc (2010-11) Professor, Kunming University of Science and Technology
Min Tao, Postdoc (2012-13) Associate Professor, Nanjing University
Qian Zhang, Postdoc (2013-14)
Nicole Mok, Research Assistant (2016-17) Analyst, Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Peng Li, Postdoc (2019-20) Lecturer, Lanzhou University
Ying-Ying Fang, Postdoc (2020) Postdoc, Imperial College
Hei-Long Chan, Postdoc (2020) Postdoc, COCHE Hong Kong
Irfan Ahmed, Postdoc (2021) Assistant Professor, Sukkur IBA
Dohyun Kim, Postdoc (2020–21) Postdoc, Brown University
Exchange Scholars and Students:
Yuyang Qiu (9/2011-9/2012) Associate Professor, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China
Jie Huang (1/2012-1/2013) Ph.D. student, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Keurcien Luu (3/2012-8/2012) Master student, Ecole Normale Superieuse, Cachan, France
Junfeng Yang (3/2015-6/2015) Associate Professor, Nanjing University, China
H.F. Yang (6/2019–12/2019) Lecturer, Jinan University–University of Birmingham Joint Institute, China
Li Wang (6/2019–7/2019) Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, USA
Guojin Yin (7/2019–12/2019) Lecturer, Zhongshan University, China
Yongze Guo (9/2019–1/2020) Ph.D. student, Zhongshan University, China
Xiangyuan Ma (9/2019–1/2020) Ph.D. student, Zhongshan University, China
Siu-Pang Yung (3/2022-6/2022) Professor (retired), University of Hong Kong, China
Xiao Xu (5/2022-7/2022) Ph.D. student, Hunan Normal University, China
Xiongbiao Luo (9/2022-2/2023) Professor, Xiamen University, China
Min Li (9/2022-10/2022) Ph.D. student, Lanzhou University, China
Dihan Zheng (9/2022-2/2023) Ph.D. student, Tsinghua University, China
Dong Li (12/2022-2/2023) Ph.D. student, Xidian University, China
Publication List
(Click to download the preprint version of the
paper. For reprints, please contact me.)
(with X.Q. Jin) Skew-Circulant Preconditioners for Skew-Hermitian
Type Toeplitz Matrices, Proceedings to the
Asian Mathematical Conference, Hong Kong,
August 14-18, 1990, pp. 45-50,
Eds: Li Zhong, K.P. Shum, C.C. Yang and Yang Le,
World Sci. Pub., Singapore, 1992.
(with J.G. Nagy and R.J. Plemmons) Preconditioned Toeplitz
Least Squares Iterations, Proceedings to
the Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods, April 9-14, 1992.
Iterative Methods for Queueing Networks with
Irregular State-Spaces, Proceedings to the IMA Workshop on
Linear Algebra, Markov Chains and Queueing Models, Minneapolis,
January 13-17, 1992, pp. 89-110, Eds: C. Meyer and R. Plemmons,
Springer-Verlag, 1993.
(with J.G. Nagy and R.J. Plemmons) Block Circulant Preconditioners
for 2-Dimensional Deconvolution, Proceedings to the SPIE
Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures and
Implementation III, San Diego, CA, July, 1992, pp. 60-71,
Ed: F. Luk.
(with Y.K. Kwok and H.C. Huang)
Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation in Hong Kong,
Computational Mathematics in China,
Contemporary Mathematics Series, V. 163, pp. 77-92, AMS, 1994,
Eds: Z.C. Shi and C.C. Yang.
(with F.R. Lin) Circulant Integral Operators and Circulant
Preconditioners, Proceedings to the Cornelius Lanczos
International Centenary Conference, Raleigh, December, 1993,
pp. 407-409, Eds: J. Brown, M. Chu, D. Ellison and R. Plemmons,
SIAM, 1994.
(with K.P. Ng and R.J. Plemmons) Generalization of Strang's
Preconditioner with Applications to Iterative Deconvolution,
Proceedings to the SPIE Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Vol. 2296, San
Diego CA, July, 1994, pp. 528-539, Ed: F. Luk.
(with W.K. Ching) Iterative Methods for Queueing Models with
Batch Arrivals, Proceedings to the Second International
Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, Raleigh,
January, 1995, pp. 81-93, Ed: W. Stewart, Kluwer Academic Pub.,
(with T.F. Chan and H.M. Zhou)
Continuation Method for Total Variation Denoising Problems, Proceedings to the SPIE Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Vol. 2563, San
Diego CA, July, 1995, pp. 314-325, Ed: F. Luk.
(with W.K. Ching and X.Y. Zhou)
Conjugate Gradient Methods for Markov Modulated Poisson Processes,
Proceedings of the Second Asian Mathematical Conference,
Thailand, October, 1995, pp. 406-417, World Scientific Press, 1998.
(with F.R. Lin and W.F. Ng) Fast Algorithm for Second Kind
Integral Equations by Matrix Approximative Decomposition
(in Chinese), Supple. J. Sun Yatsen Uni., (1996), 24-27.
(with M.K. Ng) Preconditioning Toeplitz Systems with
Circulant Preconditioners, Iterative Methods in Scientific
Computing and Their Applications, pp. 243-270,
Ed. R. Chan, T. Chan and G. Golub, Springer-Verlag, 1997.
(with C.P. Cheung and H.W. Sun)
Fast Algorithms for Problems on Thermal Tomography,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, V1196
Proceedings of the First Workshop
on Numerical Analysis and Applications, Bulgaria, June, 1996,
pp. 90-97, Ed: L. Vulkov, J. Wasniewski, P. Yalamov,
Springer-Verlag, 1997.
(with T.M. Tso and H.W. Sun)
Circulant Preconditioners from B-Splines,
Proceedings to the SPIE Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Vol. 3162,
pp. 338-347, San Diego CA, July, 1997, Ed: F. Luk.
(with F.R. Lin)
Fast Iterative Methods for Wiener-Hopf Equations, Proceedings to
the International Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and
Optimization, pp. 3-10, Qingdao, China, October, 1997
(with M.K. Ng and M.H. Yip),
High-Resolution Image Reconstruction with Neumann Boundary
Proceedings of the Fourth Japan-China Seminar on
Numerical Mathematics
pp. 11-21, Japan, August, 1998, Ed: H. Kawarada and Z. Shi.
(with M.K. Ng and X.Q. Jin)
Circulant Preconditioners for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations,
Structured Matrices: Recent Advances and Applications,
Advances in the Theory of Computational Mathematics, Vol. 4,
pp. 157--164, Eds.: D. Bini, E. Tyrtyshnikov, and P. Yalamov.
Nova Science Pub. Inc., 2001.
(with W.K. Ching)
A Direct Method for Stochastic Automata Networks,
Proceedings of the IMS Workshop on Applied Probability,
pp. 1-18, Hong Kong, June, 1999, Eds.: R. Chan, Y. Kwok,
D. Yao, and Q. Zhang.
(with T.F. Chan, L.X. Shen, and Z.W. Shen)
A Wavelet Method For High-Resolution Image Reconstruction With
Displacement Errors, Proceedings of the 2001 International
Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing,
pp. 24-27, Hong Kong, May, 2001.
(with M. Donatelli, S. Serra-Capizzano, and C. Tablino-Possio)
Application of Multigrid Techniques to Image Restoration Problems,
Proceedings to the SPIE Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Vol. 4791,
pp. 210-221, San Diego CA, July, 2002, Ed: F. Luk.
(with R.K. Ling, and M.K. Ng)
Reconstruction of High-Resolution Images from Low-Resolution Images,
SPIE Electronic Imaging Newsletter, 13 (2003), p.3 and p.10.
(with L.X. Shen and Z.W. Shen)
Restoring Chopped and Nodded Images by Tight Frames,
Proceedings to the SPIE Symposium on Advanced Signal Processing:
Algorithms, Architectures, and Implementations, Vol. 5205, pp.
310-319, San Diego CA, August, 2003, Ed: F. Luk.
(with J.Z. Bai and F. Luk)
Principal Component Analysis for Distributed Data Sets with Updating,
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Advanced Parallel
Processing Technologies, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol.
3756, pp. 471-483, Hong Kong, China, October, 2005,
Eds: J.N. Cao, W. Nejdl, and M. Xu.
(with Y.Q. Dong, and Z.X. Wang)
A Framelet-based Algorithm for Video Enhancement,
Springer Lecture
Notes in Electrical Engineering, Proceedings to the International Workshop on
Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications to Signals, Systems, and
Control, Kharagpur, India, January, 2007.
(with H.F. Chan, R.W. Wang, and J.C. Wong)
Maximum Entropy Method
for Composition Vector Method in Algorithms in Computational Molecular
Techniques, Approaches and Applications, Eds. M. Elloumi and A. Zomaya,
Wiley Series in Bioinformatics, 2010.
(with J.F. Cai, L.X. Shen, and Z.W. Shen)
Tight Frame Based Method for
High-Resolution Image Reconstruction, Proceedings to the
Conference on Wavelet Analysis and its Application, Zhuhai, China,
August, 2007, Contemporary Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 14, pp. 1-36, 2010.
(with M. Nikolova and Y.W. Wen)
A Variational Approach for Exact Histogram Specification,
Proceedings to the Third International Conference in
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein-Gedi, Israel,
May 2011, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6667, pp. 86-97,
(with X.H. Cai, S. Morigi, and F. Sgallari)
Framelet-Based Algorithm for
Segmentation of Tubular Structures,
Proceedings to the Third International Conference in
Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, Ein-Gedi, Israel,
May 2011, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6667, pp. 411-422, 2012.
Special Issue: Structured Matrices with Applications,
R.H. Chan, W.-K. Ching, F. Luk, and M.K. Ng (eds),
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,
Vol 12, Issues 3-4, pp. 87-336, 2005.
Special Issue: Structured Matrices and Tensors,
M.K. Ng, R.H. Chan, X.Q. Chen, L.Q. Qi, F. Luk, and E. Tyrtyshnikov (eds),
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications,
Vol 19, Issue 1, pp. 1-173, 2012.
Special Birthday Issue for Prof. Tony Chan 60th Birthday, R. Chan, T. Hou, H.K. Zhao,
H.M. Zhou and J. Zou (eds),
Inverse Problems and Imaging, Vol 7, No. 3, pp. 663-1113, 2013.