MATH2040A - Linear Algebra II - 2021/22
- Aug 30: Welcome to the course! No tutorial in the first week. Here is the course outline [PDF]: [Download file]
- Aug 31: Please be informed about the following two changes of time and venue for course lectures on Sept 7th and Sept 14th: Lecture [Sept 7th, 1030-1215, SC L5] changes to [Sept 11th, 0930-1115, SC L2] and lecture [Sept 14th, 1030-1215, SC L5] changes to [Sept 14th, 1830-2015, SC L3]. Such changes have to be made due to the loose concrete in the ceiling of SC L4 and SC L5 informed by RES and the spalling concrete repair work will be completed by 15 September 2021. The course time and venues in all the other time slots remain the same as scheduled in your CUSIS.
- Sept 4: Reminders on some precautionary measures enforced on campus: 1) Maintaining social distancing; 2) Wearing of masks throughout the lessons; 3) Checking body temperature; 4) No eating and drinking in classrooms; and 5) Performing hand hygiene frequently (washing hands or using 70 to 80 per cent alcohol-based handrub if needed).
- Sept 9: The handing place of your homework is the course box with the course code MATH2040A as a label that is located near the general office of PMA at the 2nd floor of LSB. The late submission will not be accepted. The graded papers will be returned to the open part of the course box in due course for your collections and checking. For any problems, please turn to TAs or directly to the course instructor. [Download file]
- Sep 17: As we agreed in the first lecture, the time and date for two midterm tests have been fixed. The venue is also just confirmed by RES. Here is the information; please mark them in your calendar. The detailed arrangement on covered materials of each test will be announced in due course. Time and venue for Test 1: Monday 11th October 1830-2030 MMW LT1. Time and venue for Test 2: Monday 15th November 1830-2030 MMW LT1.
- Oct 5: As scheduled, Test 1 will be held starting with 1830 on Monday 11th October at MMW LT1 (Mong Man Wai Building, 7/F). The test duration will be around 2 hours. The test covers only chapter 1 of the textbook or equivalently only Topic 1 to Topic 4 of course lectures.
- Oct 21: As a warm reminder, please note that the 90th Congregation for the Conferment of Bachelor’s Degrees will be held on 4 November 2021 (Thursday). Our class (lecture and tutorial) will be suspended on that day.
- Oct 29: As scheduled, Test 2 will be held at starting with 1830 on Monday 15th November at MMW LT1 (Mong Man Wai Building, 7/F). The test duration will be 2 hours. This test covers the content only from Topic 5 to Topic 11 of lectures (cf. Full Review Note below).
General Information
Prof Renjun DUAN
- Office: LSB 206
- Tel: 39437977
- Email:
Teaching Assistant
Mr. Kam Fai CHAN
- Office: LSB 232
- Tel: 3943 5294
- Email:
Mr. Zongguang LI
- Office: LSB 232
- Tel: 3943 5294
- Email:
Time and Venue
- Lecture: Tu 10:30AM-12:15PM Science Centre L5; Th 4:30PM-5:15PM Wu Ho Man Yuen Bldg 507
- Tutorial: Th 5:30PM - 6:15PM Yasumoto Int'l Acad Park 405
Course Description
This course is a continuation of Linear Algebra I (MATH 1030). It is a second course on linear algebra and will cover basic concepts of abstract vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalizability, operators on inner product spaces, orthogonality and Gram-Schmidt process, adjoint, normal and self-adjoint operators, spectral theorems, and if time permits, quadratic forms and Jordan canonical forms. More emphasis will be put on the theoretical understanding of basic concepts in linear algebra.
- Friedberg, Insel and Spence, Linear algebra, 4th edition, Pearson.
- Axler, Linear Algebra Done Right, 3rd edition, Springer.
Pre-class Notes
Lecture Notes
- LN01 (Vector space)
- LN02 (Subspace)
- LN03 (Span, Linearly (in-)dependence)
- LN04 (Basis, Dimension)
- LN05 (Linear transformation)
- LN06 (Null space, Range, Dimension Theorem)
- LN07 (Matrix representation of linear transformations)
- LN08 (Invertibility, Isomorphism)
- LN09 (Change of coordinates)
- LN10 (Eigenvalue, Eigenvector)
- LN11 (Diagonalizability)
- LN12 (Invariant subspace, Cayley-Hamilton theorem)
- LN13 (Inner product space)
- LN14 (Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization)
- LN15 (Orthogonal complement)
- LN16 (Adjoint of a linear operator)
- LN17 (Normal and self-adjoint operators)
- LN18 (Unitary and orthogonal operators)
- LN19 (Spectrum decomposition)
- Jordan form (extra self-reading note NOT to be tested)
Tutorial Notes
- Tutorial 1
- Tutorial 2
- Tutorial 3
- Tutorial 4
- Tutorial 5
- Tutorial 6
- Tutorial 7
- Tutorial 8
- Tutorial 9
- Tutorial 10
- Homework 01
- Homework 02
- Homework 03
- Homework 04 (due date extended to 11th Oct)
- Homework 05 (due date extended to 22th Oct)
- Homework 06
- Homework 07
- Homework 08
- Homework 09
- Homework 10
Quizzes and Exams
- Homework 01 Solution
- Homework 02 Solution
- Homework 03 Solution
- Homework 04 Solution
- Homework 05 Solution
- Homework 06 Solution
- Homework 07 Solution
- Homework 08 Solution
- Homework 09 Solution
- Homework 10 Solution
Honesty in Academic Work
The Chinese University of Hong Kong places very high importance on honesty in academic work submitted by students, and adopts a policy of zero tolerance on cheating and plagiarism. Any related offence will lead to disciplinary action including termination of studies at the University. Although cases of cheating or plagiarism are rare at the University, everyone should make himself / herself familiar with the content of the following website: thereby help avoid any practice that would not be acceptable.
Assessment Policy Last updated: December 08, 2021 14:41:35