General education, a key component of undergraduate studies at CUHK, is built upon a balanced approach to whole-person education that combines Chinese humanistic ideals and western liberal arts contents. The programme comprises three components: University General Education, College General Education, and two new General Education Foundation Courses: In Dialogue with Humanity and In Dialogue with Nature. The programme engages students in the reflections on perennial issues of human concerns through reading of original texts of lasting significance. The book collections include selected classical works in Chinese or English, Chinese cultural heritage and other cultural traditions, critical thinking and titles of broad current interests.
Location of General Education collections
General Education Foundation Programme
- General Education Collection at the University Library
- GE Books @ Kindle: available at Learning Garden and Chung Chi Library. Each Kindle Paperwhite e-Reader is preloaded with 10 to 20 Kindle e-books selected from the General Education collection or Good Reads collection.
College General Education Books
- Available at United College Library, New Asia Library and Chung Chi Library, general education books for other colleges are integrated in the Library’s general collection.