As a leading research library, CUHK Library partners in the creation, access, dissemination and preservation of knowledge to inspire and support The Chinese University of Hong Kong in its research, learning and teaching. CUHK Library comprises seven libraries:


  • University Library founded 1965
  • New Asia College Library founded 1949
  • Chung Chi College Library founded 1951
  • United College Library founded 1956
  • Medical Library founded 1980 at the local teaching hospital
  • Architecture Library founded 1994
  • Law Library founded 2004
  • Learning Commons (WMY) founded 2012


Professional Staff (FTE) 36
Support Staff (FTE) 187

Collections Statistics (2020-21)

Category Eastern Languages Western Languages Total
Books 1,231,929 1,245,679 2,477,608
Bound Periodicals 82,116 210,027 292,143
Current Printed Serials 1,889 1,290 3,179
Electronic Books 3,669,978 1,440,327 5,110,305
Electronic Journals 44,778 138,308 183,092
Electronic Databases 179 805 984

Library Users and Visitors (2020-21)

Visits to the Libraries 987,919
Registered Library Users 60,559


Library Collections Usage (2020-21)

Database Usage* 7,878,779
E-Book Usage* 3,490,996
E-Journal Usage* 5,962,308
E-A/V Usage* 14,463
Print Book and AV Loans 219,095

Library Digital Experience (2020-21)

Library website views 3,081,627
CUHK Digital Repository views 280,166
CUHK Research Portal views 190,969
CUHK Archival Collections Portal views 21,128
Self-learning materials views (e.g. LibGuides) 427,000
ReadingList views 45,034

Library Facilities (2020-21)

Seats** 3,773
Public Computers** 400
Group/individual room bookings 37,480
Public computer logins 122,194

Study Spaces Public Computers

Library Activities (2020-21)

Library Orientations 39
Participants in Library Orientations 1,807
Library Workshops 153
Participants in Library Workshops 4,277
Enquiries 63,789
Special Collections visits 431

JULAC Activities (2020-21)

CUHK Users registered for a JULAC card 1,642
JULAC Users registered for a CUHK Library card 773
Loans to CUHK users from other JULAC libraries 9,249
CUHK Library loans to other JULAC users 9,909





*COUNTER compliant usage only. COUNTER is the international standard for counting online usage of electronic resources

**Reduced in response to COVID-19