Library Workshops for Undergraduate Students 2022 Term One

The Library workshops will help you get started and support your ongoing information finding needs. Attending these workshops can help you explore and learn how to use the vast variety of resources for your academic studies and assessments. You will develop the skills and knowledge in finding, evaluating and managing relevant high level information which would be useful for your studies.

All CUHK undergraduate students are welcome to attend the following library workshops. Postgraduate students are also welcome to attend if they wish. Students, in groups of ten or more, can request library courses to suit their information needs and schedules.

Sharpen Your Information Research Skills Series (Aug – Sep 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
Program 1: LibrarySearch Basics: A Search Engine for Your Assignments and Research

The default search engine on the Library Homepage, LibrarySearch, is a one-stop search and discovery tool which allows you to search for library materials and millions of scholarly e-resources, such as journal articles, e-books, reviews, theses and dissertations, etc. This workshop shows you how to use LibrarySearch effectively for your academic studies and assessments.

Topics covered:

  • Overview of LibrarySearch
  • Using LibrarySearch to find
    • Books and journal articles
    • Relevant materials on a topic
    • Other functions on LibrarySearch e.g. finding books on course reserves
24 Aug 2022 (Wed)
1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Online Completed
8 Sep 2022 (Thu)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 2: Search Strategies for Articles, Books, E-Books and more for Your Studies and Research

This workshop provides a foundation for new undergraduate students for their later research at the University and the Library. It covers search techniques for finding resources to support your studies and research.

Topics covered:

  • Searching skills
  • Locating articles, books, e-books and more
  • Evaluating different information sources
14 Sep 2022 (Wed)
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Online Completed
22 Sep 2022 (Thu)
11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 3: Newspapers: Finding Historical and Up-to-Date News

Introduces and demonstrates the use of library subscribed e-news databases and historical newspapers to assist your academic studies and assessments.

Topics covered:

  • How to find e-news in news databases, such as WiseNews, Factiva
  • How to find historical newspapers
  • Fake news
15 Sep 2022 (Thu)
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Online Completed
20 Sep 2022 (Tue)
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 4: Chinese Resources: Searching Library Materials Published in Chinese

Introduces finding Chinese materials on LibrarySearch, major Chinese databases, and relevant searching techniques.

Topics covered:

  • Searching Chinese materials on LibrarySearch
  • How to find suitable databases by subject and by material types for your research
  • How to develop search strategies according to your research topic
22 Sep 2022 (Thu)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Online Completed
28 Sep 2022 (Wed)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 5: Finding Information about Hong Kong

Introduces the searching of different types of Hong Kong materials on various subjects in the CUHK Libraries.

Topics covered:

  • Overview of resources related to HK Studies
  • Highlights of HK Studies Collection, Hong Kong Literature Database and other relevant information available in CUHK Library
  • Tour to the newly renovated Hong Kong Literature Area
26 Sep 2022 (Mon)
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Hong Kong Literature, 1/F, University Library Completed

Academic Honesty Series (Aug – Oct 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
Program 1: Demonstrating Academic Honesty in University Writing Assignments

Two essential academic skills in university writing are quoting and paraphrasing. In this in depth workshop, you will first see examples of texts and discuss what constitutes plagiarism, if any, in each case. The respective advantages of quoting and paraphrasing will be looked into. Direct quoting and paraphrasing skills which help you demonstrate academic honesty will be discussed and practised. Finally, RefWorks, a web-based bibliography management tool, will be introduced and you will know the way which helps you manage the citations easily.


Dr. Yvonne LOONG, Senior Lecturer and Acting Director, Independent Learning Centre
Ms. Lily KO, Head, Learning Services, CUHK Library

Language: English

12 Oct 2022 (Wed)
2:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 2: Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism — The Basics

This workshop introduces the concept of plagiarism with real world examples and explains what should and should not be done when citing references in academic writing.

23 Aug 2022 (Tue)
1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
Online Completed
27 Oct 2022 (Thu)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library

Assignment Season Series (Oct 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
Program 1: Develop an Effective Search Strategy for Your Assignment

This workshop covers the following to help you to:

  • Understand your reading lists, the difference between primary and secondary sources
  • Expand the range of your search terms by using similar concepts and synonyms
  • Use advanced search techniques such as Boolean Operators, truncation, filter, etc.
6 Oct 2022 (Thu)
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Online Completed
17 Oct 2022 (Mon)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 2: Finding Academic Sources to Support Your Arguments

This workshop will help you to find relevant academic sources to develop your arguments:

  • The difference between academic and popular sources
  • Find journal articles and research reports
  • Find e-news and e-books
10 Oct 2022 (Mon)
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Online Completed
19 Oct 2022 (Wed)
10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 3: Acknowledging the Sources – RefWorks Hands-on Experience

This workshop demonstrates how to use RefWorks, a web-based bibliography management tool, to produce bibliographies and in-text references in a variety of citation styles (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.).

18 Oct 2022 (Tue)
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Online Completed
31 Oct 2022 (Mon)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
24 Oct 2022 (Mon)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library
Program 4: Managing Reference Citations with EndNote 20

Demonstrates how to use EndNote 20, a tool for publishing and managing bibliographies, citations and references.

Topics covered:

  • How to import references into EndNote Desktop from LibrarySearch, databases and organize them
  • How to create an EndNote online account
  • How to produce bibliographies and in-text citations in a variety of styles (e.g. MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) for your papers
11 Oct 2022 (Tue)
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Online Completed
14 Oct 2022 (Fri)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Seminar Room, 1/F,
University Library

Job Hunting & Further Studies Series (Sep-Oct 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
Program 1: Practical Tips for Maximising Your IELTS Writing Score

Co-organised by the Independent Learning Centre and University Library, this workshop will provide participants with practical tips in making good graphical analysis and structuring the essays systematically to impress the examiners. The must-know cohesive devices for good IELTS essays will also be covered.

Speaker: Mr. Richard Eng

Language: English

14 Sep 2022 (Wed)
2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Learning Garden,
University Library
Program 2: All You Need to Know about Further Studies – From Searching for Information to Writing Personal Statements

OSA CPDC, ILC and CUHK Library will co-organize the captioned programme. Representatives from The US Consulate will share with you about the study life in the US and what to prepare, followed by the representative of CUHK Library to help you understand how university rankings work, as well as resources to prepare for language requirements and standardized admissions tests for graduate school.

A Personal Statement is an important vehicle through which you introduce yourself to a third party for a specific purpose – enrolling in a graduate school, applying for a scholarship, etc. The last part of the programme aims at introducing the skills to write good Personal Statements for academic purposes.

Cindy Lam
EducationUSA Adviser, CU Alumna

Peter Corey
Vice Consul, The US Consulate Hong Kong and Macau

Sue Fung
Faculty Liaison Librarian (Arts & General Education), CUHK Library

Sharon Wong
Assistant Lecturer, The Independent Learning Centre

Language: English

5 Oct 2022 (Wed)
3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
UCC C1 (1/F) Completed

“MakerSpace – The Basic” Series (Sep-Oct 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
Program A: Introduction to the Creative Media Studio: Video Recording in a Simple Way

This workshop will introduce:

  • Basic features of the Creative Media Studio
  • How to use the equipment in the Creative Media Studio for video recording on self-service basis
  • The High-Performance Multi-Media Workstations and the available video-editing software
15 Sep 2022 (Thu)
3:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Creative Media Studio,
Learning Garden
and MakerSpace,
LG/F, University Library
6 Oct 20222 (Thu)
11:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon
Program B: Introduction to Digital Fabrication: 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, UV Printing and Embroidery Machine

This workshop will introduce:

  • Various types of 3D printers available in the MakerSpace
  • Basic features of the Laser Cutter available in the MakerSpace
  • Basic features of the UV Printer available in the MakerSpace
  • Basic features of the Embroidery Machine available in the MakerSpace
20 Sep 2022 (Tue)
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Learning Garden
and MakerSpace,
LG/F, University Library
28 Sep 2022 (Wed)
3:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
12 Oct 2022 (Wed)
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Program C: Virtual Reality (VR) Experience Sessions

This workshop will introduce:

  • The L-shaped Immersive Virtual Reality CAVE
  • Different types of VR Head-Mounted Display (HMD)


  • Virtual Reality headsets are not suitable for people who are pregnant, experience motion sickness, high blood pressure, heart conditions, epileptic symptoms, binocular vision abnormalities, and suffer from claustrophobia and/or dizziness.
  • Don’t use the headset for more than 15 minutes at one time. Take a break.
  • Stop immediately if you experience loss of awareness, dizziness, headache etc.
26 Sep 2022 (Mon)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
VR Zone,
Learning Garden
and MakerSpace,
LG/F,University Library
11 Oct 2022 (Wed)
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

E-Resources Series (Oct-Nov 2022)

Title Date & Time Venue Registration
課程一:JULAC Webinar Series: CNKI 中國知網

(Chinese version only)


  • 認識中國知網——中文文獻檢索及應用
  • 如何在已訂購數據庫中查找到所需文獻及跟蹤前沿熱點文章、期刊——CNKI學術期刊
  • 系統性研究課題的最佳手段——CNKI學位論文 & 電子書
  • 爲什麽要使用工具書——CNKI工具書
  • 如何找到中國大陸統計數據用於定量分析——CNKI年鑒 & 統計年鑒

付宇嘉 (Serena)
CNKI 知識服務顧問

朱明鵬 (Patrick)
CNKI 知識服務顧問

語言: 普通話

11 Oct 2022 (Tue)
2:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Online Completed
Program 2: Cochrane Library: Searching Evidence-based Systematic Reviews

The Cochrane Library is a collection of evidence-based medicine databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. Join the session to learn the following topics:

  • What’s in the Cochrane Library?
  • What is MeSH? How to combine a keyword search with MeSH search?
  • PICO search
  • Common issues in search syntax
  • Navigating the search results and using filters

Mr. Fabio Di Bello, Customer Success Manager of Wiley

Language: English

3 Nov 2022 (Thu)
3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Online Completed
Program 3: Discover Protocols & Methods with Springer Nature Experiments

Springer Nature Experiments helps find and evaluate protocols and methods in the life sciences. It contains more than 65,000 articles from Springer Protocols, Nature Protocols and Nature Methods, covering subject areas in biochemistry, cell biology, genetics/genomics, molecular medicine, neuroscience, pharmacology, plant science and protein science. The session will show:

  • What is Springer Nature Experiments?
  • How to search and filter your keywords?
  • How to evaluate the content and access the information you need?
  • How to navigate across different types of protocols and method content/pages?
  • How to use Antibody pages for your experiments?

Dr. Anand Kumar Veeramachineni, Product Manager of Springer Nature

Language: English

4 Nov 2022 (Fri)
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Online Completed

Medium of Instruction: Cantonese (English will be used if users require.)

Enquiries: Email to