Chinese Medicine Texts Collection

Chinese Medicine Texts Collection

In 2014, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Library was greatly honored to receive the invaluable “Professor Cheung Siu-cheong Chinese Medicine Collection” donated by Professor KONG Yun Cheung, founding director of the School of Chinese Medicine. There are in total 2,485 scrolls of ancient Chinese Medicine readings, including 61 titles (182 scrolls) of rare books published around the age of Ming and Ching dynasty and 330 titles (1,049 scrolls) in the Ching dynasty and Minguo. Some of the books in the collection are especially rare and valuable, such as:

  • 秘傳眼科龍木醫書總論》is one of the earliest ophthalmology specialty work in China. In this book, 72 different types of eye diseases are described with diagnostic and treatment methods. This is an invaluable rare book of the Ming dynasty.
  • 丹臺玉案》is a book of collection of renowned doctors' secret formulas in the Ming era. Besides internal medicine, it also contains other specialties. It is rare and unique in China.
  • 景岳全書》is written by Ming's clinical giant, Zhang Jingyue. It is one of the best known medical books in late Chinese history. It was published by 同文堂 in 1765, only 65 years after the first edition. So it has immense historical and literature value. The book is a gold mine for researchers studying the thoughts of Master Zhang Jingyue. 
  • The School of Epidemic Diseases (Wenbing) started from the Ming Dynasty and matured in the Ching Dynasty.《傷寒溫疫條辨》is one of the representative work of Wenbing. It emphasizes the division of cool and warm. The famous " 升降散 " is still used today.

With the purpose of increasing the academic value of this collection, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Library established this collection as Chinese Medicine Texts Collection. More than half of the collection has already been digitized so that precious information from ancient materials is preserved and it facilitates the research, teaching and learning of Chinese Medicine. Audiences can access the materials through the Internet and may visit the Special Collections Reading Room to read the print. Apart from the “Professor Chong Siu Cheung Chinese Medicine Collection”, the Library plans to continue to collect and digitize other Chinese Medicine rare books and grow the collection in the future.

Ancient rare books are important materials for researching into and learning about Chinese Medicine. The history and the theory development process are revealed by reading first-hand ancient texts, which are valuable in enhancing the clinical applications. We believe establishing and enriching the Chinese Medicine Texts Collection will definitely benefit Chinese Medicine Practitioners, researchers and anyone who loves Chinese Medicine.

School of Chinese Medicine
The Chinese University of Hong Kong