The book collects 22 Chinese articles on archaeology along the southeastern coast of China. They are divided into two sections. The first section is titled "Ancient cultures in the southeast". It contains studies and first-hand reports on the excavations conducted in Zhejiang province, Fujian province, Guangdong province, Taiwan, and the Pearl Delta region. There are articles contributed by Chen Chung-yu and Tsang Cheng-hwa of the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. The second section is titled "Underwater archaeology and maritime history". It contains two articles contributed by the only underwater archaeological team of China, headed by Wei Chang, about their excavation in Fujian province in cooperation with Australian institute. In the same section are survey and excavation reports in the Gorge area. This section also includes an article on Sarawak archaeology written by Professor Cheng Te-kun. His work was first published in 1967. It examined the role of Sarawak in ancient maritime history in Southeast Asia on the basis of the ancient harbor of Santubong. The studies of Professor Cheng lay a foundation for studies in ancient maritime trade and cultural exchange for today.