CUHK Business School Graduates Seizes Eleven Awards in HKICPA’s Qualification Programme Examination

Graduates from CUHK Business School achieved outstanding performance in the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (HKICPA) Qualification Programme (QP) examinations, held in December 2013 and June 2014.
Eleven graduates from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School achieved outstanding performance in the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (HKICPA) Qualification Programme (QP) examinations, held in December 2013 and June 2014. Together, they grabbed 11 out of 16 top prizes. Among all CUHK Business School awardees, 10 are graduates of the Professional Accountancy Programme (PACC) and one is an Integrated Business Administration graduate. The awardees include:
- The December 2013 Session: CUHK Business School graduates won seven out of eight awards, including Mr Chan Kin On (Gold Award/Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize); Mr Wu Tao (Silver Award/BDO Prize); Mr Chan Man Kit (Bronze Award); Mr Lo Chun Lok (ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial Prize); Ms Liu Hei Ling (Top Prize in Module A); Ms Ho Sin Hang (Top Prize in Module C) and Mr Leung Wing Chung (Top Prize in Module D).
- The June 2014 Session: Mr Wong Wing Chun (Gold Award/Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize); Mr Wan Wai Kit (Silver Award/BDO Prize); Mr Lai Wai Tak (ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial Prize); Ms Li Weijia (Top Prize in Module B).
PACC Programme graduates have been awarded the Gold Award in the Final Examination – the top award in the HKICPA QP – in the past five consecutive examination sessions. They also won the ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial Prize, which is a prize for achieving the highest aggregate marks for all the four modules (Module A – Financial Reporting, Module B – Corporate Financing, Module C – Business Assurance, Module D – Taxation).
Dr. Shirley Kan, Professional Accountancy Program Director of CUHK Business School, said, “CUHK has been offering its accounting programme for more than 40 years, having nurtured numerous business leaders. Our graduates demonstrate a high level of competence when applying accounting and business knowledge in problem-solving, and their performance is reflected in their consistently remarkable professional examination results. In the past decade (2005-2014 June), PACC Programme graduates have the best performance among all the participating institutions (local and overseas), sweeping more than 40 percent of all the awards. Our PACC graduates are also highly sought after by employers. Over the years, the performance of PACC graduates has been highly commended by major accounting firms and large corporations. Last year, our graduates received an average of more than two offers each, with some receiving as many as five. At present, our 2014 PACC graduates have already successfully embarked on their new careers, with a majority joining the Big Four and other accounting firms. Others have chosen to join different fields such as the banking and consultancy industries as well as the public sector, while a few have chosen to continue pursuing their studies.”
The HKICPA’s Qualification Programme is designed to train accountants to handle business situations typically found in an international financial center such as Hong Kong. The programme builds on a university education, and expands into applications of accounting knowledge and professional skills in areas such as financial reporting, corporate financing, taxation, auditing and information management. Those who wish to be qualified as a CPA in Hong Kong are required to complete the Institute’s QP and undergo structured practical training with an authorized employer or supervisor to gain relevant experience.
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(From left to right) Mr Wu Tao (Silver Award/BDO Prize), Mr Chan Man Kit (Bronze Award), Mr Chan Kin On (Gold Award/Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize), Mr Wong Wing Chun (Gold Award/Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize) and Mr Wan Wai Kit (Silver Award/BDO Prize)
HKICPA QP examination – the June 2014 Session awardees: (From left to right) Mr Wong Wing Chun (Gold Award/Li Fook Shu Memorial Prize); Ms Li Weijia (Top Prize in Module B); Mr Wan Wai Kit (Silver Award/BDO Prize) and Mr Lai Wai Tak (ICAEW/Simon Morris Memorial Prize)
12 CUHK graduates posed for a group photo after the HKICPA QP award presentation ceremony.