Yang, George Yong(楊勇)
BA, MA (Peking U); PhD (Northwestern); CICPA

Director, School of Accountancy
Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Business Administration
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7255
Prof. George Yong Yang is a Professor of School of Accountancy at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He obtained his BA and MA degrees from Peking University and PhD degree from Kellogg School of Management of Northwestern University and is a Certified Public Accountant (non-practicing) of China (CICPA).
Prof. Yang has published research articles in journals such as The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies and has been on the editorial board of The Accounting Review since 2016. Prof. Yang has broad research interests related to various accounting and finance issues driven by agents’ economic incentives. He is particularly interested in topics on corporate governance, information disclosure, financial analysts, and insider trading.
Teaching Areas
Managerial Accounting
Corporate Governance
Management Control Systems
Research Interests
Information Disclosure
Financial Analysts
Corporate Social Responsibility
Insider Trading
Corporate Governance
- Publications & Working Papers
- Ying Cao, R. Hao, and George Y. Yang (2022), “National Culture and Analysts’ Forecasting Behavior,” Review of Accounting Studies, accepted and forthcoming.
- H. Kyung, J. Ng, and George Y. Yang (2021), “Does the Use of Non-GAAP Earnings in Compensation Contracts Lead to Excessive CEO Compensation? Efficient Contracting versus Managerial Power,” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 48(5-6), 841-868.
- S. Lai, Z. Li, and George Y. Yang (2020), “East, West, Home’s Best: Do Local CEOs Behave Less Myopically?” The Accounting Review, 95(2), 227-255.
- Ying Cao, F. Guan, Z. Li, and George Y. Yang (2020), “Analysts’ Beauty and Performance,” Management Science, 66(9), 4315-4335.
- Zhaoyang Gu, Zengquan Li, George Y. Yang, Guangqing Li (2019), “Friends in Need Are Friends Indeed: An Analysis of Social Ties Between Financial Analysts and Mutual Fund Managers,” The Accounting Review, 94(1), 153-181.
- Ying Cao, L. Myers, A. Tsang, and George Y. Yang (2017), “Management Forecasts and the Cost of Equity Capital: International Evidence,” Review of Accounting Studies, 22(2), 791-838.
- Ying Cao, D. Dhaliwal, Z. Li, and George Y. Yang (2015), “Are All Independent Directors Equally Informed? Evidence Based on Their Trading Returns and Social Networks,” Management Science, 61(4), 795-813.
- D. Dhaliwal, Z. Li, Albert Tsang, and George Y. Yang (2014), “Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital: The Roles of Stakeholder Orientation and Financial Transparency,” The Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 33, 328-355.
- Joseph P. H. Fan, F. Guan, Z. Li, and George Y. Yang (2014), “Relationship Networks and Earnings Informativeness: Evidence from Corruption Cases,” Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 41(7-8), 831-866.
- P. Hostak, T. Lys, and George Y. Yang (2013), “An Examination of the Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the Attractiveness of U.S. Capital Markets for Foreign Firms,” The Review of Accounting Studies, 18(2), 522-559.
- Zhaoyang Gu, Z. Li, and George Y. Yang (2013), “Monitors or Predators: The Influence of Institutional Investors on Sell-side Analysts,” The Accounting Review, 88(1), 137-169.
- D. Dhaliwal, S. Radhakrishnan, Albert Tsang, and George Y. Yang (2012), “Nonfinancial Disclosure and Analyst Forecast Accuracy: International Evidence on Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure,” The Accounting Review, 87(3), 723-759.
- D. Dhaliwal, Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and George Y. Yang (2011), “Voluntary Nonfinancial Disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital: The Initiation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting,” The Accounting Review, 86(1), 59-100.
- Grants
- “Retail investors’ information demand and activism”, Earmarked Grants awarded by Research Grants Council with HK$549,677, 2020-2022
- “Monitors or Predators: Institutional Investors Allocating Commission Fees to Analysts Brokerage Houses”, Earmarked Grants awarded by Research Grants Council, 2010-2012
- “The Rewards to Meeting or Beating Analyst Earnings Forecasts (MBE): Revisited (達到分析師預測的報酬)”, Earmarked Grants awarded by Research Grants Council, 2007-2009
- “Does Sarbanes-Oxley Act Make US Capital Market Less Attractive to Foreign Firms? – Evidence from Voluntary Delistings Sarbanes-Oxley (Oxley法案讓美國資本市場吸引力降低了嗎﹖—來自自願下市的實証分析)”, Earmarked Grants awarded by Research Grants Council, 2006-2009
- Awards & Honours
- Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, American Accounting Association, 2022
- Outstanding Fellow of the Faculty of Business Administration, CUHK, 2020-2023