Chan, Dennis(陳淑燊)
P.D. (HKPU); M.A. (Lancaster); Ph.D. (RMIT); FCPA (Aust.)

Senior Lecturer
Contact Room 850, 8/FCheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 0325
Dr. Dennis Chan is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Finance of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. Before joining CUHK, he was a Associate Professor of Business Education of Department of Accounting of HKUST, Director of School of Professional Education and Executive Development of at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU), and Associate Head and Associate Professor of School of Accounting and Finance of PolyU.
Dennis has extensive teaching experience covering areas of accounting theory, banking systems and financial markets, corporate reporting, corporate finance, corporate governance, financial statement analysis, financial strategy, investment and portfolio management, management accounting, and multinational financial management. Courses were delivered in both undergraduate and master’s degree programmes at CUHK, PolyU, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Lingnan University and Hong Kong Metropolitan University in Hong Kong.
Apart from teaching, Dennis had taken up leadership roles in academic management and programmes development. He had been a coordinator of BSc in Quantitative Finance programme of HKUST. He had also been the developer and program director of several undergraduate and master’s programmes offered by PolyU in Hong Kong and the Chinese Mainland, in face-to-face, distance learning, and also e-learning modes. A number of these programmes (e.g. Master of Professional Accounting, Master of Corporate Finance) were the first of their kinds in Hong Kong, and received endorsement and accreditation by local accounting or finance professional bodies. In addition, the Chinese EMBA, MBA and Master of Professional Accounting programmes offered by PolyU in Mainland China had received official approval by the Academic Degree Committee under the Ministry of Education of the PRC.
Dennis was also a speaker of various workshops on financial management, financial risk management, financial strategy, investments, regulatory framework of accounting and treasury management organized by CPA Australia, HKICPA, Hong Kong Institute of Investment Analysts, HK Stock Exchange, and some of the Big 4 accounting firms.
Dennis was also a subject expert of the HKCAAVQ, and advisor or examiner of various academic and professional qualification programmes offered by the HKICPA, HK Taxation Institute, HKU SPACE, HK Securities Institute, and the Securities and Futures Commission.
Teaching Areas
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance and Compliance
Financial Accounting
Financial Reporting and Analysis
Managerial Accounting
Research Interests
Corporate Finance
Corporate Governance
Financial Reporting and Analysis
- Publications & Working Papers
- Dennis Chan and Mohamed Ariff (2002), “Speed of Price Adjustment to Information in Asia,” Managerial Finance, 28(8), 44-65.
- Dennis Chan, Gerald Chau and Terence Chan (2000), “Accounting for Financial Instruments: An Overview of Issues and Some Evidence from Hong Kong,” Asian Review of Accounting, 8 (Special Issue), 97-113.
- Gerald Chau, Terence Chan (1997), “Sources of Funding and Monitoring Effects on Nonprofit Organizations from an Agency Perspective,” Asian Review of Accounting, 5(2), 66-77.
- Dennis Chan (1996), “A Study of Short-Run Overreaction in Hong Kong Stock Market,” Asian Review of Accounting, 4(2), 1-14.
- Dennis Chan and Rupert Leung (1990), “Portfolio Diversification Into The Asian Pacific Capital Markets: A Currency Perspective,” Asian Pacific Journal of Management, 7.
- Awards & Honours
- Franklin Prize for Teaching Excellence, HKUST Business School, 2017
- President’s Awards for Achievement – Teaching, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 1998
- Academic/Professional Services
Public Services
- Council Member, Caritas Institute of Community Education, January 2014-May 2019
- Academic Assessor, Centennial College, September 2013-December 2018
- Company Secretary, International Review of Finance Limited, September 2011-October 2018
- Subject Expert of Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), July 2009-June 2015
- Executive Committee member of Accounting and Finance Graduates Association, PolyU, June 2001-June 2017
- External Examiner, Open University of Hong Kong, January 2011-December 2014
Other Professional Services
- Member, Academic Advisory Panel, the HK Chartered Governance Institute, September 2010-Present
- Moderator, Paper 1 Accounting and Finance of the CTA Qualifying Examination, The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, March 2013-Present
- Founding member of the Accounting Development Foundation (ADF) Limited, and co-convenor of CPD Committee, May 2009-September 2017
- Professional Services Rendered to Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Member of Academic Advisory Panel, January 2014-June 2019
- Reviewer of QP Case Analysis Competition, October 2013-July 2021
- QP Advisor, June 2016-July 2021
- Member of Organising Committee and Convener of Exhibition Sub-committee of 2002 World Congress of Accountants organised by Hong Kong Society of Accountants and International Federation of Accountants, January 2000-January 2003
- Examiner of Qualification Programme (Module B), January 2000-December 2001
- Member of Examination Board, Hong Kong Society of Accountants, January 1996-January 1997
- Ad Hoc External Assessor of accreditation panels of Hong Kong Society of Accountants
- Honorary Secretary and Director of the Federation of Continuing Education Institutions, December 2004-December 2006
- Chairman of Quality Assurance Committee for Project Yi Jin programmes of the Federation of Continuing Education Institutions, December 2004-December 2006
- Convener of task force for the Review of Higher Diploma Descriptors commissioned by the Federation of Continuing Education Institutions, December 2005-December 2006
- Member of Academic and Accreditation Advisory Committee of the Securities and Futures Commission, February 2001-January 2003
- Organiser of 7th Annual Meeting of Asia Pacific Finance Association, Shanghai, PRC, July 2000
- Director and First Secretary of Asian Finance Association (formerly Asia Pacific Finance Association, July 2002-January 2019
- Member of Working Group on Refinement of Examination Syllabuses, Hong Kong Securities Institute, July 2001-June 2002
- Examiner for the HKSI Foundation Program Examination and Financial Market Principal Program Examination, Hong Kong Securities Institute, January 1999-December 2000
- Member of Working Party on HKSI Professional Program, Hong Kong Securities Institute, May 1998-December 1998
- Member of Continuing Professional Development Committee, CPA Australia
- Member of Examination Board, Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited, August 1997-July 1998
Consulting Work
- Reviewer of Bachelor of Accounting Programme of Macao Polytechnic Institute, October 2017-December 2017
- Member of consulting team on “A Review of Social Enterprise and The Development of A New Business Model for Civic Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong”, commissioned by the Bauhinia Foundation Research Centre, October 2012-September 2013
- Expert witness for a review of equity valuation of a listed company in Malaysia conducted by an appraisal company in HK. Appointed by Brandt Chan & Partners, August 2012-January 2013