Wang, Weiquan(王偉泉)
B.Engr, B.Econ (Tsinghua); MSc (Tsinghua); PhD(UBC)

Director, MSc Programme in Information and Technology Management
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 0603
Prof. Weiquan Wang is a Professor in the Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He received his Ph.D. in Management Information Systems from the University of British Columbia, and double-bachelor’s degrees in i) Engineering Physics and ii) Enterprise Management as well as a Master’s degree in Management Science and Engineering from Tsinghua University. Before joining CUHK Business School, he was at the College of Business at the City University of Hong Kong. He served as an associate editor of MIS Quarterly during Jan 2012 and Dec 2015. He is serving on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Association for Information Systems (JAIS) and a few other leading scholarly outlets.
Teaching Areas
IT-enabled organisational transformation
Information Systems Management
Business research method
Research Interests
Online Platforms: Designs, User Engagement and Behavior;
Human-AI/Algorithm Interaction
Online Recommendation Agents and Decision-Making
Financial Technologies
- Publications & Working Papers
- Jun Pang, Lingyun Qiu, and Weiquan Wang, “The Persuasive Power of Emoticons in Electronic Word-of-Mouth Communication on Social Networking Services,” MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
- Honglin Deng, Weiquan Wang, and Kai H. Lim, “Trustee Reputation Matters: Different Effects of Social Accounts and Financial Compensation on Repairing Integrity- and Competence-based Trust Violations,” MIS Quarterly, forthcoming.
- F. Cao, Weiquan Wang, Chee-Wee Tan, and Eric Lim (2022), “Do Social Dominance-Based Faultlines Help or Hurt Team Performance in Crowdsourcing Tournaments?” Journal of Management Information Systems, 39(1), 247-275.
- Honglin Deng, Weiquan Wang, Siyuan Li, and K. Lim (2022), “Reducing User Avoidance of Sponsored Search Results: The Effects of Social Influence Cues,” MIS Quarterly, 46(1), 35-70.
- Ran Li, Yaobin Lu, Jifeng Ma, Weiquan Wang (2021), “Examining Gifting Behavior on Social Live Streaming Services: An Identity-based Motivation Model,” Information & Management, 58(6), No. 103406.
- T. Liu, Weiquan Wang, J. Xu, D. Ding, H. Deng (2021), “Interactive effects of advising strength and brand familiarity on users’ trust and distrust in online recommendation agents,” Information Technology & People, 34(7), 1920-1947.
- Weiquan Wang, and M. Wang (2019), “Effects of Sponsorship Disclosure on Perceived Integrity of Biased Recommendation Agents: Psychological Contract Violation and Knowledge-based Trust Perspectives,” Information Systems Research, 30(2), 507–522.
- Weiquan Wang, J. Xu, and M. Wang (November 2018), “Effects of Recommendation Neutrality and Sponsorship Disclosure on Trust versus Distrust in Online Recommendation Agents: Moderating Role of Explanations for Organic Recommendations,” Management Science, 64(11), 5198-5219.
- L. Zhou, Weiquan Wang, J.D. Xu, T. Liu, and J. Gu (July 2018), “Perceived Information Transparency in B2C e-commerce: An Empirical Investigation,” Information and Management, 55(7), 912-927.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat (September 2016), “An Empirical Assessment of Alternative Designs for Enhancing Different Types of Trusting Beliefs in Online Recommendation Agents,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(3), 744-775.
- Z. Jiang, Weiquan Wang, B.C.Y. Tan, and J. Yu (2016), “The Determinants and Impacts of Aesthetics in Users’ First Interaction with Websites,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 33(1), 229-259.
- Weiquan Wang, L. Qiu, D. Kim, and I. Benbasat (2016), “Effects of Rational and Social Appeals of Online Recommendation Agents on Cognition- and Affect-based Trust,” Decision Support Systems, 86 (2016), 48-60.
- Weiquan Wang, Y. Zhao, L. Qiu, and Y. Zhu (2014), “Effects of Emoticons on the Acceptance of Negative Feedback in Computer-Mediated Communication,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 15(8), 454-483.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat (September 2013), “A Contingency Approach to Investigating the Effects of User-System Interaction Modes of Online Decision Aids,” Information Systems Research, 24(3), 861-876.
- Y. Zhu, Y. Li, Weiquan Wang, and J. Chen (June 2010), “What Leads to the Post-Implementation Success of ERP? An Empirical Study of the Chinese Retail Industry”, International Journal of Information Management, 30(3), 265-276.
- Y. Zhao, Weiquan Wang, Y. Zhu (June 2010), “Antecedents of the Closeness of Human-Avatar Relationships in a Virtual World”, Journal of Database Management, 21 (2), 41-68.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat, (2009) “Interactive Decision Aids for Consumer Decision Making in e-Commerce: The Influence of Perceived Strategy Restrictiveness,” MIS Quarterly 33(2), 293-320.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat, (2008) “Attributions of Trust in Decision Support Technologies: A Study of Recommendation Agents for E-Commerce,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 24(4), 249-273.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat, (2007) “Recommendation Agents for Electronic Commerce: Effects of Explanation Facilities on Trusting Beliefs,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 23(4), 217-246.
- Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat, (2005) “Trust in and Adoption of Online Recommendation Agents,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 6(3), 72-101.
- Zhenhui Jiang, Weiquan Wang, and Izak Benbasat, (2005) “Multimedia-based Interactive Advising Technology for Online Consumer Decision Support,” Communications of the ACM, 48(9), 92-98.
- Sherrie X. Komiak, Weiquan Wang and Izak Benbasat, (2004/2005) “Trust Building in Virtual Salespersons versus in Human Salespersons: Similarities and Differences,” e-Service Journal, 3(3), 49-63.
- Grants
- “App Innovation Strategies and Innovation Performance: A Perspective of Developer Brand Equity,” General Research Fund (GRF) awarded by Hong Kong Research Grant Council (RGC), 2021-2024 (Principal Investigator)
- “搜索引擎中竞价排名广告披露方式与用户反应的实证研究,” awarded by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2021-2024 (Principal Investigator)
- “This Is Not The Brand I Am Searching For! Can Social Influence Cues Always Reduce Sponsored Search Results Avoidance?,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2018-2021 (Principal Investigator).
- “To Click or Not To Click? An Experimental Investigation into Users’ Avoidance of Sponsored Search Results,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2016-2021 (Principal Investigator)
- “网络用户隐私担忧与主动性泄露隐私信息之间的悖论:理论探索和基于社交网络的实证研究,” awarded by NSFC, 2015-2018 (Principal Investigator)
- “Do You Really Care about Your Information Privacy? An Empirical Investigation of Privacy Attitude-Behavior Paradox in Online Social Networking Sites,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2012-2014 (Principal Investigator)
- “The Effects of Advising Strength on Users’ Trust and Distrust in Online Recommendation Agents: The Moderation Role of Source Credibility and Recommendation Familiarity,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2011-2012 (Principal Investigator)
- “To Trust or Distrust Online Recommendation Agents? An Experimental Investigation into the Effect Mechanisms of Recommendation Neutrality and Transparency Strategies,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2010-2012 (Principal Investigator)
- “Effects of Anthropomorphic Interfaces vs. Explanation Facilities on Trust in Online Recommendation Agents: An Elaboration Likelihood Model Perspective,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2008-2010 (Principal Investigator)
- “Trust in Technological Artifacts: Dimensions and Roles in a Trust Network,” GRF awarded by RGC, 2007-2009 (Principal Investigator)