Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

About MABS

Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies

Information Session

Date: 8 January 2022 (Sat)
Time: 3:00-4:30pm
Powerpoint: Here

Graduate Division of Religious Studies, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (Ms. Ivy Wong)
Tel: (852) 3943 1352
E-Mail: ivywong@cuhk.edu.hk
MABS Application Deadline: 18 April 2022

「凝視人間,悲智雙運」  “Seeing humanity with compassion and wisdom”


Buddhist Studies is an emerging interdisciplinary field of study in our contemporary world. It becomes an important subset of religious studies. To promote this important field of Buddhist studies, the Graduate Division of Religious Studies of the Department of Cultural and Religious Studies (CRS) and the Center for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism (CSHB) launches a new programme of “Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies”. The programme promotes an understanding of the Mahāyāna Buddhism in its historical context and teachings and thoughts of its different schools. It also emphasizes a depth and breadth of understanding and a life-long learning of the Buddhist tradition.

The programme aims at providing students a systematic and comprehensive training on Buddhist Studies at postgraduate level. In addition to a historical study of the tradition, the programme will also engage students in a discussion of contemporary social issues. The programme adopts a multi-disciplinary approach that studies the Buddhist tradition from textual, philosophical, historical and ethical perspectives. The programme also strives to promote Buddhist studies on Humanistic Buddhism and to nurture Buddhist talents.


Our motto:  “Seeing humanity with compassion and wisdom”


Teaching Staff

Teacher’s Name: Prof. Chen Chien-huang 陳劍鍠教授
Prof. Chen Kai Yu (Venerable Huei Kai) 慧開法師教授
Prof. Douglas Gildow 究道格教授
Prof. Kim Minku 金玟求教授
Prof. John Lagerwey 勞格文教授
Dr. Lok Wai Ying Irene 駱慧瑛博士
Prof. Tam Wai Lun 譚偉倫教授
Dr. Xueyu 學愚博士
Prof. Yao Zhi-hua 姚治華教授

Part-Time Lecturers:
Dr. Shi Xianda 釋賢達博士
Dr. Sik Fa Ren 釋法忍博士
Dr. Tong Sau Lin 唐秀連博士

(The teaching staffs are listed in alphabetical order. Other teaching staff will be appointed.)