Course Code Course Title Description
MUSC6000 Research Methods and Bibliography Location and use of sources, bibliographic methods, written and oral presentations of sample research projects.
MUSC6050 Independent Study I The area of study is to be determined by student and instructor. Student who wishes to take this course must consult his/her programme advisor and submit a study plan to the teacher concerned for approval. May be repeated once but on a different topic.
MUSC6051 Independent Study II The area of study is to be determined by student and instructor. Student who wishes to take this course must consult his/her programme advisor and submit a study plan to the teacher concerned for approval. May be repeated once but on a different topic.
MUSC6100 Advanced Composition I Writing music with a view to the development of technical control of materials, fluency and the expression of a personal style.
MUSC6101 Advanced Composition II Writing music with a view to the development of technical control of materials, fluency and the expression of a personal style.
MUSC6150 Computer-Aided Composition This course covers the application of digital and analog methods of data storage, processing and control in music. Students are not only guided to appreciate the aesthetics of electronic music, they are also given the opportunity to apply what they have learnt in the process of original music making.
MUSC6200 Ethnomusicology I: History and Theory Bibliography, history and theory of ethnomusicology.
MUSC6201 Ethnomusicology II: Methods and Fieldwork

Collection of primary source material for a variety of music in Hong Kong and possibly outside Hong Kong. (Prerequisite course: MUSC6200 Ethnomusicology I: History and Theory)

MUSC6202 Ethnomusicology III: Current Issues Bibliography, history and theory of ethnomusicology. (Prerequisite course: MUSC6201 Ethnomusicology II: Methods and Fieldwork)
MUSC6203 Ethnomusicology IV: Practical Issues Topics in this course include the skills of proposal writing, budgeting, presentation of research, etc. (Prerequisite course: MUSC6202 Ethnomusicology III: Current Issues)
MUSC6250 Special Topic I: Chinese Music I Addressing significant issues and topics in the study of Chinese music, the course aims to expose students to both Chinese and international scholarship by means of an up-to-date discussion of Chinese music.
MUSC6251 Special Topic II: Chinese Music II Addressing significant issues and topics in the study of Chinese music, the course aims to expose students to both Chinese and international scholarship by means of an up-to-date discussion of Chinese music.
MUSC6252 Special Topic III: Ethnomusicology and World Music I Musical traditions of selected non-western cultures (e.g. Japan, India, Africa) and crosscultural issues in ethnomusicology will be studied.
MUSC6253 Special Topic IV: Ethnomusicology and World Music II Musical traditions of selected non-western cultures (e.g. Japan, India, Africa) and crosscultural issues in ethnomusicology will be studied.
MUSC6350 Seminar in Musicology: Renaissance and Early Baroque Music Topics include a wide range of music and styles common from 1400 to 1700. Readings from pertinent letters, documents and treatises and the standard secondary literature.
MUSC6351 Seminar in Musicology: Late Baroque to 1870 Development of musical culture and society within Europe during the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Readings from the most influential historiographic literature. Discussion of current issues and debates within eighteenth and nineteenth-century musical studies.
MUSC6352 Seminar in Musicology: From 1870 to the Present Significant musical trends and historiographic literature for this period. Primary emphasis is on Western music.
MUSC6353 Topics in Sacred Music Focus on liturgical, devotional and sacred Christian music prior to 1700.
MUSC6354 Topics in Western Opera Historical development of opera with focus on a composer, a group of composers, or a particular problem within opera studies. Opera as a cultural product peculiar to a specific historical context.
MUSC6355 Topics in the Orchestra and Its Music Orchestra in historic and social contexts; repertoire, leadership and co-ordination; and development of instrumentation.
MUSC6356 Musical Notation Study and transcription of selected examples from Medieval, Renaissance notation systems.
MUSC6357 Topics in Musicology I Specialized historical or genre studies exploring aspects of music creation, analysis, or performance of Western music. A substantial oral presentation and research paper will be required during the term.
MUSC6358 Topics in Musicology II Specialized historical or genre studies exploring aspects of music creation, analysis, or performance of Western music. A substantial oral presentation and research paper will be required during the term.
MUSC6400 Seminar in the Theory and Analysis of Music I

Selected studies in music theory, comparative theory, history of music theory, acoustics and aesthetics.

MUSC6401 Advanced Tonal Music Theory and Analysis Analytical studies of the tonal repertory with emphasis on canonical techniques, underlying theories and the latest scholarship.
MUSC6402 Advanced Post-tonal Music Theory and Analysis Analytical studies of the post-tonal repertory with emphasis on canonical techniques, underlying theories and the latest scholarship.
MUSC6450 Seminar in the Theory and Analysis of Music II Selected studies in music theory, comparative theory, history of music theory, acoustics and aesthetics.
MUSC6451 Special Topics: Theory and Analysis Selected studies in music theory, comparative theory, history of music theory, acoustics and aesthetics.
MUSC8025 M.Phil. / M.Mus. Thesis/Portfolio Preparation MPhil/MMus students are required to enroll for the course each term throughout the thesis/portfolio preparation. Students who take this course beyond their minimum period of study are not required to pay full tuition fee.
MUSC8026 Ph.D. / D.Mus. Dissertation/Portfolio Preparation

PhD/DMus students are required to enroll for the course each term throughout the dissertation/portfolio preparation. Students who take this course beyond their minimum period of study are not required to pay full tuition fee.