The Department of Music at The Chinese University of Hong Kong established its ensemble-in-residence programme in 2009. Its aim is to provide an opportunity for composers at the beginning stages of their careers to have their music played by professional musicians, as well as to promote intellectual exchanges between performers and composers on contemporary music.
Kai Hei CHOR (cello), Ivy Suet Wah CHUANG (flute), Gallant HO (violin), Ling HUI (piano), Lorenzo A. IOSCO (clarinet)

(in alphabetical order)

Kai Hei CHOR, cello: Former Principal Cellist at Royal College of Music London. Kai-Hei Chor is one of the most active Hong Kong young cellists. Prize winner of Schoenfeld International String Competition and International Competition 'Giovanni Musicisti - Città di Treviso', Italy, KAI HEI CHOR is currently a Cellist at the Hong Kong New Music Ensemble, and Artistic Director of local music group Musicademics. 

Ivy Suet Wah CHUANG, flute: An acclaimed flutist and piccoloist from Hong Kong. Ivy appears regularly with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and other local orchestras. She can also be heard in numerous film and pop recordings. Learning to play flute at the tender age of 10, she soon made her heralded debut with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra at age 17 before her professional career.

Gallant HO, violin: A violinist with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra since 2002, Gallant earned his Master of Music Degree at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music after receiving a scholarship from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Music and Dance Fund for Overseas Study in 2000.

Ling HUI, piano: A renowned pianist and educator in Hong Kong, faculty member of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Hong Kong Baptist University.

Lorenzo A. IOSCO, clarinet: An Italian clarinetist and conductor based in Hong Kong, and a member of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra. Before moving to Asia in 2015, he studied the clarinet at the Luigi Cherubini Conservatory in Florence from where he graduated with Distinction. He then became a member at Madrid Opera House Teatro Real in Spain for three years and London Symphony Orchestra for seven years, respectively.


2019-2020 & 2020–21
Cong Quartet

Founded at the Indiana University Jacobs School of Music, Cong Quartet has performed around Asia, the United States and Europe and established themselves as one of the most energetic and enthusiastic groups. Currently the Ensemble-in-Residence of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019-20. Cong Quartet was the first place and Grand Prize winner of the 2019 Salzburg Mozart International Chamber Competition in Tokyo, members of the Cong Quartet were also prize winners in the Osaka International Music Competition, Alice & Eleonore Schoenfeld International String Competition, Generation Next Arts Competition, Lima Young Artist Competition and Hong Kong International Strings Competition. Cong Quartet share the philosophy of promoting Asian and Hong Kong's own chamber repertoire, as well as integrating chamber music into daily lives of the audience. The name of the quartet, "CONG" is a combination of the quartet founding members' last names that alludes to Hong "Kong", where the founding members grew up and played together since their teenage before the Quartet was officially formed.

The Stellar Trio

Stellar Trio emerged from the Beijing New Music Ensemble [BNME (disc. Wild Grass NAXOS)] core members Zhu Mu (cello) and Michelle Yip (piano) collaborating with clarinettist Irene Chen focusing on the performance of contemporary works composed by living composers in Asia, Europe, and North America. Over the past 13 years, BNME core members have collaborated with new and vibrant musicians that have based themselves in Beijing such as Arirang New Waves featuring the debut of works by composers from South Korea, Hong Kong, China, and USA; sponsored US Embassy in Beijing concert celebrating contemporary works by African American Composers; Duo Concerts with core members and new musicians, such as 2017 sponsored concert by the Shanghai Swiss Consulate Residence featuring Ms. Chen and Ms. Yip premiering works by Swiss Composer Stephan Hodel and other contemporary works; and 2017 recording of Schnittke Cello Sonata by Mr. Zhu and Ms. Yip released on Tian Tian Culture Label.


Contrast Trio

Contrast is the first and only saxophone-violin-piano trio to have emerged and regularly performed in Hong Kong. Described by many as "a powerful, sensational and unconventional combination", Contrast's unique group sound has won the hearts of many audience local and abroad.

Contrast was established in London a decade ago, when saxophonist Timothy Sun, pianist Jenny Ng, and violinist Kitty Cheung were classmates at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. A daring combination, Contrast pushes the boundary of chamber music repertoire and programming with their new voice. In additional to performing many lesser-known pieces, Contrast is also dedicated to the premiering and promoting of music by living composers. Many have written new works especially for the ensemble, including renowned Hong Kong composers Alfred Wong Hok-Yeung, Austin Yip, Charles Kwong, Fung Lam, and award-winning Macau composer Ip Kim-Kuok, English composers such as David Wallace, Matthew Knowles, Glenn Martin and Michael Picknett, French-Vietnamese composer An Ton That, and Chinese composer Fong Kin. Contrast also often surprise the audience with its own rearrangements and transcription of works from the popular and the classical genres, as well as performing works for its duo permutations.

Hong Kong Wind Kamerata

The Hong Kong Wind Kamerata features Hong Kong's most talented wind players who are dedicated to promoting the rich wind repertoire throughout the region. They have toured to Switzerland, New York City, Tokyo, Taiwan, Beijing, Shanghai, Macau and have appeared in festivals like the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM), the Music Festival of the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and Le French May Festival. The group has performed with some world class prominent artists, such as the legendary oboist Maurice Bourgue, bassoonist Martin Gatt, flutist Pierre Yves Artaud, hornist Andre Cazalet, trumpeter Guy Touvron and clarinettists Philippe Cuper and Florent Heau.

Anonymous Quartet

Formed in 2009, the Anonymous Quartet is a professional piano quartet in Hong Kong. It consists of sought-after musicians based in Hong Kong, whose paths crossed after receiving their studies at prestigious conservatories and institutions in Germany, Australia, UK, USA and Canada, with all four having extensive chamber music experiences internationally.

Romer String Quartet

Named after Hong Kong's endemic Romer's Tree Frog, the Romer String Quartet is a genuinely local ensemble formed by musicians all born and raised in Hong Kong. The quartet has been recognised locally and abroad as one of the most active string quartets in town since its debut in 2013.

Jenga – The Hong Kong Percussion Quartet

Jenga was founded in January 1998. The objective is to perform original percussion music and to promote works of local composers. The concept of the quartet goes back to 1996, when the founders as well as members of the quartet, which included Raymond Leung, Sophia Woo, Margie Tong and Choy Lap- Tak, all shared a strong desire to promote the rich variety of music from the percussion repertoire. The quartet was also honored to have Dr. Lung Heung Wing, former Principal Percussionist of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, serving as its Honorary Adviser. Jenga members play with technical mastery and make use of various interpretative methods to display the forcefulness, gentleness, excessiveness, stability and colorful layering of percussion music.

Mary Wu and Friend

Hailed as 'one of the most gifted pianists of her generation' for her 'musical variety, profundity and sensitivity' by Ravel's protege Vlado Perlemuter, Mary Wu is also praised by the late Lord Yehudi Menuhin as having 'a captivating poetical quality to her playing'. European review praises Wu for "her extraordinary artist quality, absolute mastery over the keyboard and magical virtuosity". Starting from an early age, Mary Wu has performed extensively throughout the world as soloist and in chamber performances with artists including Lord Menuhin, Vlado Perlemuter, Richard Stoltzman, Colin Carr, the Maggini Quartet and appeared in major festivals. Wu has also collaborated with many major orchestras and has several CD recordings on BMG, ASV, Dutton and Universal Label. Wu is a graduate of the Yehudi Menuhin School, the Royal College of Music and has completed her Doctoral degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. Her teachers include Mrs. Betty Drown, Peter Norris, Vlado Perlemuter, Louis Kentner, Kendall-Taylor and Gilbert Kalish.

Chinese Music Virtuosi

Chinese Music Virtuosi was founded in 1997. Its mission is to promote Chinese instrumental music – from cherished oldies to newly commissioned works. Its 6 members – Loo Sze Wang (sheng), Chu Siu Wai (dizi), Pan Ya Sze (yangqin), Chiu Tan Ching (zheng) and Wong Chi Chung (huqin) are all experienced performers, and they all share the same belief that there are still lots of possibilities in the world of Chinese music and with further exploration on the performance techniques and an expansion of repertoire, Chinese music can have a very different prospect.

Trio de TST

Trio de TST is formed by Olivier Nowak (flute), Andrew Ling (violin) and Teresa Suen (harp).

Hong Kong Kamerata

With members coming from different local orchestras and artistic groups and active in concert halls, both locally and internationally, Hong Kong Kamerata introduces chamber music playing through performing with different local and international artists, Hong Kong Wind Kamerata and other artistic groups. Aiming to promote medium-to large-sized chamber music playing in Hong Kong and transforming Hong Kong to a place for ensemble playing, Hong Kong Kamerata wishes to bring the audience with a new experience of live music. In 2007, the group was invited to participate in the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM) World Music Days, while in 2010, the group is invited to appear in a live broadcasting concert in "New Generation 2010" from RTHK.